Flip The Script, J13 Select Committee, Transparency, Election Interference Narrative Change – Ep. 3405

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Everything the [DS]/[WEF] has told us about their climate agenda is a lie, just like covid. The Great Barrier Reef is thriving. Canadians are struggling because of the energy policies. EU is now adding a cost to charge your car. Trump sets the narrative for the rate cut. The [DS] is now trapped in their assassination attempt. The truth is coming out and they are now in the coverup phase but this is failing. Soon they will need another event to coverup the attempt event. Biden prepares the narrative for his departure. The ICA has not changed the definition to election interference. It now says assassination & cyber attacks.Its time flip the script, J13 select committee is needed to show the people the criminal syndicate.



Coming Soon to an EV Charging Station Near You: Extra Fees for Taking Too Long to Charge Your Car 

Charging station operator now levying extra fee if you take too long to charge your electric car. The aim: “fairer distribution”.

Germany’s online BlackoutNews.de here reports how Dutch charging station operator Allego is imposing a “blocking fee” at all its European fast chargers.

The fee went into effect on July 1st.

For example, in Germany, if drivers take more than 45 minutes to charge their electric cars at an Allegro fast-charger, then they will have to pay an extra 25 cents-euro for each additional minute of charging beyond 45 minutes.

 But what’s revealing here is the reason given for this new surcharge.

“This measure is intended to ensure a fairer distribution of the charging infrastructure and prevent unnecessary over-parking, writes Blackout News. “So if you stand at the charging station for an hour longer, you pay almost 15 euros extra,” according to elektroauto-news:.Apparently, the fee is designed to reduce the long charging lines occurring at charging stations, especially as millions of Europeans head out on their summer holidays.

It is belaboring the obvious that drivers of traditional gasoline or diesel-powered autos will not face this problem.
This, of course, will be noticed by the “green energy” crowd on our side of the Atlantic, as well. As noted above, the American government has failed abysmally in its goals of producing 500,000 EV chargers, while still demanding subsidies to try to persuade more and more American drivers to give up their old benzene burners for Priuses; this proposal will likely be pitched here in the United States.

Source: redstate.com


Donald Trump warns US Fed chair not to cut rates before the election

 Donald Trump warns US Fed chair not to cut rates before the election on facebook 
Donald Trump has warned Jay Powell not to cut US interest rates before November’s presidential vote, but said if elected he would let the Federal Reserve chair serve out his term if he was “doing the right thing”.
The Republican nominee acknowledged in an interview with Bloomberg News that the central bank would “maybe” cut interest rates before the election on November 5, but added “it’s something that they know they shouldn’t be doing”. Trump also addressed mounting concerns in financial markets that he would politicise the Fed, starting with attempting to force Powell out before the end of his term as Fed chair in 2026.

Source: ft.com


Dec 10, 2018 3:20:23 PM EST
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a22a92 No. 4243710 
The plan to have the FED raise RATES [steep incline beginning Mar 2019] in an effort to ‘kill’ the economy prior to 2020 P_elec is known and planned for.
Structure change coming?



Chuck Schumer Demands Convicted Felon Bob Menendez Resign from Senate but Does Not Move to Expel Him

senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called on fellow Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez (NJ) to resign following his conviction on all sixteen felony corruption charges he faced.
Schumer did not indicate that he would move to expel Menendez, who is now a convicted felon after a nine-week trial in which the jury found him guilty of accepting bribes of cash, gold, and a luxury car from three businessmen and acting as a foreign agent for Egypt.

Source: breitbart.com

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, renowned for her unyielding and fiery approach to governance, has taken unprecedented steps against Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito by introducing articles of impeachment on Wednesday. This decisive action comes as accusations of corruption fly along with a deepening constitutional crisis.

Geopolitical/Police State

‘Illegal Secret Deal:’ Musk Claims European Union Tried to Blackmail X into Censorship

X/Twitter owner Elon Musk has claimed the European Union attempted to blackmail him into permitting secret censorship at the behest of Brussels, and accused other social platforms of taking such deals.
The European Union moved to make its new Digital Services Act (DSA) felt on Friday, accusing Elon Musk-owned X (formerly Twitter) of breaching these European Union rules, and threatening fines. Musk hit back immediately, saying the DSA itself was the source of “misinformation” and alleging the European Union had tried to broker a secret deal with him to achieve EU-directed censorship.
He wrote in his claim: “The European Commission offered [X] an illegal secret deal: if we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not fine us.” Musk asserted “The other platforms accepted that deal” but that he did not.
Musk said, further: “We look forward to a very public battle in court, so that the people of Europe can know the truth.”

Source: breitbart.com


The U.S. Central Command said  that the Islamic State group is trying “to reconstitute” as the number of attacks in Syria and Iraq is on track to double those of the previous year.
IS has claimed 153 attacks in both countries in the first six months of 2024, CENTCOM said in a statement. According to a U.S. defense official, who spoke on condition of anonymity as he wasn’t allowed to speak publicly on the matter, the group was behind 121 attacks in Syria and Iraq in 2023.
“The increase in attacks indicates ISIS is attempting to reconstitute following several years of decreased capability,” CENTCOM said.

