Assange Free, June ETA, States Can Verify Citizenship Status Of Voters, It Has Begun – Ep. 3387

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The green power agenda does not work, the world has now seen this and the world is now rejecting this narrative. AG block Biden student loan cancellation. Milei’s plan is working, inflation at 0%. Gaetz pushes bill to allow people to pay taxes with Bitcoin, steps to make it legal tender.The [DS] is losing on all fronts. Assange was freed, June ETA confirmed. The clock is ticking down and the people are going to learn the truth. When do you play the Trump card? America First Legal, shows the states the way, each state can verify the citizenship status of the voters. They can request this from DHS, this is already law. It has begun, We The People Are Taking Back The Country.



BIDENOMICS: Hooters Abruptly Closes 40 Locations, Citing Rampant Inflation

The iconic restaurant chain Hooters has abruptly announced the closure of 40 locations nationwide, citing the rising cost of food and rent.
The restaurant chain, known for its attractive and scantily dressed waitresses, will close stores in Florida, Kentucky, Rhode Island, Texas, and Virginia.

Meanwhile, a recent survey by Lending Tree found that having once been an affordable alternative for lower-income workers, nearly 80 percent of Americans now consider fast food to be a “luxury item.”


 during the 2008 Financial Crisis, this metric dropped by ~13% and by ~4% in the early 2000s recession. The largest decline in history took place during the 2020 Pandemic with a 20% decline. Meanwhile, consumer sentiment has decreased for a 3rd straight month to its lowest level since November 2023. Inflation is taking its toll on consumers.

Javier Milei Leads Argentina to a Week With No Food Inflation for First Time in 30 Years

For 30 years, Argentines faced rising food prices every week.
Every week for 30 years.

Translation: Argentina achieves first week without food inflation in 30 years


Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) introduced a bill  that would allow Americans to pay their federal income tax in bitcoin.
Gaetz said the radical move would “promote innovation, increase efficiency, and offer more flexibility to American citizens.”
“This is a bold step toward a future where digital currencies play a vital role in our financial system, ensuring that the U.S. remains at the forefront of technological advancement,” he said in a statement.
The congressman cited his recent visit to El Salvador — which in 2021 became the first country to allow bitcoin as a legal currency — as the inspiration for the bill.
Colorado was the first government to approve cryptocurrency payments for taxes in 2022. Utah, New Jersey and Kentucky have also made moves toward approving the payment.



Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao Speaks Out After FBI Raided Her Home, Blames “Radical Right-Wing” Conspiracy For Wanting to Push Her Out of Office (VIDEO)

The Democrat Oakland Mayor who was raided by the FBI lashed out at right-wingers in a presser.
Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao spoke out after the FBI raided on her home last week and blamed a “radical right-wing” conspiracy for wanting to push her out of office.
FBI agents were seen taking boxes full of items from Sheng Thao’s home.

The FBI raid at Thao’s house in Oakland’s Lincoln Highlands neighborhood was conducted simultaneously with raids on the homes and an office associated with David and Andy Duong, who, along with other family members, operate California Waste Solutions, Oakland’s contracted recycler.” ABC 7 reported.
“While the FBI didn’t release information about the raid, Thao, the Duongs and Cal Waste are all under investigation by the Oakland Public Ethics Commission, which is looking into alleged illegal campaign finance contributions.” ABC 7 reported.


JUST IN: Hunter Biden Requests New Gun Trial After Jury Returns Guilty Verdict 

Hunter Biden on Monday requested a new gun trial after a jury returned a guilty verdict.
Hunter’s lawyers last week filed a motion for a new gun trial but they withdrew it without explanation.

Fox News reported:


Biden’s defense attorney Abbe Lowell filed the motion Monday, arguing the federal court in Delaware lacked jurisdiction to go to trial earlier this month. The motion comes one week after Lowell filed a similar motion, but quickly withdrew it without explanation.



Court Suspends Hunter Biden’s Law License After Guilty Verdict

Hunter Biden’s Washington, D.C., law license was suspended Tuesday as a result of his felony conviction.


BREAKING: Julian Assange Freed After Reaching Plea Deal with Justice Department (VIDEO)  

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been freed after reaching a plea deal with the United States Justice Department.
Assange has been imprisoned in the UK’s Belmarsh prison for the last five years after spending seven years in the Ecuadorian Embassy with questionable protection of political asylum.


