Change Of Batter,Cyber Attack,Cuban Missile Crisis Narratives Building,Eric For The Win – Ep. 3377

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The people are rejected the Biden student loan cancellations, those who are receiving the the cancellation will not notice it with the economy collapsing. Inflation is falling, right on schedule, this is all about the rate cut coming in September. Trump is all in on Bitcoin, the only way to stop CBDC. The [DS] is now building the narrative to remove Biden and replace Biden with either Michelle or Hilary. Cyber attacks are increasing world wide and countries are now worried about malware that is undetected. Russia has warships in Cuba, no missiles but the narrative is being built that Russia is going to start a war. The [DS] has been trying to destroy Trump and his businesses, they want to take his liquor license away, the only problem is that Eric Trump says that DJT is not the holder of the license. Eric for the win.



New Polling Finds Most Americans Don’t Approve of Biden’s Student Loan Bailout Scam

Most Americans do not approve of Joe Biden’s student loan bailouts, according to new polling.
It’s hardly a surprise. Biden’s plan favors the wealthy and is nothing more than a vote-buying scam meant to appeal to young voters, who he needs and who are abandoning him at a rapid pace.
It’s also important to remember that the U.S. Supreme Court told Biden that he could not do this and he did it anyway and then bragged about defying the nation’s highest court. People see this.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Biden’s loan forgiveness faces low approval

Only 3 in 10 adults approve of President Joe Biden‘s student loan debt forgiveness, according to a recently released poll from the University of Chicago and the Associated Press.

Four of 10 say they disapprove. Combine that with the rest of those respondents saying they are either neutral or don’t know enough to say, and it is clear this move by Biden has failed.




How will the soft May CPI reading impact the Fed? By starting the clock on a potential September rate cut.  

The Federal Reserve is seen as likely to pencil in two cuts over its last four meetings this year, which would keep the door open for a September move


The Biden administration has been extraordinarily hostile to Bitcoin as well as the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem. The administration launched “Operation Choke Point 2.0” whereby regulators effectively instituted new rules via press release instructing banks to stop doing business with companies in the digital asset space. Further, the White House proposed a 30 percent tax on the energy used to mine Bitcoin, which would make it unprofitable and completely uneconomical for the industry to do business in the United States. Their Energy Department also attempted to collect information regarding Bitcoin miners’ energy contracts as a step towards regulating them out of business. The Justice Department even broke with long-standing Treasury Department guidance when it attempted to regulate via court filing to say that self-hosted wallets should be treated as money transmitting businesses. This is all by design. They want to effectively ban the industry.

One in four Americans own Bitcoin.

That’s more Americans than are over the age of 65, but how often do you hear candidates talk about senior concerns compared to concerns of crypto owners?


What’s next for Hunter Biden after his conviction on federal gun charges

In the federal system, first-time offenders don’t get anywhere near the maximum sentence. Federal sentencing guidelines — which judges use as they weigh punishments for defendants — are expected to recommend a far lighter punishment. And judges aren’t bound by the guidelines, so she could decide not to send him to prison at all. Other options include probation or home detention.
In pressing the judge not to put him behind bars, defense lawyers will likely note that, unlike many illegal firearm possession cases, Hunter Biden’s gun was not used in a crime. Hunter Biden never even fired the gun, which he had for 11 days before it got thrown in the trash, his lawyers have said.


When Biden will be sentenced and what to expect
Judge Maryellen Noreika estimated that sentencing would occur 120 days after the conviction, when she will determine whether Hunter Biden will face jail time, though she has yet to set a firm date.
The judge will likely consider a number of factors, including that Hunter Biden is a first-time offender.
Tom Dupree, a former principal deputy assistant attorney general in the Justice Department, told CBS News that he does think Biden will be sentenced to prison, but more likely for a year or two, rather than a longer sentence.


The House of Representatives on Wednesday afternoon voted to hold Biden admin Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress over his withholding of the audio from Biden’s interview with special counsel Robert Hur in the classified documents investigation.The vote passed 208-207 along party lines.


