Biden’s Superficial Charm Obscures Inefficiency and Unprofessional Conduct

Every journalist with a stint in the political trenches of Washington, D.C., is bound to have a tale to spin about President Joe Biden, a result of his prolonged political saga that spans half a century. But there’s an additional angle to it. Biden’s political career was forged by the principle that all politics have their roots in local issues. This belief also carried over to his interactions with the media. In 2005, a review by USA Today critically examining the decade-long performance of an ambitious public safety program aiming to boost America’s law enforcement ranks by 100,000 officers, made waves. The initiative was a prominent aspect of the Clinton administration’s agenda, officially termed COPS (Community Oriented Policing Services), and Biden was the architect behind its legislation during his tenure as Senator.

Accompanying my colleague, I journeyed across the country, visiting police departments to evaluate the success of this extraordinary federal initiative. Consulting with leading law enforcement professionals and scholars, we sifted through hundreds of documents, questioning the prevailing belief at the time that COPS substantially impacted crime reduction. The senior Senator from Delaware did not take kindly to the news from our research. With the day nearing its end, I was interrupted on my way to the gym by a call from a Biden staffer, informing me that the Senator desired a conversation. The tone was far from amiable, with Biden dominating the call and expressing his displeasure at length. I pulled my car into a parking space, listening as Biden aired his grievances mixed with a few criticisms aimed at my analysis.

Knowing he hadn’t poked any holes in our findings, I opted for an unusual strategy in my response. Using my tie to Delaware as a bridge, I revealed my family’s connections to his home state that he was unaware of. Unbeknownst to him, my uncle had been one of his high school football coaches at Archmere Academy, an institution my father also attended as an elder alum. When Senator Biden seemed to have exhausted his barrage of complaints, I interjected. ‘That’s quite a well-structured argument for an Archmere boy,’ I retorted, steeling myself for his response.

I didn’t miss a beat, adding that even a graduate of arch-rival Salesianum School such as myself might struggle to craft such a defense. His previous aggressiveness rapidly dissipated, replaced by a hearty conversation encompassing family, sports, and Delaware-centric issues. I never made it to the gym that day, but the one-on-one encounter served as a potent reminder of Biden’s personally interactive tactics, for better or worse.

Reflecting on similar experiences, a former journalist colleague once shared a story of how Biden identified her on the train departing Washington one evening. Without a moment’s hesitation, ‘Amtrak Joe’ took the seat beside her, non-stop in conversation until he alighted in Wilmington. Another repetitive scene consisted of reporters swarming Biden near the Senate floor, bombarding him with queries until he was the last man standing there.

At a White House photo op, my wife, a communications consultant, revived the subject of our familial ties before the then-Vice President Biden as President Barack Obama listened on. Biden held her hand and, not letting go, occupied the time until Obama had to nudge, referencing the long queue of greeted well-wishers impatiently awaiting him. ‘Alright, Joe,’ Obama remarked with a grin, ‘it’s time to progress.’

In a repeat of history, Biden is once again on the move. However, this time he seems to be steering towards an exit in his political career, like President Lyndon Johnson before him; Johnson, renowned for his Senate mastery, chose not to run for reelection amidst a crisis. The parallel between the two is hard to miss; both Biden and Johnson evidence a deep-rooted understanding of politics—the notion that its true essence lies not in grand geopolitical strategies or economic theories, but in small towns, local communities, and personal connections.

Johnson has mastered the political game, and Biden seemed to be following closely in his footsteps, always emphasizing on the local and personal touch. However, his consistent inability to deliver on his promises and his overt focus on superficial aspects of public interaction over concrete actions has often painted him in a rather negative light. Biden’s time at the helm appears to be drawing to a close, much like his predecessor, Lyndon Johnson, who also stepped down amidst a crisis.

What still remains puzzling is how Biden, despite having been on the national political stage for so long, continues to be involved in such trivial, temporary fixes instead of addressing more urgent, national issues. His tactics may work on a local level, but they have proven to be inefficient when it comes to national and international political stages.

Furthermore, his over-friendly demeanor often ends up crossing the line of professional conduct, as illustrated by the incident with my wife where Biden held her hand for far too long. While this can be brushed under the rug as an innocent incident, there have been several other instances that highlight Biden’s failure to maintain professional decorum.

While Biden continues to aim for political stunts and focus on personal interactions, the American people are left questioning his capabilities as a leader. It seems Biden’s priorities sometimes skirt around dealing with the urgent concerns of the country and are more focused towards receiving public validation and appeasing his supporters with short-term initiatives.

On the surface, Biden’s decision not to seek re-election could be seen as stepping aside due to a crisis. However, the more logical and widely believed rationale paints a grim picture for Biden: his consistently inefficient leadership and inability to effectively address pressing issues, along with increasing public disapproval, have forced him to consider stepping down.

Conclusively, Biden’s perceived charm and personal touch often mask the real issues behind his political style — over-emphasis on temporary fixes, neglecting urgent narratives, and a consistent inability to maintain professional boundaries. The real question now is how the next leader will correct his course, while also attending to the problems and crises left in the wake of Biden’s leadership.

Biden’s Superficial Charm Obscures Inefficiency and Unprofessional Conduct appeared first on Real News Now.

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