On Monday evening, NBC News reported:

Under the deal, Assange will appear in that court to be sentenced to 62 months in prison, with credit for the time he has already served in Belmarsh. This will allow him to return to his home in Australia.
The charges he will plead guilty to fall under “Conspiracy To Obtain and Disclose National Defense Information.”


 it not seem like things are coalescing here into a perfect truth storm? A lot of people should be panicking right about now. Assange knows where many bodies are buried and he was persecuted for years because of it. Things could be getting very spicy here soon. Protect Julian Assange at all costs!

the White House denied Tuesday that it was involved in the feds’ plea deal allowing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to go to Australia — despite President Biden previously saying he was “considering” it.
“This was an independent decision made by the Department of Justice, and there was no White House involvement in the plea deal decision,” said Adrienne Watson, a spokeswoman for the White House National Security Council.



Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d7571e No.1109139
Apr 19 2018 21:21:44 (EST)

Anonymous ID: fe9998 No.1108927
Apr 19 2018 21:14:29 (EST)


When will we find out about Seth Rich and Las Vegas??

SR connect to DNC.
Why did the D’s push legal rep on family?
June ETA.


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 388aee No.1916327
Jun 26 2018 20:27:15 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 86d85e No.1916245
Jun 26 2018 20:23:23 (EST)

>>1915880SR & JA in JUNEAnything?
JA in the news?
Think JC.
Server unlocks SR.
MS_13 (2 187’d nearby) phones unlock command & control.
ETA (estimated).
It has begun.


Jun 26, 2018 11:10:09 PM EDT
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 267e20 No. 1918277 
Desperate agencies do stupid things.
Dead cat bounce.
You may have the site but we have the source.
Panic is good. Panic is right. July 2018 – the month the world discovered the TRUTH.
Conspiracy no more.
Time to FEED.

Geopolitical/Police State

Justin Trudeau gets a wakeup call

 The heat just cranked up on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, following a surprise defeat to his party’s candidate in a special election for a seat long considered safe.

The staggering loss that comes amid Canada’s affordability crisis and swelling desire for political change will only amp up the pressure on Trudeau to resign for the good of his party.
The Liberals suffered a major blow to the Conservatives in the one-off race, losing the urban stronghold seat in Toronto — St. Paul’s that it had held since 1993.


Hungarian President Viktor Orban is not liked by NATO and Western leaders for his opposition to the war in Ukraine. Hungary just took over as rotating lead of presidency of the EU. Germany is the largest nation in the EU and vehemently opposed to the Orban peace initiative.
President Orban was traveling to the airport in Germany, when suddenly a car made an unexpected turn into his motorcade. One motorcycle officer was killed, another seriously injured. Viktor Orban is unharmed.
GERMANY – […] The crash took place at around 11.15am in the district of Degerloch in Stuttgart, Germany, when the Hungarian leader was being escorted to the airport.
[…] The Stuttgart traffic police motorcycle squad were escorting the Hungarian president to Stuttgart Airport on Löffelstrasse.
However, a woman, 69, driving a BMW reportedly drove through an intersection that had been closed off by the police for Orban’s convoy at Albplatz.
She is understood to have turned left at the Rubensstrasse intersection and hit the motorcycle of a 61-year-old male officer who was accompanying Orban’s car.



Kenyan Parliament Erupts in Flames, At Least 8 Shot Dead by Police During Protests Against $2.7 Billion Tax Hike 

After hundreds of protestors attempted to storm Kenya’s parliament over opposition to a $2.7 billion tax hike, at least eight people have been shot dead by police, and the parliament is in flames.
According to Reuters, police opened fire on demonstrators after they broke through police barricades on Tuesday and stormed the country’s parliament complex.

You can watch KTN News coverage below:


Obama sister tear gassed during Nairobi protest

Former President Obama’s sister said she was tear gassed during a protest in Nairobi, where she was demonstrating against controversial finance legislation.
Auma Obama, a Kenyan activist and half-sister of the former president, was tear gassed 



This would have never happened under Trumps watch. 

U.S. officials trying to prevent a bigger Middle East war are issuing an unusual warning to Hezbollah: Don’t assume that Washington can stop Israel from attacking you.
The American message is designed to get the Lebanese-based Shiite militia to back down and de-escalate the brewing crisis along the Israeli-Lebanese border, a person familiar with the discussions said.
The blunt message comes as many U.S. officials appear resigned to the possibility that Israel will make a major move against Hezbollah inside Lebanon in the coming weeks.


 country bordering Iran, which allows for a rapid transfer of weapons

Anything the Biden Administration tries to do will bring us closer to war. Why because this is what they want, Trump is using it against them. 

Cyber Attacks

False Flags

Finland to start bird flu vaccinations for humans, in world first

 Finland plans to offer preemptive bird flu vaccination as soon as next week to some workers with exposure to animals, health authorities said on Tuesday, making it the first country in the world to do so.
The Nordic country has bought vaccines for 10,000 people, each consisting of two injections, as part of a joint EU procurement of up to 40 million doses for 15 nations from manufacturer CSL Seqirus (CSL.AX), opens new tab.

