Harris Rushes To Choose Running Mate As Democratic Nomination Approaches

The lead-up to the Democratic National Convention is always a spectacle in political maneuvering and anticipation, heightened this year as Kamala Harris scrambles to select her running mate. The deadline looms perilously close for Harris, who set her presidential campaign in motion only recently. An online vote set for August 1 could see Harris snatching the Democratic nomination, a staggering 18 days before the convention officially begins in Chicago on August 19.

This same tightrope walk applies to the deadline for the vice presidential candidate. By August 7, just 12 short days before the kickoff, Harris’ running mate is expected to be unveiled. But will she keep the public in suspense till the last possible moment? Historical data suggests she won’t. Indeed, in 2020 Biden selected Harris as his wingwoman a whole six days before the convention.

Interestingly, this didn’t use to be the standard. The practice used to be to wait until the convention’s final day to drop the vice presidential bombshell. However, since 1968, the suspense is typically shortened to a window of 3–4 days before the start of the DNC. The GOP operates on a similar timeline, with announcements usually coming 1–2 days before the Republican National Convention begins.

Meanwhile, Trump, ever the disruptor, broke the norms yet again by announcing his selection of J.D. Vance right on the first day of the RNC. That’s Trump for you, always keeping the world on its toes and never playing by the ‘established’ rules. A non-traditional move from a non-traditional leader, in stark contrast to the predictable Democrats.

Back to Harris’ chaotic side of the aisle, whispers continue to abound over possible running mates for Harris. As per reports by the Associated Press, Harris is currently juggling a deck of about twelve possible candidates. The usual rogue’s gallery of Democrat luminaries finds itself on this list as Harris evidently struggles to find her perfect fit.

The line-up reads as follows: Arizona’s Sen. Mark Kelly, Pennsylvania’s Gov. Josh Shapiro, Kentucky’s Gov. Andy Beshear, and North Carolina’s Gov. Roy Cooper. If recognizable faces are her goal, her list also includes Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz. And of course, there’s one token outsider to keep up appearances.

The scrambling on the Democrat side surely stems from the fact they are going head-to-head with a strong, successful, record-breaking economy builder like Trump. And look who Harris is considering – the same old faces that have proven time and again their policies just don’t work.

Despite the struggling efforts, a poll from Pennsylvania suggests possible victory for the Democrats, but then again, polls have been wrong before, haven’t they? According to this hunch, a Harris-Shapiro ticket might just win Pennsylvania, with 47% of voters in their favor. But let’s not forget the other side of the coin, shall we?

Not far behind, standing at 46%, was the formidable duo of Trump and Vance. In spite of the Democrat’s desperate scramble and exhaustive efforts, they’re barely leading in a crucial swing-state. It’s a testimony to Trump’s leadership and charisma, and a stark insight into the Democrat’s performance.

It’s important for the Democrats to remember that selecting a running mate isn’t about just picking the most recognizable face or the one that polls predict will win. It’s about choosing a partner who shares vision and values, who can drive change and build a better nation. A lesson they could learn from Donald Trump, who clearly chose a running mate based on their shared commitment to America and its people.

Despite all their efforts, the Democrats can run but they can’t hide from their track record. While they spend their time debating and mulling over possible ‘sidekicks,’ it’s clear that the power and leadership they dare to compete with in the upcoming elections hails from a man with a proven track record – Donald Trump.

One can only watch, wait, and see how this confusing, convoluted display of indecisiveness unfolds in the Democratic camp. One thing remains clear, no matter who Harris picks under duress of a looming deadline, Trump’s leadership, vision, and unwavering commitment to the American people remains unchanging and unparalleled.

Harris Rushes To Choose Running Mate As Democratic Nomination Approaches appeared first on Real News Now.

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