Biden’s Fake Show at NATO Summit: A Masterclass in Avoiding Scrutiny

Donald Trump has been seen on countless occasions, making tall claims and questionable promises to his audience during the countless campaign rallies he’s held since announcing his aspiration for a re-election on November 15, 2022. The showman that is Trump, continues to pledge unlikely ambitions such as severing federal guidelines, diminishing the public’s energy expenses, rejuvenating the automotive business, shielding Social Security, and shifting a substantive part of federal law enforcement to fortifying border defence. He has also bluffed about terminating the war in Ukraine single-handedly and deflecting an impending World War III.

It’s worth highlighting the glaring irony that while Trump nestles in the comfortable confines of right-leaning media, he avoids other outlets that could put him to scrutiny. He prefers talking to admirers and deliberately avoids any form of serious questioning from the professional press. When it comes to articulating his policy detail, or how he intends to govern, he conveniently refrains from providing any concrete details.

Interestingly, Joe Biden, despite facing growing anxieties regarding his competence to crusade for a second tenure, showed his resilience at a press conference after a recent NATO summit in Washington, D.C. This was, however, mockingly referred to as a ‘big boy press conference’ by the White House. More illuminating though was the fact that Biden took on questions from 11 distinct media firms, a feat that Trump is clearly unable to match.

The Conspicuous shift in Trump’s choice of debating platform further unravels his evasive tendencies. News broke out that he wished to debate on Fox News after Democrats brought in Kamala Harris for Joe Biden. Now, one wonders if this life-long performer would be able to maintain his composure, articulation, and charm over such a long time when he isn’t being served with loaded, crowd-pleasing questions, but rather when he’s being grilled by experienced journalists seeking details to his grandiose promises and ambiguous policy outlines.

The Trump Campaign’s lack of response in this regard could certainly be seen as an admission that he doesn’t have the capacity to do so. His signature strategy, as followed by his campaign, appears to be ranting on stage and then disappearing before difficult questions can be asked. An interaction with the reporters in June, just before an event in Philadelphia, left us with a glimpse of this tactic in action.

The event saw him dodging reporters by hastily leaving after speaking for mere minutes at a meeting with Republican legislators in Washington, D.C. He also offered remarks for less than five minutes at a gathering in Philadelphia, leaving before the reporters could try to get him to answer any queries. He has also been seen to dive for cover when reporters tried to question him after a short speech on May 31 in New York.

Interestingly, it was the same day a jury in New York declared him guilty on 34 felony charges for arranging a pay-off to an adult film star to ensure her silence about an affair she had with him, potentially impacting his run for presidency.

Biden has faced criticism from Trump’s supporters who have accused him of maintaining a safe distance from the media and speaking in public without conducting Q&A sessions. The irony of such false accusations is that Trump himself has a track record of evading serious questioning.

Make no mistake. If Trump does decide to hold a large-scale press conference, his answers would be anything but clear, rational, or factual. Instead of presenting a well-thought-out strategy on how he might avert an event as cataclysmic as World War III, we’re more likely to receive a haphazard mixture of unfounded assertions and overused rhetoric.

Trump is a notoriously sensitive politician who prefers to surround himself with yes-men and media outlets that favor his vision. The public should remember his track-record for making extravagant claims and promises without backing them up when making their decision.

The voters of this nation ought to have the opportunity to witness this for themselves, to judge his words and actions unbiasedly when deciding who they cast their ballot for in this year’s election. Seeing Trump hold a ‘big boy press conference’ similar to the one Biden recently held would surely be an eye-opener, but sadly, that’s an event we’re highly unlikely to witness.

Trump will most likely revert to his old tactics of side-stepping the hard questions and sticking to speaking at rallies where he is safe from scrutiny. His track record of evading such engagements speaks to this likelihood. His grand announcements and promises have become a staple of his public persona, one that he is unlikely to abandon anytime soon.

At this pivotal moment in American politics, the absence of concrete, detailed answers about his agenda for a second term should concern any right-thinking voter. There is a worrying lack of detail from Trump’s side on key issues that affect the public, contributing to the unsettling uncertainty surrounding his campaign for a second term.

Trump’s apparent strategy of deflecting legitimate questions with bluster and rhetoric underlines his selective aversion to accountability and transparency. His dismissive attitude towards a rigorous press conference that could potentially hold him accountable for his past decisions and future plans is a clear indicator of his lack of willingness to take responsibility for his actions.

Biden’s Fake Show at NATO Summit: A Masterclass in Avoiding Scrutiny appeared first on Real News Now.

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