Navy Sailor Attemps to Access President Biden’s Medical Records

In an unsettling event earlier this year, a Navy servicemember attempted, albeit unsuccessfully, to pry into the tightly held medical records of President Joe Biden. Military sources confirmed the misguided actions of the sailor on a Tuesday. It is worth mentioning that this sailor, rather curiously, was on assignment with the Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command at Fort Belvoir, noteworthy for its proximity to the influential circles of power in Northern Virginia.

The Navy revealed, while toeing the line of discretion in not identifying the sailor, that the name ‘Joseph Biden’ was bizarrely searched for three times within a military health system’s electronic database. The spaced-out searches were accomplished over a period of several hours. It seems that the sailor’s curiosity held sway over principled actions – an incident noticed by CBS News and ABC News.

It is perhaps inevitable that this unfortunate event has cast yet another shadow on President Biden, whose mental faculties have already triggered skepticism and disquiet. After his debate performance on June 27, even his fellow Democrats have shown concerning lack of faith in his re-election bid, clearly suggesting a waning confidence in his ability to lead.

The detection of this egregious violation of medical privacy laws was made possible by an attentive co-worker of the sailor. After surfacing this violation, the Naval Criminal Investigative Service took over the investigation, concluding it formally on April 24, as noted by Commander Hawkins. Thanks to the diligent service members, such an invasion was swiftly handled.

In an attempt to downplay the situation, Commander Hawkins clarified through an email that the sailor did not gain access to the president’s electronic medical records. He went on to state that the president’s personal information remained untarnished throughout. While this is certainly comforting, it does not detract from the initial issue at hand – the dangerous curiosity of the sailor.

Rather predictably, the Navy has chosen not to disclose the specifics of the disciplinary actions it had to take against the sailor. A seemingly strategic choice, yet also an alarming indication that incidents like these may not face the rigorous scrutiny they deserve. The Biden campaign passed the burden of handling queries about the incident to the White House, whose silence has yet to be broken.

A most intriguing aspect of this situation lies within the disclosure practices of our political leaders. Despite being the two eldest major-party candidates to run for presidential office in the annals of history, neither Biden nor his erstwhile adversary, former President Donald J. Trump, has offered the public a transparent view of their medical histories. The implications of this secrecy are as hushed as they are troubling.

In an ongoing saga filled with surreptitious actions and ambiguity, the Biden administration has recently been thrown into the spotlight regarding recurrent visits from a certain Parkinson’s disease expert at the esteemed Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Over the course of eight months, from the summer of the previous year until the spring of the present one, this expert has graced the White House with his presence no less than eight times.

The frequency and regularity of these visits suggest more than routine checkups. Dr. Kevin Cannard, a neurologist with considerable renown, was the expert extending his services. The details of his numerous interactions have been painstakingly chronicled in the White House’s visitor logs, further inviting suspicion.

Worth mentioning is that at least one of these eight instances was dedicated to a meeting with Biden’s personal physician. Considering the specialized area of expertise Dr. Cannard represents, his involvement in President Biden’s medical affairs certainly raises eyebrows.

In a possibly misguided attempt to quell apprehension, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, the White House physician, issued a statement on a Monday night. According to him, Biden has been seeing Dr. Cannard annually as part of his general physical examination, and the latest examination indicated no sign of Parkinson’s disease.

While Dr. O’Connor’s attempts to reassure may be commendable, it doesn’t sufficiently address the concern head-on. After all, why would a Parkinson’s specialist be part of a general physical exam, particularly so regularly and frequently?

The incidents relayed here serve as a potent reminder of the startling sketchiness that currently shrouds the state of President Biden’s health. As is often said, in the world of politics, it’s the unanswered questions that tend to exercise the most intrigue.

Navy Sailor Attemps to Access President Biden’s Medical Records appeared first on Real News Now.

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