Phase 1 Obamala, Phase 2 Coming, JFK Dripped Out, The Final Countdown – Ep. 3411

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As each month passes the economy is falling apart. While the economy falls apart the [CB] are trying to make it look like it is improving. The Canadian [CB] has cut rates again, this is pushing the Fed to cut rates. Trump strategy is working with the people. The [DS] has now moved into position, the patriots now have them front and center. Obamala [Kamala Harris] is now the shiny object, they need this for her to get the nominee. After she is the nominee, this is when everything begins to fall apart. Obamala was a pawn the chess game for their next move. Cris Wray drips out information about the assassin, he looked up Oswald, JFK connection. We are now in the final countdown, Trump is playing the best chess game of his life.



  worst reading since the 2008 Financial Crisis. Meanwhile, the nationwide manufacturing sector has experienced its 2nd longest downturn on record, contracting in 19 of the last 20 months. Is the manufacturing industry signaling a recession?


Bank of Canada Cuts Rates For Second Consecutive Month, Says “Reasonable” To Expect More

The Bank of Canada, which last month became the first G7 bank to launch an easing cycle, moments ago cut interest rates by a quarter percentage point for a second consecutive meeting and signaled further easing ahead as inflation worries wane.

The cut was expected by virtually all surveyed economists; OIS priced in about 22bps of cuts into the decision. A recent easing of inflationary pressures and the central bank’s inflation forecast prompted the decision.




A former aide to Gov. Kathy Hochul reportedly had her $3.5 million Long Island home raided by the FBI early Tuesday.
The feds carried out the pre-dawn search at the five-bedroom property where Linda Sun, one of Hochul’s former deputy chiefs of staff, lives in a gated community in Manhasset, law enforcement sources told The Post.
The reason for the raid, first reported on by the New York Times, wasn’t immediately clear.
Linda Sun, former deputy chief of staff for Gov. Kathy Hochul.

Neither Sun, 40, nor her husband, Chris Hu, 41, have been accused of any wrongdoing. No arrests were made during the raid, according to sources.

The couple had owned the expansive home that was raided until transferring it into a trust in March, property records show.


  czar, said she would be looking at the “root causes” that drive migration.

heiress to the Seagram’s fortune, reportedly spent $150 million to fund NXIVM which was founded by Keith Raniere and Nancy Salzman. Bronfman’s money reportedly was used to buy an executive jet and an island in Fiji for NXIVM to use. Her billionaire father, Edgar Bronfman, was the longtime chairman to the World Jewish Congress for over two decades. Salzman, a Jewish therapist and a hypnotist, developed a so-called self-help method Executive Success Program (ESP) in 1997 before teaming up with Raniere.
Nancy allegedly supplied ESP training to Edgar. Bronfman reportedly conspired with Raniere to secretly implant a key logger virus on her father’s computer enabling them to access his e-mails. The alleged hacking of Edgar’s computer was carried out so they could spy on him and monitor his emails that included his exchanges with world leaders and then-U.S. Sen Hillary Clinton.
NXIVM illegally raised money for Hillary’s 2008 presidential campaign at Bronfman’s direction. NXIVM members and their families donated $29,000 in total to Hillary’s campaign in 2008. It’s interesting that Trump is drawing attention to Oxenberg’s book now since it came out in 2018
I also noticed Trump’s post on her book came right after he posted about his upcoming meeting with Bibi Netanyahu.

Geopolitical/Police State


Vice President Harris will be notably absent from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, a move some Republicans called “petty.”
But the move could have the potential to show some daylight between her and President Biden when it comes to the Israeli leader.
The move could further solidify support from young, minority and more progressive voters who polls shows have been more sympathetic to the cause.


Its going to be very difficult for the jewish community to vote democrat. Obamala is on the side of the terrorist,  

North Korea: ‘Personal Feelings’ Between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump Will Not Stop Our Threats

The flagship state propaganda outlet of North Korea published a commentary on Tuesday responding to former President Donald Trump recalling his functional relationship with communist dictator Kim Jong-un, recognizing that Kim has positive “personal feelings” for Trump but dismissing that Pyongyang would improve its ties to Washington should Trump return to the White House.
The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) acknowledged that Trump, in remarks to the Republican National Convention (RNC) in July, was “buoying a lingering desire for the prospects of the DPRK-U.S. relations.”
It nonetheless concluded, “Even if any administration takes office in the U.S., the political climate, which is confused by the infighting of the two parties, does not change and, accordingly, we do not care about this.”


