WATCH: Another One of Biden’s Bumbling Speeches at White House Event

On a day that has now become typical, President Joe Biden, who has 81 years of age to his name, demonstrated another in a string of verbal errors while addressing the nation on Tuesday from the White House. The president was there to announce the implementation of new legal protections for a multitude of individuals residing in the country without official documentation. However, this recent verbal stumble is not a stand-alone event, it joins a series of gaffes that have characterized Biden’s public appearances in recent times. The White House response has been a dismissal, dubbing the footage of these instances as fabricated.

In the middle of this important announcement, the President appeared to struggle while introducing Alejandro Mayorkas, the Secretary of Homeland Security, his speech then deteriorating into a string of incoherent mutterings. It was not long before this gaffe became a hot topic on social media platforms, adding once again to the long list of public missteps from the President.

In an attempt to downplay these incidents, on Monday, Karine Jean-Pierre, addressing the White House press, labelled the circulated videos showcasing the President’s bloopers as nothing but deceptive manipulations aimed at misleading the American public. Asserting that the videos were ‘cheap fakes’, Jean-Pierre suggested that their dissemination was ill-intended.

In her words, ‘What you referred to as ‘cheap fakes video’, that’s exactly the right term. These videos are not authentic. They are false and created with a malicious intent.’ Jean-Pierre proceeded to claim that it was the right-wing press disseminating false materials, a conclusion she reached crediting fact-checking organizations that accuse these news outlets of spreading ‘misinformations and disinformation’.

One recent instance to further underscore these ‘senior moments’ transpired during a conversation between former President Obama, current President Biden and comedian Jimmy Kimmel. After the discussion ended, the scene of President Biden standing in a daze, seeming lost while the crowd looked on, was unnerving to watch.

In an attempt to save face, former President Obama quickly came to Biden’s aid. He gently grabbed Biden’s hand, walked him off stage while keeping a steady arm around his ex-deputy. Despite this clear evidence, Jean-Pierre continued to accuse the media of belittling the President.

Jean-Pierre went on to criticize the media for prioritizing coverage of these blunders over real achievements. She emphasized, ‘Why not discuss the President’s commendable in-office performance? For instance, the numerous legislative victories he’s had, or the ways he’s impacted American lives across the country. However, all we get are deep fake videos produced in bad faith.’ Indeed, there have been instances where manipulated videos attacked the President directly.

One particularly contentious clip surfaced following the G-7 summit in Italy. The footage displayed the president leaving the group of world leaders mid-discussion to have a chat with parachuters. It took the intervention of the Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, to steer Biden back to the group for a crucial photo-op.

All of these events inviting questions about the President’s capacity to effectively perform his duties. Despite the videos circulating widely and causing rightful concern among the public, Jean-Pierre reiterated the narrative of a conspiracy meant to distract from the President’s accomplishments, dismissing these instances as ‘cheap fakes’.

A demographic of our nation, however, are not simply buying into this narrative but instead are taking these occurrences as serious suggestions of an underlying concern regarding Biden’s physical fitness to execute his presidential responsibilities. They are voicing their worries on various platforms, with much of their discourse expressing unease rather than schadenfreude.

While the intent behind disseminating these videos remains questionable, they have undeniably whipped up a storm of concern over Biden’s cognitive health. Such instances, far from being isolated, keep repeating themselves, drawing attention and causing the public to question whether all is indeed well.

It’s crucial to talk about these moments because they reflect more than just the aging process of our President. These are incidents that occur during notable press events, critical policy discussions, and important national announcements. As such, they strike at the heart of people’s trust in the office of the Presidency.

Without a doubt, the accusations by Jean-Pierre are serious and if any evidence about the manufactured nature of these videos surfaces, it will clear the air regarding Biden’s episodes. However, until then, the public is left to form their opinions based on the existing narrative.

Such criticisms have increasingly put the White House on the defensive, as they have to constantly debunk the authenticity of these videos. The administration’s focus thus seems to be constantly wavering between carrying out their duties and tackling damaging public perceptions.

The concern remains that as long as these events continue to occur, public trust in the administration could dwindle. Time will tell if these episodes are mere glitches or if they point towards something more concerning, just as the public’s watchful eye will follow every move of President Biden.

WATCH: Another One of Biden’s Bumbling Speeches at White House Event appeared first on Real News Now.

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