SPACEY TALKS EPSTEIN: Embattled Actor Addresses His Africa Trip With Clinton, Maxwell, and ‘Young Girls’ Aboard the ‘Lolita Express’

In the interview he gave to British host Piers Morgan, disgraced actor Kevin Spacey has tried to – as he sees it – set the record straight in multiple issues in his life that have attracted huge media interest = and generated a great deal of public outrage – over the years.
One of the most controversial subjects was perhaps his 2002 Clinton Foundation tour of Africa. In this series of trips, Spacey was joined by Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and – as he candidly admits – ‘young girls’.
While I always give people the benefit of the doubt, I found his explanations not to be entirely convincing, so I’ll present it with just a few pertinent comments of mine between brackets.

This is what he said on Piers Morgan Uncensored.
Kevin Spacey: “I started seeing reports online, things on my Twitter account that I had flown to this guy Jeffrey Epstein’s island, and I had abused young girls. 
I mean, if you’d asked me in 2015, maybe even if you’d asked me in 2002 – ‘did I know a guy named Jeffrey Epstein?’ I probably would have said no. 
Well, of course, I have since learned who he is, and I have since been able to go back and find out that the airplane that we flew on for this humanitarian mission was owned by Jeffrey Epstein, and to then learn, oh, he was actually on some of those flights, and this Maxwell woman was on some of those flights.
I didn’t know him. I’ve never spent any time with him. I was with the Clinton Foundation people. That’s who I was with.”

The usual suspects: Spacey with Andrew, Clinton, Maxwell and Weinstein.

[On this point, as Spacey tries to make it seem like the Clinton Foundation people and the Epstein crowd didn’t mix, it bears mentioning that both Epstein and Maxwell, in court documents, have stated that they were part of the team that envisioned and implemented the CF – and neither was contradicted by the Foundation.]



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: d520c5 No.9999604
Jul 18 2020 11:18:04 (EST)

“This marks the third Spacey accuser to die in 2019.”
At what point does it become painfully obvious?

Geopolitical/Police State

Gov. Jeff Landry Signs Legislation Ending State Business with Companies that Discriminate Against Gun Makers

Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry (R) signed legislation Tuesday that ends state business with financial companies that discriminate against firearm manufacturers and others in the gun industry.
The legislation is the Firearm Industry Nondiscrimination (FIND) Act.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) praised Landry for signing the FIND Act.
NSSF’s Darren LaSorte noted that Gov. Landry’s work to protect gun makers and others in the firearms industry is a continuation of Landry’s efforts as Attorney General where he fought tooth and nail to protect the Second Amendment.


Macron says he called snap elections to prevent rise of far right in 2027 presidential vote

French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday said he had called legislative elections in a bid to prevent the far right from winning the presidency in 2027 when his second and final term ends. He called on all French parties “able to say no to extremes” to unite ahead of the snap elections he announced after his centre-right alliance took a humiliating beating in the European Parliament vote on Sunday.

Macron, who has three years left of his second presidential term, is hoping voters will band together to contain the far right in national elections in a way they did not do for the European vote.
“Things are simple today: we have unnatural alliances at both extremes … who will not be able to implement any program,” Macron said.



The Biden administration “strongly opposes” a proposal to raise the pay of junior enlisted service members in the military — even after nearly spending seven times the proposed amount on Ukraine and the broader region’s security.
The House Armed Services Committee’s (HASC) draft of the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) would give all junior troops a pay raise, representing a rough total of $24.4 billion over five years, according to the Congressional Budget Office. The Biden administration said in a statement on Tuesday that it does not support the proposed “significant, permanent” pay hike until it has had a chance to conduct a compensation review.
“The Administration is strongly committed to taking care of our Servicemembers and their families, and appreciates the Committee’s concern for the needs of the most junior enlisted members, but strongly opposes making a significant, permanent change to the basic pay schedule before the completion of the Fourteenth Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation,” the White House budget office said.