False Flags


17 Facts Expose Kamala Harris’ Far-Left Record

Below are 17 examples of Harris’ far-left record:

Co-sponsored legislation to protect illegal immigrants from deportation
Backed Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All legislation
Backed banning private health insurance
Supported giving taxpayer-funded coverage to illegal immigrants
Supported banning fracking
Backed defunding the police
Compared ICE to the KKK
Wanted to ban plastic straws
Defended banning offshore drilling
Wanted to “undo” the Trump administration’s border security, taking 94 executive actions in their first 100 days to rescind nealy every Trump-era measure
Supported decriminalizing illegal border crossings
Said she wouldn’t “treat” illegal aliens as “criminals”
Called for “starting [ICE] from scratch”
Argued that temporarily closing the border violated federal law
Raised money for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a far-left organization that pays to bail out of jail violent criminals, including accused murderers and rapists.
Supported Los Angeles’s cuts to their police department
Called efforts to add more police to the streets “wrongheaded thinking





REPORT: Democrats’ Swift Switch to Kamala Harris Appears Desperate, May Already be Backfiring


‘Black America Is Not Supporting Kamala Harris’: Fmr Dem Slams Democratic Party For Playing Up Vice President’s ‘Race’

Former Democrat voter Madeline Brame slammed the Democrat Party on Tuesday for hyping up the race card with Vice President Kamala Harris as the party’s presumptive presidential nominee, saying “black America” won’t support her.


Report: DNC to Coronate Harris Weeks Before Convention via Rule Change

The Democrat party will reportedly change the rules and coronate Vice President Kamala Harris as its nominee in the first week of August, weeks before the Democratic national convention.
The shortened timeline underscores the Democrats’ disregard for the democratic process of selecting a candidate for president. By simply choosing Harris for the nomination, Democrats will nullify about 14 million votes cast during the Democrat primaries for President Joe Biden.
Democrat leaders will assemble on Wednesday to change the roll call rules to allow Harris to accept the party’s nomination before it reaches the convention floor in Chicago, Bloomberg reported:



Exclusive: Trump Campaign Demands Equal Time from Major Networks if Carrying Biden’s Kamala Boosting Primetime Address

Former President Donald Trump’s legal team is demanding from the big four broadcast television networks equal time on air if they carry outgoing Democrat President Joe Biden’s primetime speech on Wednesday evening wherein Biden is planning to explain why he is stepping aside and endorsing his Vice President Kamala Harris instead.
David Warrington, counsel for Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign, sent letters to the heads of ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX demanding that if they air Biden’s primetime address, Trump be given equal time to make his own case to the public. Trump is now formally the Republican nominee for president, having accepted the nomination last week at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Biden dropped out of the presidential race on Sunday and instead endorsed Harris to succeed him as the Democrat nominee for president. That means Biden’s primetime address on Wednesday would be a purely political speech in favor of the Harris campaign.

 federal law provides that if one candidate gets airtime from a broadcast network for a campaign speech, the other side must be given equal time.
“As you are aware, under federal law, if you permit the use of your facilities by a candidate for public office, you are required to ‘afford equal opportunities to all other candidates for that office to use such facilities,’” Warrington writes. “By broadcasting President Biden’s campaign speech, you have permitted the use of your facilities by a candidate for public office. Thus, you are obligated to provide an equal opportunity for President Trump.”


Former President Trump said Tuesday he would be willing to debate Vice President Harris more than once in the upcoming election cycle, even as he signaled he may not be willing to participate in a debate hosted by ABC News.
Trump said he would “absolutely” debate Harris, the likely Democratic nominee after President Biden stepped aside, at least once before Election Day. But he blasted ABC News, the planned host for a Sept. 10 presidential debate.
“I have at least equal say, and I don’t like the idea of ABC,” Trump told reporters on a press call. “I would be willing to do more than one debate actually.”


Trump files FEC complaint over Biden transferring campaign war chest to Kamala Harris

The complaint attempts to block Harris from accessing the war chest, and comes after the Biden campaign account changed its name to “Harris for President” on Monday. 

“Kamala Harris is seeking to perpetrate a $91.5 million heist of Joe Biden’s leftover campaign cash — a brazen money grab that would constitute the single largest excessive contribution and biggest violation in the history of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971,” Trump campaign counsel David Warrington wrote in the eight-page filing, per The Hill.


Who’s in charge of Kamala Harris now? 

 who is giving Kamala her marching orders. It has been suggested that Eric Holder has taken up the “organization” of the White House—at least according to an article at Politico. Holder is an Obama henchman cut from the same Chicago cloth; there was the small matter of Holder’s gun-running south of the border, one of many serious and unlitigated but criminal scandals during Obama’s “no scandals” reigns.
So, Eric is helping Kamala out. That should give all regular folks the willies.


