Democrats Swapping Biden for Harris: Sign of Internal Chaos

The U.S. presidential election landscape has drastically evolved recently. A mere week ago, a foregone conclusion hung over the electoral process, with unwavering allies of Donald Trump envisioning an unopposed triumph during the Republican National Convention. This prevailing belief was bolstered by the courage shown by Trump, following his resilience to a life-threatening incident. On the opposite side, Democrats seemed extremely distressed, clinging onto a lackluster candidate; President Joe Biden portraying a somewhat diminished figure.

However, the past seven days have witnessed extraordinary events that have revolutionized the 2024 presidential contest. With a mere 99 days left until election day, a fresh race has formulated, giving rise to new candidates and political paradigms. Vice President Kamala Harris was brought in as a last-minute substitute for Biden, stimulating a sudden flurry of donations, social media uptake and an unjustified excitement among Democrats reminiscent of the Barack Obama fervor two decades prior.

In contrast, Republicans are suddenly dealing with an unexpected turn of events, prompting concerns and frustrations. Key conservative figures have started to question Trump’s selection of JD Vance as his running mate. Vance, an Ohio senator with minimal tenure and a history of controversial remarks, seems to have created more skepticism than support within the party.

Interestingly, just under two weeks before, Vance received a momentous applause delivering a speech at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. A belief was prevalent that Trump’s resilience following his near-death experience was a sign of Trump’s unerring judgment. However, with the abrupt transformation of the electoral environment, these assumptions are starting to wane.

This swift revolution in the presidential race illustrates that in the Trump era, the expected narratives often falter. Be that as it may, the sudden confidence exhibited by the Democrats might be ill-founded. Although preliminary public polls imply that Harris is starting with a slight advantage over Trump, when compared to Biden’s position prior to his withdrawal, the race is still incredibly tight in this deeply divided nation.

Unanswered ambiguities surrounding the rest of the campaign persist. Harris has yet to finalize her running mate, and Trump has introduced further speculation concerning the prospect of the upcoming debate scheduled for September 10 and hosted by ABC. Potential interferences from third-party candidates may introduce unanticipated turns, and the impact of billion-dollar political advertising campaigns is yet to be seen. Despite these uncertainties, the shift in the political climate is irrefutable.

The Harris campaign publicized that the Vice President fundraised a record-breaking $200 million in the week following her takeover from Biden. Over this period, an unexpected 170,000 volunteers pledged to support the new Democratic candidate, presenting an illusionary sense of Democratic resurgence.

Democratic contenders have seemingly benefitted from this sudden upsurge. John Anzalone, a former Biden pollster, labeled Harris’ candidacy as ‘resetting’ the Democratic party. In the midst of this, some Democratic figures, such as Sen. Tammy Baldwin who declined Biden’s recent visits, suddenly appeared eager to associate themselves with Harris.

The same desperation was evident in Michigan, where Gov. Gretchen Whitmer declined accompanying Biden on her state visit earlier this month, only to headline an event for Harris in Pennsylvania. Whitmer even campaigned for Harris in New Hampshire, suggesting a certain anxiousness in the Democratic camp to rally behind a new figurehead.

The narrative among Democrats has switched from questions about Biden’s age and mental agility to attacking Republicans on issues that fit into their new narrative. Harris, living up to her prosecutor past, has tried to pin Trump over his legal predicaments in New York, a move seen as playing to her strengths.

Critics may reason that Harris can connect with the abortion issue more effectively as a woman, something Biden couldn’t quite achieve. However, such stances may fail to resonate with a significant part of the American population who strongly value conservative beliefs and family values.

When looking at the race with a broader perspective, the shift in the narrative among Democrats may seem superficial. While it may have offered some impetus, the fundamental ideologies and policy decisions that led to their prior struggles still persist.

Moreover, the expectations surrounding Trump’s victory remain significant, given his community-centric policies. The changes seen in the political landscape are normal shifts rather than permanent transformations. As the election day draws near, the race is expected to offer many more twists and surprises.

Democrats Swapping Biden for Harris: Sign of Internal Chaos appeared first on Real News Now.

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