NYC Migrant Shelter Measles Outbreak: Biden’s Border Crisis Now a Public Health Emergency

Unfolding news about a measles flare-up in a New York City migrant shelter is raising public health worries as Biden’s so-called ‘border crisis’ takes a troubling health-related turn. Two individuals residing in one of the city’s migrant shelters have tested positive for measles, announced city health officials. In comparison to the single case last year, the number of measles cases in New York City has jumped to 11 as of July 12.

The Hall Street migrant shelter, the site of the measles cases, has long been a thorny issue for Clinton Hill locals. They have been reporting an increase in garbage, noise, and street homelessness under the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway. With the onset of the measles outbreak, their apprehension might further escalate owing to the highly infectious nature of the disease.

The Biden administration remains entangled in a wave of illegal immigrants hustling across the southern boundary. It appears they encounter no trouble whatsoever in supporting this illegal alien invasion from various underdeveloped countries. Many of these arrivals include unimmunized and unverified individuals, a combination that intensifies the risk of transmitting contagious diseases at migrant shelters in sanctuary cities like NYC.

Remarkably, while everyday Americans were required to get Covid vaccinations to retain their jobs or visit a restaurant, the administration seems to have overlooked the vaccination needs of over ten million migrants entering the country. The health measures, which are vital for public safety, do not seem to apply to them.

With the failure of the Biden administration to secure the southern border and implement immigration laws effectively, the situation is swiftly evolving into a public health emergency. The measles outbreak is just the tip of the iceberg, exposing the multitude of threats brewed by their ‘open border’ policies.

For a long time, conservatives have been cautioning about the dire consequences of unregulated illegal immigration. The recent measles outbreak presents a stark representation of their warnings, underscoring the pressing need for firm security at the borders and rigorous immigration law enforcement.

The Biden administration is now duty-bound to take swift actions to strengthen border security and safeguard the American citizens from various dangers emanating from illegal immigration. Their current approach seems to be exacerbating rather than alleviating these concerns.

The Chicago episode, where the CDC is at the forefront trying to bottle up a measles outbreak in a migrant shelter, ingeniously mirrors back the administration’s failures. This situation reflects a conundrum where the average American citizen is bound by Covid vaccination requirements while a parallel universe exists for the migrants who are devoid of any mandatory public safety vaccinations.

The open border policies of the administration, projected as a humanitarian act, seem to overlook the safety and health of American citizens. The lawmakers often forget; compassion must not come at the expense of endangering the common public.

Ironically, the administration is reacting to the measles outbreak instead of taking strategic, proactive measures to prevent such health crises in the first place. A firefighting approach is largely unsuitable for matters that deal with public health, especially during a global pandemic.

The contrast between the stringent vaccination mandates for American citizens and lenient ones for migrants paints an unsettling picture. It shows a divisive approach, and one might argue, a political bias without much regard for the long-term consequences.

Moving forward, a stern reassessment is necessary about how we handle border control and immigration amid such health crises. The administration’s one-sided stance tends to overlook the potential threats of unregulated immigration, and it must be urgently addressed.

In conclusion, the measles outbreak is yet another wake-up call for the administration to rethink its border policies. It underscores the urgent need for stricter immigration enforcement, ensuring better health protocols while sanctioning entry into the country, truly putting ‘America First’.

NYC Migrant Shelter Measles Outbreak: Biden’s Border Crisis Now a Public Health Emergency appeared first on Real News Now.

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