I think Kamala was a PsyOp to grease the skids for acceptance of the DNC appointing whomever they want to… [they] do not care about rules or laws… [they] just shot Trump, [they] don’t care that we can see [them]… not anymore… the ends justify the means…

There was a no win situtation with Biden, he didn’t have the poll numbers
Obama forced Biden into a debate to show the world he cannot function
The D base realized that Biden has cognitive issues, 
Obama and HRC needed to wake up their base to this fact to finish the move
The fake news especially cnn msnbc etc continually said Trump would win a landslide. This got the D base nervous, they need to convince Biden and their base 
With the D base depressed that they don’t have a candidate, they were able to have them accept their next move.
Bring in Kamala with out the people actually voting for Kamala, The know he D base would accept because they just want to get rid of Trump
So they told the world that Biden has covid and they removed him while they went to work. They took over his account, forged his sig and when she got the delegates he was released from his room
Now they need Kamala to get nominated, They need to build Kamala up, she is the shiny object, she is incredible, shes beating Trump in the polls, this is all fake. This is so she can become the nominee
They are have a virtual roll call on Aug 1, this doesn’t mean she is the nominee yet. But she might pick a VP or wait until the DNC. During the DNC people might reject and if they do they will create chaos and then nominate her. People might still object and I wonder at this point will they just swap her for MO. If Kamala gets the nomination, they will make a move on her later
  KH shine will wear off and her poll numbers will drop to new lows  , this is when they will make the switch, they did it before they will do it again.


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 0d582e No.1763507
Jun 15 2018 18:05:32 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 31ae13 No.1763411
Jun 15 2018 17:59:39 (EST)



I know confirming the Qproofs is going to be tough.. and will also flood the bread.

We need some type of guidance.
I know YOU work or US.. (USA)
but WE (anons) work for you…


Will inspect/review.
Marine One proofs forthcoming.
AF1 (inside) thereafter.
More & More.

Jaw-Dropper: Four Times as Many Local Secret Service Agents Sent to Jill Biden on Same Day Trump Was Shot 


Chuck Grassley@ChuckGrassley

SENSITIVE CONTENT: July 13 Bodycam footage provides more info than Secret Service will share w America We NEED detailed answers ASAP on security failures TRANSPARENCY BRINGS ACCOUNTABILITY Vid obtained from Beaver Co Emergency Services Unit in compliance w congressional requests

BREAKING: FBI Director Admits Would-Be Trump Assassin Flew Drone Around Stage at 4 PM for 11 Minutes – Just 2 Hours Before Trump Took the Stage!… So Where Is the Video? #InsideJob  

Chris Wray also said this:
** The Shooter flew a drone around the rally area at 4 PM for 11 minutes – Trump took the stage around 6 PM.
So no one in the crowd of 50,000 noticed this?
** The drone was about 200 yards from the stage. And the Secret Service did nothing! This was after the assassin was allowed to bring a range finder into the rally with him.
** Wray says three explosive devices were found – this is despite the fact that there is no evidence the killer was looking up bomb making online?
** The remote detonators were turned on – to the bombs.
** And, of course, Wray says there were no accomplices. He better ask around his office before he makes such statements!
Via reporter Jamie Dupree.


Toward the end of his questioning, Representative Crane says he has received information that Thomas Crook’s house was scrubbed, cleaned and even silverware removed, prior to the investigative units arriving. Seems odd. WATCH:



That was also the same day he registered for the Butler rally

END OF AN ERA: Trump to Stop Holding Outdoor Rallies After Government Officials Allow Would-Be Assassin to Fire Off Several Shots at GOP Nominee Before Taking Him Out

NBC News reported:

Former President Donald Trump plans to stop holding outdoor rallies like the one where he was shot during an assassination attempt this month in Butler, Pa., according to two sources familiar with his campaign’s operations.



this is just another form of election interference
But lets think about this
Is the USSS saying they cannot protect people anymore and they don’t have confidence in their ability

Hackers Leak Stolen Pentagon Documents

Hackers leaked stolen documents from a massive IT company that services the Pentagon.

According to Bloomberg News, the IT company, Leidos Holdings, recently learned about the breach and believe the documents were stolen from Diligent Corp.
“The Virginia-based company, which counts the U.S. Department of Defense as its primary customer, used the Diligent system to host information gathered in internal investigations, the report added, citing a filing from June 2023.” Reuters reported.

Bloomberg reported:


Hackers and cyberattacks are becoming very common on Joe Biden’s watch.
Earlier this month one of the largest healthcare systems in America canceled all non-urgent visits, procedures, and surgeries due to a computer outage linked to cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike.
The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that major “IT outages” are being reported across the world, affecting banking systems, health care systems, emergency services, and airlines’ communications.
Mass General Brigham, which serves 2.5 million patients annually across its 15 hospitals and clinics, has suspended all non-urgent visits, procedures, and surgeries.

Our elections aren’t even secured.


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