Source: newsmax.com


False Flags

Von der Leyen Commission loses COVID vaccine transparency case ahead of crucial vote

Von der Leyen’s Commission has lost a controversial vaccines contracts transparency case on the eve of a crucial vote in the European Parliament to confirm her nomination as Commission President.

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has today (17 July) annulled a European Commission decision to conceal certain parts of COVID vaccine contracts amid Von der Leyen’s efforts to gain support for re-election.

The ECJ has ruled today that the Commission did not give sufficient access to the purchase agreements and considers that the executive’s decision to publish only redacted versions of the contracts contains irregularities.

Source: euronews.com 

But shortly before 8 p.m. Tuesday, the Johnson administration reversed course. Sposato got the news in a phone call from senior mayoral adviser Jason Lee.
“It’s not coming down. It’s staying right where it is,” Sposato told the Sun-Times.

Now, John Deere says they’re done getting involved in woke propaganda activities. Great to see them listening! The tide is turning. The Culture War is shifting in our favor because people are sick of the nonsense!

‘The Final Straw’: Elon Musk Confirms SpaceX and Twitter/X Are Leaving California For Texas

Elon Musk has announced that SpaceX and Twitter/X will move their respective headquarters from California to Texas.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com



Adam Schiff Warns in Private Meeting Democrats Will Lose Everything if Biden Stays

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) warned in a recent private meeting that Democrats stand to lose everything this election so long as President Joe Biden remains at the top of the ticket.
“I think if he is our nominee, I think we lose,” Schiff said at the meeting, according to a transcript obtained by the New York Times. “And we may very, very well lose the Senate and lose our chance to take back the House.”

Source: breitbart.com

President Biden said in a new interview that he would consider dropping out if he was diagnosed with a “medical condition” by doctors — giving his clearest sign yet of faltering in his insistence he will seek a second term.
“If I had some medical condition that emerged, if somebody, if doctors came to me and said, you got this problem and that problem,” Biden said in an excerpt released Wednesday.

Source: nypost.com



BREAKING NEWSSecret Service spotted Thomas Crooks at Trump rally THREE HOURS before shooting

Thomas Matthews Crook was at the former president’s rally three hours before shooting him and sparked the suspicions of the Secret Service because he was carrying a rangefinder used by hunters to take long shots.

At around 3pm on Saturday, Crooks was spotted at the rally’s security screening area and tried to pass through metal detectors with the rangefinder, which is used by shooters to measure distance, CNN reported.
The device, which looks like a small pair of binoculars, would not have prevented him getting into the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, but did put him on law enforcement’s radar.
The Secret Service watched him but lost track of Crooks when he left the secure area.

The backpack affixed to this bicycle was reportedly related to Crooks’ assassination attempt

The remote detonator is seen next to Thomas Crooks’ cellphone

Source: dailymail.co.uk

 now is who?


TRUMP ASSASSINATION: Crooks’ Impossible Path to the Roof at Butler, PA Rally (Analysis)

Another part of the story that makes no sense is that 20-year-old Thomas Crooks, who lived an hour away before he went to the rally, knew that he would need a ladder in order to scale the walls and take a shot at President Trump. According to federal authorities, Crooks stopped at Home Depot on his way to the rally in his hometown of Bethel Park and bought a 5-foot ladder.

Initially, the pictures leaking out from the rally’s aftermath showed a ladder that was in place near where Crooks’ body was found, on top of the American Glass Research manufacturing company warehouse near the Butler Farm Show Airport.



But pictured above is a ten-foot ladder, and one that large would not fit in Crooks’ car, so there would be no way for him to get it from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, to Butler, Pennsylvania.
It also makes no sense how Crooks would have been able to do enough advance research and investigation beforehand to know the security protocols of the Trump rally, and know the details of which building to get on top of, to take sniper shots at Trump.

Hyundai Sonata
It is claimed by mainstream media that Crooks bought a 5-foot ladder for the rally. The lightest 5-foot ladder sold by Home Depot weighs 12 pounds. Crooks’ height and weight are not released. But assuming he is an average male of average build, he likely weighs around 190 pounds and is 5’9.
Crooks was driving his Hyundai Sonata to the rally. We know he has a backpack, an AR-15-style gun, and brings himself to the roof of the AGR Building at 615 Whitestown Rd, Meridian, PA 16001 according to authorities. An AR-15 weighs 7 pounds.
So, with his body weight, ladder weight, and gun weight, Crooks is 209 pounds.
With a five-foot ladder, there is no place for Crooks to easily gain entry to the roof of the building, which is about 10+ feet tall. C

So when your Gateway Pundit reporters approached the AGR facility yesterday, as we were being told to leave the premises by both the FBI and the Pennsylvania State Police, we snapped a quick photograph of that spot.
And we managed to identify what structure is next to the loading bay in that spot, the structure that Crooks could have placed his 5 foot ladder upon to get access to the roof.