“Joe Biden must hate our military,” Republican Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, also on the committee, told the DCNF. “While families of our junior enlisted struggle on food stamps, this administration opposes their pay raises and wants to force-feed them pronoun training and drag queen story hour. If Biden had any PRIDE at all in our troops, he’d support the long overdue pay raise House Republicans have passed.”

Gaza ceasefire deal ‘confusing’ as Hamas proposes amendments

A ceasefire deal backed by the US to end the fighting in Gaza remains “confusing” after Hamas proposed amendments to the deal which include the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Strip, 


Hamas demands a full Israeli withdrawal from the Rafah crossing, no permanent ceasefire

Hamas clarified that it would not accept any deal that did not include a total withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza.

No permanent ceasefire
Senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan told Hezbollah-aligned channel Al Mayadeen that they had amended the ceasefire proposal to specify that it would not be permanent, in contravention of President Biden’s proposal.

They clarified that they would not accept any deal that did not include a total withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza.


Hamas responded to the US-backed cease-fire proposal for the Gaza Strip with “numerous changes,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Wednesday.
“Hamas has proposed numerous changes to the proposal that was on the table,” Blinken told reporters in Doha. “Some of the changes are workable. Some are not.”

The proposed cease-fire begins with a six-week pause in the fighting and the release of women, wounded and elderly hostages in return for Palestinian prisoners and a surge in humanitarian assistance. The second and third phases call for the release of male and deceased hostages, the full withdrawal of Israeli troops and the reconstruction of the devastated Palestinian territory.



EXCLUSIVE: Are We Already in the Middle of a Second Cuban Missile Crisis? 

A Russian Naval Task Force will be visiting Cuba this month.  During the Cold War, Russian long-range bombers and naval vessels routinely visited Cuba, but since those times, the visits have been few.
The naval task force is rather modest, a frigate (a small-er ocean-going surface warship), a nuclear submarine, a tanker, and a large tug.  Cuban officials said the ships are not armed with nuclear weapons.
The frigate and submarine combined can carry up to 80 Zircon hypersonic missiles between them, which at the Zircon’s maximum known range of 620 miles could hit a U.S. target in less than eight minutes.  They could simultaneously devastate the two major U.S. Navy East Coast bases of Norfolk and Mayport with no notice.


The Russian Force is being trivialized by the Biden Team.  The Russian Naval Force was, “notable but not concerning” according to two, Biden Officials.  The officials also said that the deployment was possibly a message from Russian President Vladimir Putin who stated that Moscow may take “asymmetrical steps” elsewhere in the world in response to President Biden’s decision to allow Ukraine to use U.S.-provided weapons to strike inside Russia.

The agreement from the Cuban Missile Crisis was that Russia would remove offensive missile in Cuba in return for an American promise not to invade Cuba.  China was not part of this agreement and times have changed.


Biden Regime Lifts Ban on Arming Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Azov Battallion 

Kanekoa The Great dug up this letter from 2019.

On October 16, 2019, the top Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee’s counterterrorism subpanel, Rep. Max Rose (NY), led a letter signed by forty Democrats asking the State Department why they had not placed Ukraine’s Azov Battalion on the U.S. list of “foreign terrorist organizations” (FTOs).

In the letter, the lawmakers compared the Azov Battalion to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and discussed how, Brenton Tarrant, the Christchurch, New Zealand mosque shooter, who massacred fifty-one people in 2019, had been radicalized by the “ultranationalist militia organization” which “openly welcomes neo-Nazis into its ranks”.


  this week Joe Biden lifted restrictions on arming the Azov Battalion in Ukraine.
Via The National Pulse.

Read the rest here.


