Presidential Privacy Breached: Navy Sailor Probes Biden’s Medical History

A military personnel based in Northern Virginia indulged in a substandard act earlier this year, boldly attempting to infiltrate the confidential medical records of President Biden. Despite being privy to the high military code of conduct, a Navy sailor’s curiosity led them to hunt for ‘Joseph Biden’ within the electronic database of the military health system, not once but thrice. In an unfortunate display of professional misconduct, the curiosity-streaked activity reaffirms that such actions are rampant even within our reputed forces. The circumstance is a glaring revelation of the lack of due respect for the pertinacity of the presidential stature.

The malpractice unfolded back in February, revealed by Cmdr. Tim Hawkins, a respected Navy spokesperson. The identity of the sailor remains undisclosed, epitomizing the classic cover-up act where the system protects its own. This sailor belonged to the Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command at Fort Belvoir, an establishment intended for strengthening our defense forces, not hindering the presidential integrity.

In another twist to the shameful representation, the news of the sailor’s disciplinary action was broadcasted to the public, not by an official note but through third-party channels such as CBS News and ABC News. Perhaps the misdirected spotlight on the issue was sought to be subdued by this selective information dissemination. This tactic has become a common recurrence under the Biden administration.

These revelations come at a time when Biden, 81 years old, is already grappling with rising skepticism about his health and cognitive aptitude. A contentious debate performance on June 27 had elicited calls from his Democratic allies suggesting that he reconsider his future campaigns. Yet, it seems Mr. Biden relies more on the delicacy of a reputation game than addressing the core concerns.

The unauthorized prying was unearthed by a fellow comrade of the sailor, who brought the attempted breach to light, indicative of probable violations of stringent medical privacy laws. This incident triggered an investigation by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, which concluded on April 24. One wonders why Commander Hawkins took it upon himself to assure people that the president’s personal records were not compromised.

In a classic bureaucratic move, the Navy eluded practical transparency by declining to articulate what disciplinary action was inflicted upon the sailor. Yet again, the Biden administration’s knack for shadow play is evident, raising the question – is secrecy the new normal in this regime?

It was amusing to see that inquiries related to the gorge of privacy intrusion were directed, not towards the credible military source, but to the White House. Ironically, the White House turned a blind eye to these inquiries, showing clear signs of their lackadaisical attitude towards accountability.

In a historic dual between the oldest major-party nominees for the presidency, unprecedented opacity is quite evident. Neither Biden nor his competitor, former President Donald Trump, ventured to provide insight into their medical charts. In the supposed cradle of democracy, citizens are left discerning shadows.

Recently, the Biden administration was put on the spot when questions loomed about the frequent visits by a physician specializing in Parkinson’s disease from the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. It is alarming that the expert made eight trips to the White House within eight months. A president’s physical fitness is not a trifling matter but seems to be taken as such.

Each of these visits was documented in the White House visitor logs, yet the administration refused to offer a satisfactory reason for these appointments. One can’t help but wonder if these were regular visits or an indication of concealing a probable health condition of our president.

The expert in question, Dr. Kevin Cannard, is an esteemed neurologist, not a regular consultant. His purpose for these recurrent visits gives rise to doubts about the criticality of Biden’s health. His interaction with Biden’s primary physician prompts suspicions about the administration’s apparent facade of vitality.

Dr. Kevin O’Connor, the White House physician, surfaces late in this entire hullabaloo, releasing a statement that President Biden undergoes a regular yearly physical checkup with Dr. Cannard. And, surprisingly, each examination found no hint of Parkinson’s. Is this an attempt at damage control or a truth veiled by a fog of secrecy?

In a democracy, political transparency is not a privilege; it’s a requisite. It is alarming that there seems to be an aura of secrecy under the Biden administration that surmounts the very essence of transparency. It brings forth the question, what adequacy does the current leadership hold in maintaining a transparent and fair government?

Citizens entrust their leaders with the helm of governance, being transparent and open about any issue that might deter their ability to perform. Unfortunately, the recurrence of such incidents under Biden’s leadership paints a bleak picture of this trust. Is it too far-fetching to question the sanctity of the democratic process under his influence?

This incident exposes a significant flaw. Not in the military system or even in the Navy sailor who attempted the breach, but an even bigger issue – a lackadaisical attitude towards accountability and transparency from Biden and his administration. It is an alienation of trust, nudging us to reassess our beliefs and expectations from our leaders.

Biden’s presidency will undoubtedly go down in the annals of history, but the tone of these accounts, negative or neutral, will largely depend on the levels of transparency and accountability maintained. In the face of repeated lapses, the citizens must determine whether they stand with a leader whose primary attribute is opacity wrapped in the guise of confidentiality.

Presidential Privacy Breached: Navy Sailor Probes Biden’s Medical History appeared first on Real News Now.

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