It Wasn’t A USSS Failure,It Was An Op By The [DS],Next Event,Nation Will Unite Under Trump – Ep. 3403

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Click On Picture To See Larger PictureUS temp help services jobs have seen negative growth for 20 straight months. Layoffs are continuing and its going to accelerate.[CB] world wide is now preparing for the Fed rate cut. Powell signals that the Fed sees inflation improvement. Right on schedule. The [DS] screwed up, they didn’t complete their mission. The USSS was not a failure it was an OP conducted by the [DS] players. This was their only chance and they missed. Now the FBI and the [DS] are regrouping to explain what happened, which means they will hide what happened. Did the [DS] just project the next event. Trump will unite the country in the end.



  streak of declines has only happened during a deep economic downturn. Since March 2022, employment in this sector has plummeted by 515,000 jobs to the current 2.67 million. In June alone, temporary help services jobs dropped by 8%, the most since the 2020 Pandemic. Another sign of a weakening labor market.

– OpenText cuts 1,200 roles (2 WEEKS AGO)
– Microsoft lays off hundreds in Azure division (LAST MONTH)
– ByteDance (TikTok) cuts 450 roles (LAST MONTH)
– Fisker files for bankruptcy (LAST MONTH) In 2024, tech companies have laid off over 106,630 employees.
Is this because of AI or the economy?

 monetary policy. Canada and the European Central Bank were the latest to cut interest rates in June. Meanwhile, the market is pricing the first Fed rate cut in September and a total of 2 cuts this year. The world is waiting on US rate cuts.

Powell says Federal Reserve is more confident inflation is slowing to its target

WASHINGTON (AP) — Chair Jerome Powell said Monday that the Federal Reserve is becoming more convinced that inflation is headed back to its 2% target and said the Fed would cut rates before the pace of price increases actually reached that point.
“We’ve had three better readings, and if you average them, that’s a pretty good pace,” Powell said of inflation in a question-and-answer question at the Economic Club of Washington. Those figures, he said, “do add to confidence” that inflation is slowing sustainably.




Geopolitical/Police State


Cyber Attacks

False Flags


Smith Was unconstitutionally appointed.


Schumer: ‘Misguided’ dismissal of Trump classified docs case ‘must be appealed’

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) called Florida Judge Aileen Cannon’s dismissal of the felony charges accusing former President Trump of mishandling classified documents “breathtakingly misguided” and called for her ruling to be “appealed immediately.”
“This breathtakingly misguided ruling flies in the face of long-accepted practice and repetitive judicial precedence,” Schumer said in a statement issued shortly after the ruling.
“It is wrong in the law and must be appealed immediately. This is further evidence that Judge Cannon cannot handle this case impartially and must be reassigned,” he said.


  placed in charge of enforcing our constitution continues to make up legal practice via fiat, and call it ‘well settled’- how many times have you heard this from DOJ, only for them to break their own long standing principles for weaponized purposes. They have no credibility, and it is entirely of their own making.
Only through @realDonaldTrump continued quest to restore the rule of law, did the constitution achieve this victory today. May there be many more, for our rule of law, in the time to come.

 Attacks, which are an Election Interference conspiracy against Joe Biden’s Political Opponent, ME. Let us come together to END all Weaponization of our Justice System, and Make America Great Again!

Analysts Report Increase in Political Assassinations Worldwide

The Washington Times reports,

Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot on May 15 following a government meeting in the central Slovakian town of Handlova.

He was rushed to a local hospital and underwent emergency surgery. Police arrested the assailant, Juraj Cintula, 71, who reportedly opposed Mr. Fico’s international policies, which included pushing for friendly relations with Russia while criticizing NATO and the U.S. British lawmaker David Amess was stabbed to death on Oct. 15, 2021, while he was meeting with voters from his constituency in the House of Commons.

Authorities said the assailant, Ali Harbi Ali, was a British Islamic State sympathizer. He was convicted of murder and terrorist-related activities and sentenced to life in prison.