Biden gives permission to fire long range missiles into Russia

Biden Lifts Ban on Arming Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Azov Battallion

[DS] Russia/ISIS wanted to use a bomb in America

Next event in US blamed on Russia

Russia ships already in position to receive Zircon missiles

Seems very similar to Cuban missile crisis

The frigate and submarine combined can carry up to 80 Zircon hypersonic missiles between them, which at the Zircon’s maximum known range of 620 miles could hit a U.S. target in less than eight minutes.  They could simultaneously devastate the two major U.S. Navy East Coast bases of Norfolk and Mayport with no notice

Cyber Attacks

False Flags

AI translation into Japanese

In Japan, the mRNA vaccine was launched in February 2021 allegedly as a means to protect the Japanese people against a non-existent “killer virus”.
More than 206 million doses had already been administered. The Japanese population was not informed regarding the dangers of the mRNA vaccine.

The foregoing is misleading as pointed out by Kazuhiro Haraguchi’s courageous statement:
“‘You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of Our Loved Ones”

The fraudulent narrative concerning the Covid “Vaccine” is collapsing in different parts of the World.
In California, 9th Circuit Court Rules that COVID-19 mRNA Injections Are Not “Vaccines”.
In Germany, the Health authorities  have acknowledged the devastating nature and impacts of the Covid lockdowns, the mandatory wearing of the face mask, and the experimental mRNA “vaccines”.


Major Victory: Texas AG Ken Paxton Crushes Biden’s Overreach, Blocks Radical ‘Transgender’ Policies in Schools Nationwide

In a landmark decision, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has secured a major win against the Biden regime’s Department of Education (DOE), halting its efforts to enforce radical “transgender” policies in Texan educational institutions.
This move effectively challenges the administration’s attempt to reinterpret Title IX to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected classes, in clear violation of both state and federal laws.
In June 2023, Paxton filed a lawsuit against DOE for an illegal attempt to coerce schools into adopting “transgender” ideology by threatening the loss of federal education funds.

According to the press release:


Now, the court has ruled in favor of Paxton, stating that the “Department lacks authority to redefine “sex” in a way that conflicts with Title IX.”
“Joe Biden’s unlawful effort to weaponize Title IX for his extremist agenda has been stopped in its tracks,” said Attorney General Paxton. “Threatening to withhold education funding by forcing states to accept ‘transgender’ policies that put women in danger was plainly illegal. Texas has prevailed on behalf of the entire Nation.”
The court order explains: “[The Biden Administration] failed to follow the proper procedures here. Rather than promote the equal opportunity, dignity, and respect that Title IX demands for both biological sexes, [the DOE’s] Guidance Documents do the opposite in an effort to advance an agenda wholly divorced from the text, structure, and contemporary context of Title IX.… Thus, to allow [the Biden Administration’s] unlawful action to stand would be to functionally rewrite Title IX in a way that shockingly transforms American education and usurps a major question from Congress. That is not how our democratic system functions.”



  the law (2US1970) that tied my hands?  CAPITOL POLICE EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE ACT OF 2021 

The Purge: FBI Abused Security Clearance Process to Weed Out Employees With ‘Wrong’ Political View

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is slated to testify before a GOP-led House committee next month, just one day after former President Donald Trump is scheduled to be sentenced following his guilty verdict in a New York hush-money case.


 of 11 Checks, 11 Invoices, and 12 Entries by a highly respected bookkeeper in a Ledger. Even the Invoices said, “Legal Retainer.” Why? Because that’s what it was, a payment to a then-fully accredited lawyer. Nothing illegal, no “conspiracies.” THE APPELLATE COURTS HAVE TO END THIS WITCH HUNT AGAINST A POLITICAL OPPONENT!


A group of pro-Biden financiers are bringing in Hollywood writers to work on a SuperPAC aimed at reversing Biden’s steep decline with younger voters, a demographic that proved key to his victory in 2020.
The group, Won’t PAC Down, intends to raise between $20-25 million in support of the effort, according to a report from Politico. The group is turning to Millennial and Generation Z Hollywood writers and directors in order to tailor ads to younger voters.
“Won’t PAC Down has hired millennial and Gen Z writers, directors and producers to help craft pro-Biden content that’s specifically engineered to sell an octogenarian candidate to typically disillusioned and hard-to-reach voters under 30,” Politico reported. 
The PAC is bringing in writers with credits on shows such as “Saturday Night Live” and “Parks And Recreation,” among other hit shows. Meetings have been ongoing over the last month in a downtown Los Angeles conference building, the outlet reported.


