Manchurian Candidate,[HRC]-[BO] Ticket Possible?Are You Ready To Finish What We Started – Ep. 3408

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Click On Picture To See Larger PictureThe green agenda will increase the cost of energy because it is not efficient. Just look at the UK. NY is getting wind power, wait until the people see the truth. Real estate market falling apart. IMF sends warning about rate cuts. Biden is a Manchurian candidate, so is Obama. Biden is will not make it to the 2024 elections, either he will resign or the [DS] will remove him. Is a [HRC]-[BO] possible. yes, will the [DS] move in this direction. If so, Trump has them exactly where he wants them. Think about where all this started, Clinton and Obama, its now time to finish what was a started.



This Is Why Electricity Costs Twice As Much In Britain As In The US 

The new Energy Secretary Ed Milliband has just given the green light to the biggest solar farm in the U.K. He claims that building the Sunnica solar farm in East Anglia will “cut bills for families”. The peak electricity demand in Britain is in the winter when we need to heat our homes, offices, shops, warehouses, factories etc. But in the winter solar farms produce almost no electricity in Britain. This is because it is dark for around 16 hours a day and when the Sun does appear it is weak and usually hidden behind thick cloud. Solar energy may make sense in some countries, for example the countries of North Africa, but building solar farms in Britain is completely brainless.


  as buyers wait for mortgage rates and prices to fall. Most recently, 30-year fixed mortgage rates fell to 6.8% on July 17th from 7.1% two weeks earlier. Meanwhile, the median house sale price is sitting at a whopping $396,379 just $100 below last week’s all-time high. Buyers are quickly disappearing in this market

IMF Suggests Raising Taxes to Pay off the $34 TRILLION US Federal Debt — Says the FED Should Wait to Drop Interest Rates 

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released a staff report last week, advising the Federal Reserve to wait to cut interest rates and instead suggests that the government raises taxes to combat the out-of-control federal debt.
The globalist-backed report mirrors the Biden Regime’s economic narrative, recommending that the FED hold the line until interest rates dip back down to their set target of 2%.

From the IMF staff report:

“Directors noted that high fiscal deficits and the ongoing increase in the U.S. public debt to GDP ratio pose risks not only for the U.S. but also the global economy. They stressed the pressing need for a frontloaded fiscal adjustment, through both revenue and spending measures, while redirecting some of the fiscal savings to programs to alleviate poverty. A structural and long-term solution to address the issues related to the debt ceiling would also be beneficial…” 



Geopolitical/Police State



Russia Warns It Sees ‘Concentrated Presence’ Of NATO Warships In Black Sea

The Kremlin has again warned against a build-up of NATO warships in the Black Sea, while saying it is monitoring a noticeable increase in Western military vessels.
“Of course, the concentrated presence of NATO ships – we are paying attention to Bulgaria and Romania, the coastal states that are members of the (NATO) alliance – of course this represents, especially in the current situation, an additional threat to Russia,” Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a press briefing Thursday.
Via Associated Press


I appreciate President Zelenskyy for reaching out because I, as your next President of the United States, will bring peace to the world and end the war that has cost so many lives and devastated countless innocent families. Both sides will be able to come together and negotiate a deal that ends the violence and paves a path forward to prosperity.


 decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.



  his presidency, but we will remedy the damage he has done very quickly. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

“She’s Running!” – Hillary Clinton Floated as Biden Replacement Amid Democrat Turmoil 

The media is pushing Kamala Harris as the perfect alternative to Joe Biden.
However, an author floated twice-failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton as the perfect Biden replacement in an op-ed for The Hill.
Pablo O’Hana wrote an opinion piece on Saturday titled, “Ready for Round 2: Why we Need Hillary more than ever.”
“The strongest argument against replacing President Joe Biden as the 2024 Democratic nominee is the notion that no suitable successor exists. But there is, and not just a good one but one of the most qualified people ever to run for the office: Hillary Rodham Clinton,” O’Hana wrote.
O’Hana even called Hillary Clinton “perhaps the mightiest of all” choices to replace Joe Biden.



May 03, 2020 1:55:49 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 97a9d5 No. 9012163 



A Hillary Clinton-Barack Obama ticket to replace Joe Biden? Is it even possible?
The next obvious question is this: Does the Constitution allow Obama’s selection as a vice presidential running mate, given ambiguous language in the 12th and 22nd amendments?
The 12th Amendment states that no one “ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice President of the United States.” The 22nd Amendment — the “not Franklin Delano Roosevelt again” amendment — states that “no person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice.”
The operative word here might be “elected.” If Obama were selected as Clinton’s running mate, and she had to leave office for any reason, then Obama would succeed her. At least one constitutional expert is on record saying there is nothing to prevent such a scenario. 
But why would Obama, who has endorsed Biden, ever entertain such a possibility? I can think of two reasons. One, he would be seen among liberal, Never Trumpers as the one who stepped up to save the nation. Two, there is no heavy lifting involved. Obama could move into the vice presidential residence at the Naval Observatory, considered some of the most beautiful, secure grounds in all of Washington, and do as much or as little work as he wanted. His only real task would be during the campaign, to push Hillary Clinton over the victory line.
Some of the smart money may be placed on Joe Biden not becoming the Democrats’ nominee after all. And, at least in a few minds, it may be time for plans “C” and “O,” Democrats.

