Kamala Harris: A Beacon for the Misguided

Kamala Harris, touted as the savior of the Democratic party when President Biden retreated from the presidential race, has caused quite a stir in recent times. Seeking to ascend to Biden’s vacated spot, Harris promised to make a bid for American hearts. Suddenly, the coffers swelled to the tune of $200 million in the first week alone, a staggering 66% of which were fresh donations. It was fascinating to observe this surge, as Harris had mainly dwelt in Biden’s shadow, just as all vice presidents are traditionally expected to.

A whirlpool of appraisal and disapproval surround Harris, for reasons that can only be deemed superficial. Among these factors, her ethnicity and gender appear to be at the forefront. Some laud her as a beacon for the underrepresented, a joyous manifestation of female empowerment. Yet, it is significant to note that there are currently only 28 females leading nations across the globe. The celebration of Harris’s rise purely on these grounds seems inexplicably exaggerated.

Harris’s declared intent to secure the Democratic presidential nomination relied heavily on the belief in her charisma and a plethora of experience. However, these qualities do not inherently guarantee substantial progress or competent governance. As much as her supporters commend her identity as a woman of color, it is not indicative of her capability or efficacy in leading a nation. A leader’s strength of character should be admired, yes, but not without critical examination of their potential and proficiency to govern effectively.

Harris’s advocates often reference her religious upbringing, as if to insinuate a superior moral compass guiding her political pursuits. In fact, the former president was infamous for leveraging his Christian faith as a campaign tool, despite his rhetoric often contradicting the principles he claimed to uphold. Such paradoxes seem to pervade the world of politics, where promises rarely lead to action and unity seems like a lofty, unachievable dream.

A politician’s claims of faith should, arguably, resonate in their actions and policies. Sadly, the former president fell short in displaying any such correlation. His campaign voice was often saturated with divisive messages, further alienating different demographics rather than unifying them. Rather than tackling pressing issues such as crime, environmental degradation, education, and national security, he opted for grandstanding gestures like brandishing and peddling Bibles.

There was something undeniably disconcerting about the former president’s campaign rhetoric. His words, aimed at Christians, promised unrealistic solutions that brazenly patronized his targeted demographic. These assertions provided no constructive solution to manage the political and civic turmoil brewing in the nation. Instead, they hid behind a facade of religious appeal, effectively belittling the principles at the core of our democracy.

Indeed, politicians needn’t be overtly religious, but an unwavering commitment to our founding principles is non-negotiable. Democracy mandates that all its participants work collectively, transcending individual biases and preserving the cooperative spirit of governance. It is on these grounds that the former president’s claim to single-handedly solve national issues, like the disturbing situation at the southern border, was met with skeptical eyes.

The notion of excluding entire populations based on unverified prejudices isn’t fixing anything; in fact, it is a significant leap backward. It conflicts with our democracy’s essence, which rests on inclusive cooperation rather than baseless division. The narrative that maligns Mexicans as criminals and declines bipartisan border legislations highlights the need for politicians who prioritize unity over self-centered pursuits.

The United States is always progressing, and any attempt to regress this forward momentum is futile. The democratic processes that empower marginalized groups and secure personal liberties are essential to this progress. Quieting voices that champion these democratic processes or seeking to emasculate acquired rights are underhanded political strategies that stand in opposition to American core values.

Certain politicians pose LGBTQ+ rights as a threat conjuring unfounded political tales of predation and indoctrination. Such political narratives unjustly target individuals on the mere basis of who they choose to love and devalue the striving diversity that forms the bedrock of our nation. Individuals cannot be vilified based on a supposed majority’s fears and misconceptions.

The upcoming election is a decisive juncture reflecting the nation’s character and moral fabric. It isn’t just about the candidates running for the office but about the principles that they uphold and the values they reflect. The supremacy of law and order, honesty, and common decency have inevitably come under scrutiny. It is thus urgent to discern and discern wisely, grounding our choices in rational examination rather than partisan bias.

The attention now turns to Kamala Harris with many rushing to endorse her as the torchbearer for the nation. However, prudence suggests that a leader’s mettle should be tested not just on their promises but real, tangible actions. Will she uphold the Constitution and preserve our cherished liberties, or will she be another story of high promises and low delivery?

Sharon McNeil and groups like Stronger Together Huddle advocate for Harris’s capability to lead the nation. Their judgment, however, appears shrouded by partisan preferences, lending an overly optimistic view of her presumed potential. It is essential to exercise caution and critically evaluate a candidate’s competence, factoring in their previous performance and demonstrated ability to address complex national problems.

It must not be forgotten that every endorsement invariably carries political implications and a crucial weight of responsibility. As such, backing a candidate should not hinge solely on their political affiliations or personal traits but be a reflection of their demonstrated capacity to govern with integrity and efficacy.

In the end, our political choices should spring from a respect for democracy and an unwavering commitment to uphold its principles. They should be grounded in a deep understanding of our Constitution and uphold values of unity, freedom, and justice. Ensuring that our choices reflect these ideals is pivotal in safeguarding democracy and fostering a vibrant tradition of lawful, respectful politics.

Kamala Harris: A Beacon for the Misguided appeared first on Real News Now.

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