Biden’s Embarrassing ‘Big Boy Press Conference’ Signifies Incompetence

Former American President Donald Trump, known for his political spectacles, has made appearances at approximately 80 political events and campaign rallies after announcing his intention for re-election on November 15, 2022. His typical speech at these events is primarily filled with promises of reducing federal regulations, halving energy costs, revitalizing the automobile industry, safeguarding Social Security, reallocating considerable federal law-enforcement resources for border security, halting Russia’s involvement in Ukraine, and averting a potential World War III. Trump has always favored right-wing media houses which are known for their unchallenging questions, giving him a platform to propagate distorted narratives with complete impunity.

Joe Biden, aged 81, struggles to shake off doubts concerning his capacity to vigorously campaign for a second term in office. In an effort to prove his resilience, Biden participated in what his White House inappropriately branded as a ‘big boy press conference’ that marked the end of the recent NATO summit in Washington, D.C. Unsurprisingly, Biden fumbled through this hour-long press conference where he fielded questions from 11 news institutions on July 11. This embarrassing performance has only amplified the voices within his own Democratic party demanding that he make way for Vice President Kamala Harris.

Indeed, predictions about Biden’s failings came true mere ten days after the press conference, as he finally relinquished his pursuit of a second term. This crisis within the Democratic party left me pondering about Trump’s willingness to partake in his own ‘big boy news conference’.

Trump, aged 78, spearheaded the narrative that Biden was too old and weak for presidency. However, Trump’s recent appearances betray evidence of his own decline. His rallies have been marked by garbled speech, inexplicable diversions into irrelevant subjects, and baseless rants about being a victim of supposed universal conspiracy. Unfortunately, Trump’s media engagement has predominantly been with indulgent supporters, who are more than eager to toss easy questions his way.

After agreeing to engage in a Presidential debate hosted by ABC News slated for September 10th, Trump has now opted for a friendly battleground—Fox News. This decision follows the change in the Democratic party’s nomination from Biden to Harris. Trump, who relentlessly criticized Biden for being overly sheltered, ironically exposes his own apprehensions about stepping out of his comfort zone.

Can Trump, famed for holding attention at rally speeches for over an hour, endure a similar amount of time at a podium, offering clear, detailed answers to political queries about his strategies, policies, and how he intends to govern in a second term? Trump’s campaign, when questioned about their plans for a standard news conference, offered an evasive response.

Steven Cheung, Trump’s spokesperson, deflected the question I asked by stating, ‘President Trump hosts rallies with thousands of people, provides lengthy speeches, interacts with the media daily, partakes in interviews on various platforms and so forth.’ He praised the extensiveness of Trump’s new policy plan, which has been released most recently.

Echoing such sentiments, the Republican National Committee unveiled a condensed platform document ahead of their convention this month in Milwaukee. It’s interesting to note that Biden, too, had an extensive policy document, but that hardly convinced voters of his capability to persist until November 5.

Recently, Trump participated in a limited conference call with media outlets organized by the RNC. However, this bears no resemblance to the challenge of answering pointed questions live on national television. Yet, Trump seems to be consistent in his tactic—give a lot of talk time and avoid answering difficult questions.

Informants speculated about Trump’s stop at a cheesesteak joint in Philadelphia before a rally on June 22, he offered scanty replies but chiefly used his fan crowd to evade press queries. On June 13, he made a quick comment at a meeting with Republican legislators in Washington, D.C., but swiftly exited when reporters asked probing questions.

Both Trump’s supporters and mainstream media have criticized Biden’s withdrawal from media interviews and avoidance of questions. But should Trump not be held accountable to the same standards? It needs to be said for Kamala Harris too, who is now the potential candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination. However, a week into her nomination and Harris shows no signs of retreating.

In fairness, if Trump decided to participate in a ‘big boy news conference’, it’s unlikely he would offer a concise and insightful examination of pressing issues such as the possibility of World War III or his strategies to ward off such a dismal eventuality.

Trump, who survived an assassination attempt on July 13, pledged to deliver a convention speech focused on uniting the nation, veering from his typical bluster. But this newfound approach seemed short-lived during his RNC speech which essentially became an extended airing of his common grievances and unsubstantiated claims.

As one of the most sensitive politicians America has had, Trump abhors being asked for clarification on his declarations. Often, he responds vaguely with a ‘You’ll see’ but is also known to erupt in fury against those who dare to question him. Ideally, voters should witness this behavior, judge it for themselves and consider it when casting their ballots in the presidential election. That is the likely reason Trump will avoid the ‘big boy news conference’ like the plague.

Biden’s Embarrassing ‘Big Boy Press Conference’ Signifies Incompetence appeared first on Real News Now.

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