Trump Shooter’s School Releases Statement Claiming They Have No Records of Him Trying Out for Rifle Team 


The Bethel Park School District has released a statement that claims Trump rally shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks never tried out for his school’s rifle team.
In a press release, The Bethel Park School District wrote, “It has been reported that Thomas Crooks was a member of the Bethel Park High School rifle team or tried out for it but was dismissed due to poor performance or because the coach had character concerns.”
The statement continued, “Thomas Crooks was never a member of the school’s rifle team, and we have no record of him trying out. The coach does not recall meeting him.”

However, The school noted, “The coach does not recall meeting him. However, it is possible that Crooks informally attended a practice, took a shot, and never returned. We don’t have any record of that happening.”


Per The Bethel Park School District:


Trump Jr. on Shooter Flying Drone at Rally: Secret Service Stopped Me from ‘Flying My Own Drone’ near Mar-a-Lago


about the denial of Trump team security requests. “The assertion that a member of the former president’s security team requested additional security resources that the U.S. Secret Service or the Department of Homeland Security rebuffed is absolutely false,” said Anthony Guglielmi, a spokesman for the Secret Service.
The Washington Post later reported “Guglielmi said the agency had learned new information indicating the agency’s headquarters may have in fact denied some requests for additional security from Trump’s detail and was reviewing documentation to understand the specific interactions better.”
The Congress already had enough justification to impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas over deliberately causing a border crisis. The Secret Service’s mishandling of the Trump assassination attempt and the DHS cover-up add to the disgraceful record of one of the worst Cabinet officials in U.S. history.
Mayorkas should have been removed from office a long time ago. The fact he is still there means that the Biden administration and the Congress feel they are above accountability to the American people.

  roof? —— “You had people screaming, “there’s a man on the roof who’s got a gun. That was quite a bit before I walked into the stage. So you woulda thought somebody would have done something about it,” The full interview airs Monday



A Manchurian candidate is a person, especially a politician, being used as a puppet by an enemy power. The term is commonly used to indicate disloyalty or corruption, whether intentional or unintentional.

Manchurian candidate a person who is not loyal to, or who harmstheir own country or political party because they are under the control or influence of another country or party:

The Manchurian Candidate (1962 film)

The plot centers on Korean War veteran Raymond Shaw, part of a prominent political family. Shaw is brainwashed by communists after his Army platoon is captured. He returns to civilian life in the United States, where he becomes an unwitting assassin in an international communist conspiracy. The group, which includes representatives of the People’s Republic of China and the Soviet Union, plans to assassinate the presidential nominee of an American political party, with the death leading to the overthrow of the U.S. government.


Jul 01, 2018 3:23:25 PM EDT
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 147267 No. 1987414 

America really did have a Manchurian Candidate in the White House

After returning from a tour of some of the war zones in the Middle East — which ended with the Free Iran Gathering 2018 in Paris — I am struck by the realization that America really did have a Manchurian Candidate in The White House for eight years. If you look at the evidence, there really is no other conclusion. The calamitous consequences of the Obama presidency will be felt for the  




Voter ID ballot initiative signatures validated in Nevada

Those voting by mail would be required to provide the last four digits of their state-issued driver’s license or social security number. Signatures for a Nevada ballot initiative on voter ID have been validated.

185,573 people signed a petition from Repair The Vote PAC to get Voter ID on the ballot this November.
As previously reported by The Center Square, the required number is 102,362, with an equal number of signatures coming from every congressional district.
In a July 19th email to media, Repair The Vote PAC Chairman David Gibbs said his organization is “elated” to have met another milestone.

“The validation of 185,573 signatures underscores the strong support from citizens across the Silver State who are committed to protecting the sanctity of our voting system,” said Gibbs. “We are one step closer to enacting this vital reform.”
The initiative wants Nevadans to present photo ID when voting in person at polling places. Those voting by mail would be required to provide the last four digits of their state-issued driver’s license or social security number. 
Currently, thirty-five states require voters to show identification to vote at the polls. However, only twenty-four of those require photo identification. Idaho, Utah, and Arizona fall into one of those categories. California and Oregon do not require voter ID.



Nov 07, 2022 7:20:19 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No. 17728969 
Why do some elections take more than a day to count?
Can cheating be done after the polls are closed?
Who controls the pollbooks?
Who controls the databases?
Who controls the elections?
Why are extra ballots printed?
If someone doesn’t vote, can bad actors hijack their vote?
Why did the National Guard activate CYBERsecurity teams?
Who gave the order to ‘activate’ the CYBERsecurity teams?
To protect the elections?
To claim the midterms are ‘safe’?
Safe from what? Setting the stage?
Watch carefully.
White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain.
You have all the tools you need. Vote.

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