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The Australian company in a statement to Reuters said Finland would be the first country to roll out the vaccine.


This is how they are going to spread the birdflu, its in the vaccine just like covid. They know it won’t spread, so they need to make a way to spread it so people believe the situation is getting worse. But you will see is that only those who received the bio weapon are getting sick and dying. They will make the case the bio weapon is working and if these people took it sooner it would have saved them

UPDATE: Four Other States to Launch Massive Lawsuits Against Pfizer, Accusing the Pharma Giant of Deceiving the Public About COVID Vaccine Safety and Efficacy 

Four additional states will follow Kansas’s lead by filing large-scale lawsuits against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. These states allege that the company misled the public regarding the safety and efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine.
Last week, Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach announced that he is suing pharmaceutical giant Pfizer for misleading Kansas residents about the safety and efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine.
During a press conference in Topeka, alongside Deputy Attorney General Fran Oleen and Assistant Attorneys General Kaley Schrader and Melanie Jack, Kobach detailed the allegations lodged against Pfizer.



Apr 09, 2018 1:12:03 PM EDT
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 28003e No. 967390 



  opposition to Trump’s special master lawsuit in 2022, Jay Bratt attached infamous photo as a prop so the media would publish it and claim the papers were found with classified cover sheets.

  condescending tone–uptalking and slowly speaking as if he were addressing a child–Judge Cannon had had enough. Cannon: “Mr. Harbach, I don’t appreciate your tone. I expect decorum in my courtroom at all times. If you cannot [act appropriately], one of your colleagues can.”
{Keep in mind there are no electronic devices allowed so I must rely on my scribbled notes but this is very close to what was said.) He only got marginally better. At the end of his exchange with Cannon, he apologized to her.
“I didn’t mean to be unprofessional.” Ah but he did. He is not just demeaning to her, it’s almost like he’s tempting her to excuse him from the proceedings. Keep in mind, during the last hearing, Cannon had to ask Harbach to “just calm down” as he was pounding on the podium and have a temper tantrum. Aren’t you all so glad we are paying these clowns?

Biden Camp Caught Red-Handed Spreading A Blatant ‘Cheap-Fake’

The Biden campaign is at it again, doing exactly what they have accused Trump supporters of doing, creating so called ‘cheap fakes’.


  DJT has never done drugs or even had a sip of alcohol. Now they are just throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks. She also claimed that all Biden has to do to win the debate is go out there and not look like “he has been hanging out under a bridge & drinking & doing drugs all night.” These people really think we’re stupid.

Biden Called Upon to Take Drug Test Ahead of Debate: ‘The American People Deserve to Know’ 

Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson of Texas, who served as White House physician under former presidents Barak Obama and Donald Trump, said Sunday that President Joe Biden should take a drug test before Thursday’s debate with Trump.
“DRUG TEST BIDEN BEFORE THE DEBATE!” Jackson wrote in a social media post that included video of his appearance on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures.”




You have a margin that is hurtin’ and uncertain among black and Latin men as to whether we have a place in this party. It’s not easy to talk about. There is a sense among a lot of guys that you talk to, that they’re just tired of being lectured, tired of being wrong, tired of being criticized, tired of being called toxic.
Tired of frankly, a lot of other groups getting more out of the Biden administration than black folks got.” ‘The Democrat party has too many preachy females’ theory is gaining steam.
Why does Van Jones get ‘beat up’ every time he sounds the alarm about losing black and Hispanic men? Because the Democrat party relies upon manipulation rather than motivation.

Poll: Black Voter Support for Trump at 23% — Nearly Double from 2020

A CBS News/YouGov poll published this week shows former President Donald Trump is making gains with black voters, with support at 23 percent — nearly double from 2020.

Exit polling in 2020 showed only 12 percent black voter support for Trump (which was still higher than in 2016, at only eight percent).
At the same time Trump has been gaining support among black voters, black voter support for President Joe Biden is down significantly.Exit polls in 2020 showed 87 percent support for Biden, according to CNN. However, the recent CBS News/YouGov poll only 75 percent support.




Temporary Maricopa County elections worker arrested after theft from tabulation center

 A temporary elections worker was arrested for allegedly stealing a security fob and keys from the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC) last week, according to authorities.
Walter Ringfield, 27, was taken into custody Friday and booked into jail on counts of theft and criminal damage. He is not eligible for bond because he is on probation for a previous felony, according to court records.