Haitian President Jovenel Moise was assassinated by gunmen who invaded his Port-au-Prince home on July 7, 2021. The attack injured his wife, but she was later indicted with several government officials as a co-conspirator.
Political assassination incidents are increasing worldwide, with recent cases occurring in the United Kingdom, Haiti, Japan, Slovakia, and now the United States.
Jacob Ware, a research fellow with the Council on Foreign Relations, expressed deep concern about this alarming trend on Sunday via X. “This is an extremely concerning development that, unfortunately, shows no real signs of slowing down,” Ware commented.
Political assassinations are not confined to one extreme on the political spectrum. Both far-left and far-right actors have turned to violence. Analysts warn that such actions are particularly effective at tearing apart a country’s social framework.


Is Biden Up Next? Talk about that in a little bit

Any D that speaks likes this is doomed.






Analysis of Secret Service Failures in the Trump Assassination Attempt

Rooftop Security Lapses
Ignored Warnings and Poor Response
Coordination and Communication Failures

Lack of Resource Allocation

Additional Failures and Issues


This not a USSS failure, this was an op to take out trump, never interfere with an enemy while they are in the process of destroying themselves.

The permiter wasn’t locked down
No Drones, No helicopters
The roof was identified as high priority vulnerability
Ladder was used, easy to spot
Guy carrying rifle, easy to spot

All staff was replaced with temps and purposely removed from Trump detail, so who are each and everyone of these people.

So from this point you can see that its an inside job. This was an op to take Trump out. This wasn’t a USSS failure, this was planned. They needed the women on the ground, they wouldn’t be able to protect him, this is what they wanted.

Most likely Matthew Crooks was the patsy and the real shooter was much further away

Other classmates said he was bullied a loner
I do believe there was intel that something might happen, team Trump most likely took out the real shooter, since the real shooter was removed
The DS operation fell apart early on, the people were not suppose to notice someone on the roof and they started to tell the authorities. they kept pointing a finger showing everyone where he was
A police officer went to check it out, but the patsy pointed his gun at him.
When the police officer told his superior or the USSS they were most likely not going to do anything
Since all of this was exposed I believe the patsy panicked. He was most likely told when to shoot, but since people were pointing at him and police officer discovered him, he opened fired

The Team on the roof that was watching him most likely knew when it was going to go down, when the patsy started to shoot, the guys on the roof was surprised, because it wasn’t suppose to go down this way

the patsy hit two people in the stands and the one bullet hit Trump in the ear

Trump Would-Be Assassin Rejected from High School Shooting Club: ‘Comically Bad’ Shot

Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20-year-old Pennsylvania man who tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump on Saturday, reportedly got rejected from his high school shooting club for being a “comically bad” shot.

A few years before the assassination attempt, Crooks tried out for the rifle team at Bethel Park High School, two former classmates told The Post.

The shooting range at the school is 50 feet long by 21 feet wide, with seven ranges.

Crooks once fired from the seventh lane — the closest lane to the right wall — and hit the left wall, completely missing every target on the back wall. He missed his target by close to 20 feet, Murphy recalled.

Murphy referred to Crooks as a “comically bad shot.” Another classmate said he liked to wear hunting outfits to class and that he “couldn’t shoot at all.”


This is how the DS uses the playbook, the patsy is not the shooter, they just need someone to pull the trigger, this will cause chaos and it will injure and kill people. During the time the patsy is shooting the real shooter shoots the intended target, the gunfire from the patsy masks the real shooters gun shot.
The DS mission failed, Biden and team panicked. Biden immediately started to talk about lowering the temperature, lets come together, does he mean it, no

  chose to ignore history of left-wing political violence & riots. A shameful speech given by a sad feeble man and written by desperate Democrats aides trying to cling to power. History should not remember them well.

Biden started to remove all of his campaign ads, why, because all they talk about was how Trump was hitler, extremist etc. How do we know that he is lying, all you have to do is look at what they have done to Trump

They patsy was registered as a republican, this would help with gun control because he was also wearing a demolition ranch shirt which is a gun youtube channel. Plus since he was a republican they were going to use this to say that people in his own party wanted him dead and they could use this to pursuade the republicans to institute gun control.

Trump shooter used ‘AR-style’ rifle that was legally purchased: FBI

The FBI confirmed the weapon Crooks used was purchased legally.