The Democrats are preparing to switch out the only candidate they have permitted to run.  


REPORT: House Democrats Are Already Scrambling to Prepare for a Trump Victory in November

They are scrambling to prepare for ways to prevent Trump from putting his agenda in place. This is why it’s important not only for Trump to win but for Republicans to win the House and Senate.
Democrats would not even bother with any of this if they thought Biden was going to sail to reelection. Their fear is very telling.

Politico reported:

 A group of House Democrats is launching a new task force to respond to the possibility of former President Donald Trump’s return to office.The group is reacting to the so-called Project 2025, a policy road map for the next presidential administration compiled by the conservative Heritage Foundation. Democrats have sought to turn the blueprint and its government overhaul proposals into a foil as campaign season ramps up.“T
What happened to the importance of our sacred democracy, Democrats?

They are everything that they falsely accuse Trump of being.
They will not give up control without a fight,


On Tuesday, Jimmy Carter’s grandson gave an update on the former president’s health, saying the family cherishes each waking moment with the 99-year-old as he slips deeper into a semi-cognizant state.
Jason Carter made the comments during an interview with Southern Living, telling the magazine that his grandfather is no longer awake every day during his family’s hospice visits.
“[He’s] experiencing the world as best he can as he continues through this process,” the younger Carter said, adding that it’s impossible to predict what state the former president will be in during visits.


Voting machine contract under scrutiny following discrepancies in Puerto Rico’s primaries

  Puerto Rico’s elections commission said Tuesday that it’s reviewing its contract with a U.S. electronic voting company after hundreds of discrepancies were discovered following the island’s heated primaries.

The problem stemmed from a software issue that caused machines supplied by Dominion Voting Systems to incorrectly calculate vote totals, said Jessika Padilla Rivera, the commission’s interim president.
While no one is contesting the results from the June 2 primary that correctly identify the winners, machine-reported vote counts were lower than the paper ones in some cases, and some machines reversed certain totals or reported zero votes for some candidates.
“The concern is that we obviously have elections in November, and we must provide the (island) not only with the assurance that the machine produces a correct result, but also that the result it produces is the same one that is reported,” Padilla said.
More than 6,000 Dominion voting machines were used in Puerto Rico’s primaries, with the company stating that software issues stemmed from the digital files used to export results from the machines.

The contract between Dominion and the elections commission ends June 30.


China-Linked Cyber Campaign Infiltrated Dozens of Western Governments: Dutch Intelligence

The Netherlands’ National Cyber Security Center said the Chinese cyber campaign is far larger than previously thought.

A China-linked cyber campaign that infiltrated a Dutch defense network last year is much larger than previously thought and has infiltrated tens of thousands of government and defense systems in Western nations, according to the Dutch government.
The campaign, dubbed COATHANGER, has been linked to communist China and it exploited a zero-day vulnerability in the FortiGate firewall system used by the Netherlands and other nations on many government networks. Zero-day vulnerabilities exist when a software update is first deployed.
Dutch intelligence’s original report, released in February, said that damage from the breach was limited because of “network segmentation,” which separates an affected system from the nation’s wider defense network.

NCSC said that COATHANGER compromised 20,000 systems across dozens of Western governments, international organizations, and a large number of companies within the defense industry.
Moreover, the statement said, the attackers used the intrusion to install malware on some of those compromised targets to guarantee continued access to those systems. The malware still has not been cut off.
“This gave the state actor permanent access to the systems,” the statement reads. “Even if a victim installs FortiGate security updates, the state actor continues to have this access.”
U.S. intelligence leaders announced earlier in the year that they had dismantled Chinese malware known as Volt Typhoon, which had been planted on hundreds of devices and threatened vital U.S. infrastructure, including water, energy, oil, and air traffic control systems.


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