It is a CRAFTSMAN 4-ft x 6-ft Resin Storage Shed. They retail online for $600. Here’s the manual for the Craftsman 4×6 ft Resin Storage Shed.

The manual is very clear that you should never place anything on top of the shed.

The reason one should not stand on the shed is that the roof of the resin structure is not reinforced, so it cannot support any weight. The roof is purely a decorative piece to keep rain off of the shed, it cannot support any weight.
The support for the shed can only support 20 pounds per square foot. Meaning that, every step that Thomas Crooks took on such a structure should have collapsed the roof and brought Crooks to the ground.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

CNN Host Gets Triggered When Former Army Sniper Rep. Cory Mills Suggests the Assassination Attempt on Trump Could Have Been a Setup (VIDEO)  




Trump Campaign Made Aware of Iranian Assassination Plot Against Trump Before Saturday’s PA Rally

CNN is  reporting that the Trump Camp was made aware of an Iranian assassination plot against Trump before Saturday’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.
According to the report, Secret Service ramped up security after receiving intel about the assassination plot.
Saturday’s would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks had no connection to the Iranian assassination plot, according to CNN.

 CNN reported:


Source: thegatewaypundit.com


The gunman, who graduated from high school only two or three years ago, was known then as a terrible shot.
The gunman had no social media presence at all, a striking anomaly today.
He had a denator, but up until now there is no search, no information they he looked it up to create it, which most likely means his handler helped.
People repeatedly warned the police that they saw a man with a gun on a shed near Trump’s platform, but neither the police nor the USSS reacted.
The USSS had been aware of the shooter’s bizarre behavior for at least 30 minutes before the shooting itself but did nothing.
Security allowed a ladder to be positioned at the shed without responding to that fact.
Snipers had the shooter in their sites before he shot anyone.
The administration kept Trump’s USSS team understaffed.
Trump’s existing team, which had presumably learned to work together, was suddenly disassembled so that Jill could make an appearance at the same time as Trump’s rally.
The USSS put the shed outside of its security perimeter even though (a) it was 125 yards away from Trump, which would work even for a mediocre marksman, and (b) it had a perfect sightline to Trump.
USSS Director Kimberley Cheatle said agents weren’t actually on the shed because the roof was sloped. Using passive voice, she explained, “the decision was made to secure the building from the inside.”
As Cheatle noted, there were USSS agents inside the shed, even though the roof was the perfect firing platform.
Who took the pic of the dead body and put out, 
They said he acted alone before he accessed his phone
Strange that there is no information on the phone
The feds were instantly able to identify the shooter by his DNA, which is peculiar because he’d never been arrested, so there’s no reason that his DNA would have been in law enforcement records.
No mentions the water tower, witnesses talk about shots coming from there or seeing something up in the tower

 prison time for this level of negligence.


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b189f8 No.130638
Jan 22 2018 21:47:32 (EST)
What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?
What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?
Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].
This is only the beginning.

Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?
What happens to the FBI?
What happens to the DOJ?
What happens to special counsel?
What happens in general?
Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.


Department of Homeland Security is Interfering in House’s Assassination Investigation 

 Department of Homeland Security run by Alejandro Mayorkas is interfering with the House’s investigation into the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump.

Source: saraacarter.com/ 


  intervention, there have been no meaningful updates or information shared with the Committee. The lack of transparency and failure to cooperate with the Committee on this pressing matter by both DHS and the Secret Service further calls into question your ability to lead the Secret Service and necessitates the attached subpoena compelling your appearance before the Oversight Committee.”

Flip the script, put together J13 Select Committee, televise it and let it be transparent so the people can see who was really involved.

Man arrested with AK-47 near Republican convention in Milwaukee

A man was arrested near the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee after an AK-47 pistol was found in his backpack, according to local and federal officials. His intentions, if any, were not immediately clear.
The incident happened at around 1 p.m. on Monday when U.S. Capitol Police observed a suspicious person with a ski mask and a large tactical backpack in the 1200 block of N. 11th Street, just a few blocks from the convention.
“C Source:  bnonews.com 


Jul 17, 2020 5:47:13 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f4dc5f No. 9991332
https://twitter.com/realAlexBaumann/status/1284240420302536705 C19 narrative kill date: Election Day +1

Prepare for zero-day [massive CYBER-power] attacks [attempts] on 11.4.



Jul 18, 2020 12:43:12 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 1eef8a No. 10000076
When was the last time you witnessed a [D] party leader being Patriotic [exhibiting National Pride (love of Country)]?

When was the last time you witnessed a [D] party leader ‘speak out against’ the riots [violence in the streets]?

[MSDNC projecting ‘peaceful’ protests?]

When was the last time you witnessed a [D] party leader support those who took at oath to protect and defend?

When was the last time you witnessed a [D] party leader support and call for UNITY across our Nation?

Why do they want people divided?

Why do they want people categorized?


[F] The Great [D]eceivers.


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