Trump Republicans ‘Reap What They Sow’ by Defending Gun Rights: European Left

In reaction to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, leading left-wing political figures in Europe pointed the finger at gun rights in America, with the former head of the UK Labour Party in the European Parliament saying that Republicans “reap what they sow” for defending the Second Amendment.
The failed assassination attempt on former president and current frontrunner in the 2024 election Donald Trump at a campaign rally, which claimed the life of an audience member and left two others critically wounded, is already being used for political points scoring to forward the anti-gun agenda of the left in Europe.


Now since the operation failed, the DS needs to rework the narrative
For some reason they have the phone of the shooter but they cannot get into it. We know why they don’t want to because the communications are on the phone . Remember the FBI was able to access the J6 Phones, but never been able to find the pipe bomber, now they need to scrub the information and place new information to be presented to the public.

Quantico Reportedly Can’t Access Shooter’s Phone, Yet Claims ‘He Acted Alone’—Tech Mogul Elon Musk Responds

Biden’s FBI has announced that they believe the would-be assassin at former President Trump’s Pennsylvania rally on Saturday acted alone.
The statement comes despite the bureau’s inability to access data from the suspect’s cell phone, which has been sent to Quantico for further examination.
Kevin Rojek, FBI Special Agent in Charge Pittsburgh, said that the information currently available to the bureau suggests that there is no further public safety concern. However, he also noted that the investigation is still in its early stages, according to Fox News.

“We have not identified an ideology associated with the subject, but I want to remind everyone that we’re still very early in this investigation,” Rojek said during a press conference on Sunday.


First they needed to tell people that they cannot find a motive until they can rework the what they are going to say
They have to repeat over and over that he is a lone wolf, he worked alone to remove the idea that there was another shooter and that he has been working with the FBI/CIA and others.

Biden tells everyone, don’t do research, don’t speculate, wait until the FBI tells us what happened. This is how they are controlling the narrative

The FBI is now saying it is Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump as ‘Potential Domestic Terrorism’. Think about what they just said, the patsy was registered as a republican, republicans are now terrorists.

FBI is Now Investigating Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump as ‘Potential Domestic Terrorism’

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has revealed that it is currently investigating the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump as a case of “potential domestic terrorism.”

“The FBI is investigating the shooting incident at the July 13 rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, which resulted in one victim’s death and injuries to former President Trump and other spectators, as an assassination attempt and potential domestic terrorism,” the bureau said in a statement.


 should feel.”

 calls for further violence. Additionally, the high-profile nature of this attack—occurring as the US enters the final months of its Presidential election and two days before the RepublicanNational Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin—will likely be amplified in extremist messaging and heavily exploited by malicious actors as well as adversarial nation-states in mis/dis/mal-information aimed at fomenting division.”
“This attempted assassination took place in a heightened domestic threat environment facing public officials in the US and amid elevated concerns nationwide for acts of targeted politically-motivated violence.”
“The NYPD Intelligence & Counterterrorism Bureau (ICB) assesses that the assassination of elected officials remains a viable tactic to a range of violent extremists in the US, as demonstrated by a string of recent high-profile arrests involving threats against public figures, necessitating elevated vigilance by law enforcement officers assigned to protective details and election events.“


Are they now projected what the next event is going to be. 


Jul 14, 2019 7:50:24 PM EDT
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9f03da No. 7042622 

  This assassination attempt has emboldened many fence-sitters to take the leap. Big names from Elon Musk, to celebrities, to professional athletes, and everyone in between, are coming out in support of Trump after the attack. It’s a galvanizing moment for many Americans. Not only did the Deep State fail to take him out, they made him considerably more formidable in the process.

Now they have no choice but to replace Biden. The question is how are the going to replace him. Will they remove him with the 25th amend, or are they going to even the playing field by using the failed assassination attempt on Trump. Now they have a fake republican that tried to kill Trump, they have been  building the narrative that more violence is being stoked by Trump, they put out a report that political assassinations are on the rise. Trump is leading in the polls, the attempt on his life pushed him way up, I believe that they might to even the playing field by taking Biden out. 

Remember they are building the narrative for chaos, they want a civil war. 

  became a Major Best Seller and Movie, as it championed the hardworking men and women of our Country. J.D. has had a very successful business career in Technology and Finance, and now, during the Campaign, will be strongly focused on the people he fought so brilliantly for, the American Workers and Farmers in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota, and far beyond….

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