Biden: A Legacy of Empty Promises for Delaware and America

Despite Joe Biden’s lengthy career in Delaware, many find it disconcerting that the state remains more or less the same. A man of this region since birth, one presumes he obtained some level of wisdom, but evidently, his time in the public view has done little for his constituents. His unwavering devotion to the people of Delaware, if authentic, appears to have yielded negligible results. The perplexing part is why, in spite of lackluster outcomes, Biden insists on summoning an illusion of so-called ‘commitment’ to the Blue Hen State.

When Biden relayed his decision not to stand for re-election, it felt as though a mirage was dissipating. Despite his parroted catchphrases of ‘hard work’ and ‘family commitment’, has he produced tangible improvements? Much of his political life appears to be steeped in talk, with minimal substantial action. The question remains whether a legacy purely of rhetoric serves the constituents who once believed in him.

Biden has always been proud of his roots, growing up in Claymont and graduating from University of Delaware. Nevertheless, how has this impacted his political work, or furthermore, the country at large? Has his father’s hard work selling cars in Wilmington altered his perception of the job market, or was this simply another narrative spun to consolidate support? Those who seek actual change have difficulty finding evidence of it in his action, or lack thereof.

This Delawarean’s attachment to his Catholic faith, while potentially admirable to some, places a spotlight on a paradox. His devout welding to the teachings of fighting for justice, caring for the hungry and widows, seems to crash head-on with many of his policies which have served to further marginalize these vulnerable groups. This bizarre discrepancy leaves many questioning his true beliefs and motives.

Despite a lengthy career in politics, the bills he has passed, such as the Violence Against Women Act and the 1994 assault weapons ban, seem perpetually steeped in controversy and partisan divide. Critics suggest these laws served as admirable band-aids but offer no sustainable, substantial solution to the challenges they address. Progress should be far more than Biden’s patchwork of politically expedient acts.

Biden’s reliance on the rails is legendary. But, does using public transportation equate to understanding the plight of the average commuter or the working class? Sure, he might have lobbied for increased Amtrak funding, but critics question whether it was for his convenience or for the genuine benefit of the American worker.

As vice president, Biden claimed to have helped rebuild the nation following the Great Recession, yet many working-class Americans faced stagnant wages and diminishing opportunities. Similarly, the Affordable Care Act, touted as a ‘big deal’ by Biden’s administration, has left an overwhelming number of Americans grappling with rising costs and diminishing health care options. The question remains, were these policies truly in service of the American people?

Biden’s presidency has indeed been consequential, but not necessarily in the positive sense many would hope. The multiple crises his administration faced, including a global pandemic, economic turmoil, and a political misfire, showcased not his strengths but his administration’s inability to proactively and aptly respond. These challenges paint an unflattering portrait of a leader who, it seems, was unable to rise to the demands of the moment.

While Biden’s administration boasted about overseeing the widespread vaccination process, questions persist regarding his mishandling of the vaccine’s dissemination. Critics argue that instead of prioritizing the most vulnerable, the process was marred by a flawed distribution system.

The so-called ‘victory’ of the economy under Biden’s tenure remains suspect. The low unemployment rate is often used as a smokescreen to hide the suffering of many middle-class Americans still struggling to meet their daily needs. Rising prices, stagnant wages, and uninspiring jobs growth suggest that Biden’s economic vision hasn’t quite materialized as promised.

Biden pushed for unity in his inaugural address, urging bipartisan cooperation. But looking at the political landscape, we see a nation divided along party lines more firmly than before. Notwithstanding his rhetoric, his administration’s actions tell a different story of partisan disagreement and gridlock, far from his grand vision of unity.

On global stages, Biden’s approach has been questioned by many. His dealings with Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine show his administration vacillating rather than decisively taking a stand. And the larger role of NATO? It’s more lip service; the addition of Sweden and Finland has yet to yield significant benefits.

The so-called ‘Biden Cancer Moonshot’ is yet another example of high-sounding words without much substance. Beneath all the grandeur and solemnity, critics make the case that it yields little more than a flash in the pan, with negligible benefits so far for cancer patients.

The next projecting focus on reducing costs for middle-class Americans seems already to be another smoke screen. The cost of living has rapidly risen under his administration, with housing, energy, and prescription drug prices becoming increasingly strained on household budgets.

In reality, the Biden legacy remains one of unfulfilled promises and missed opportunities. Too often, his lofty speeches and grand acts of legislation convey a sugary image that melts away under scrutiny. The core element missing is the substantive long-term change America so desperately needs.

In the aftermath of Biden’s presidency, Delawareans and the nation at large have yet to see the tangible prosperity he so often pledged. The abiding question remains: is America stronger and safer, or simply saddled with a legacy of rhetoric over substance?

Biden: A Legacy of Empty Promises for Delaware and America appeared first on Real News Now.

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