Election workers conducting daily inventory Friday morning discovered that an item was taken from the Ballot Tabulation Center the previous evening, according to the Maricopa County Elections Department.


America First Legal Sends Directive to All 50 States on Preventing Illegal Aliens from Voting Amidst Reports of Biden Regime Distributing Social Security Numbers and Voter Registration to Illegals

America First Legal (AFL),  , has sent letters to officials in every state urging them to enforce existing laws that prevent illegal immigrants and non-US citizens from registering to vote or casting ballots in elections.
The AFL letter was addressed to the chief election official of all 50 states, with copies sent to each Governor and Attorney General. The letter outlined how two key existing federal laws could be used to obtain information from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security about the citizenship or immigration status of any individual for “any purpose authorized by law.”
“Biden is giving registration forms and social security numbers to illegals. America First Legal is sending an urgent ACTION PLAN to officials in all 50 states on how to stop illegals & non-citizens from voting. States must ensure only citizens vote,” AFL wrote on its social media.

According to the news release:

The Problem: The issue of noncitizens voting in federal elections can be complex–including what States are and are not allowed to do when voter applicants use the federal form:

Federal law prohibits foreign nationals from voting or registering to vote in federal elections.
Federal law also imposes upon States an obligation to conduct voter list maintenance.
The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) created a federal voter registration form that does not require applicants to demonstrate proof of citizenship. Instead, it merely requires voter registrants to sign a form “under penalty of perjury,” swearing or affirming that “I am a United States citizen.”

The Supreme Court of the United States previously held that because the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) requires that States must “accept and use” the EAC form–which does not require documentary proof of citizenship–then “the NVRA forbids States to demand that an applicant submit additional information beyond that required by the Federal Form.”
The result is that, under current law as interpreted by the Supreme Court, anyone can register to vote using the EAC Federal Form without providing documentary proof of citizenship. 

The Solution:

Two federal statutes that have been on the books for nearly three decades allow states to obtain information about the citizenship or immigration status of any individual for any lawful purpose. Specifically, 8 U.S.C. § 1373(c) provides that (the reference to the former Immigration and Naturalization Service, abolished twenty-three years ago, now means the Department of Homeland Security):

Further, 8 U.S.C. § 1644 provides that:

Each statute makes clear that States and localities can submit a request to DHS to obtain the citizenship or immigration status of any individual “for any purpose authorized by law.” And further, not only can they request the information, but DHS “shall respond” to such a request, and they cannot be prohibited or restricted from receiving that information.

As explained above, federal law unambiguously requires that voters in federal elections be United States citizens and prohibits all foreign nationals, even those who are lawfully present in the United States, from registering to vote or voting. Federal law also imposes on States the duty of ensuring that ineligible voters are removed from voter rolls. Also, many States impose citizenship requirements under State law, and 8 U.S.C. § 1644 confers on States unrestricted authority to obtain information about the immigration status of aliens in the United States. Therefore, it is a “purpose authorized by law” under 8 U.S.C. § 1373(c) for a State to ask DHS about the citizenship status of presently registered voters.

Accordingly, States and localities should submit requests to DHS to verify the citizenship or immigration status of registered voters on voter rolls where there are any reliable indicators that a voter may not be a U.S. citizen. 



Cyber attacks on critical national infrastructure predicted to increase

Mark Edwards, chief information security officer at Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) has predicted that cyber attacks on critical national infrastructure are likely to increase due to global conflict.
Speaking at the NHS Confed Expo in Manchester on 12 June 2024, Edwards said that it was “widely acknowledged” that “the first thing that’s going happen is there’s going to be an increase in cyber attacks”.
He added that the attacks “won’t be to just ransom or extort money,” but will be aimed at causing disruption and bringing systems down.
His comments followed the ransomware attack on Synnovis, which has caused disruption to pathology systems in south east London and led to thousands of appointments being cancelled.
Edwards told the conference that it was important to be “not only mindful of our own security but supply chain security”.



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b079ec No.9744194
Jun 25 2020 13:29:10 (EST)

Worth tracking.
“The Posse Comitatus Act, 18 U.S. Code, Section 1385, an original intent of which was to end the use of federal troops [TO POLICE STATE ELECTIONS] in former Confederate states, proscribes the role of the Army and Air Force in executing civil laws and states.”
“Pursuant to the presidential power to quell domestic violence, federal troops are expressly exempt from the prohibitions of Posse Comitatus Act, and this exemption applies equally to active-duty military and federalized National Guard troops.”
What is Adam Schiff trying to prevent?
Everything you are witnessing [past & present [future]] centrally revolves around the Presidential Election of 2020.
Win by any means necessary [self-preservation].

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