Republicans Urge Biden’s Premature Resignation: A Reversal on Political Tradition?

Republicans are persistently casting doubts on President Joe Biden’s ambitions to run for a second term, suggesting he would be better off resigning. It seems their intent is less about concern for Biden’s wellbeing and more a politically motivated attempt to weaken the Democratic party and provide their desired candidate, the former President Donald Trump, with a competitive edge.

Some high-ranking Republicans are adding their voices to the chorus calling for Biden to step down from his role. Meanwhile, other influential individuals who have not even set foot in the Capitol Hill are beginning to sing the same tune. They are driving a narrative that centers on Biden’s supposed failure, attempting to sway the undecided public sentiment to their side.

The most heated areas of political contestation, those categorized as ‘Toss-up’ races by Inside Elections, see many Republicans resonating with the same message. Their ambition seems to stretch beyond just questioning Biden’s capacity, towards an unusual desire for Biden’s premature resignation.

The implications of this pressure applied by the Republicans prompt deeper consideration. Essentially, they are promoting a unique view that conflates the roles of public office and election campaigning, blurring the lines between two distinct functions in political service. They seem to be suggesting that Biden cannot effectively perform his presidential duties while also running a rigorous campaign.

Historically, the roles of presidential duties and active nationwide campaigning have been seen as mutually exclusive. One does not necessarily imply the necessity of the other. Eligibility for reelection does not automatically necessitate a presidential candidate to seek another term. However, in their fervor to discredit Biden, the Republicans seem happy to abandon this convention.

The Republicans’ actions could potentially set a new standard that may come back to haunt them in the future. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, already 82 years old and having had multiple public lapses, is unlikely to run for reelection in 2026 due to his age progresses. Would the Republicans also pressure him to step down prematurely?

And what about Senator Chuck Grassley, who at 90 years old may not opt for a reelection campaign in 2028? Will they hold him to the same criteria, advocating for his resignation if he doesn’t commit to another term?

Their continual attention towards Biden’s age certainly shows some double standards when considering their own party’s senior figures. Questioning his mental and physical agility may seem like a strategic move for Republicans, but this could also risk undermining their quest for control in 2024.

By overtly focusing on Biden’s age, they risk unintentionally driving away the Democratic party’s weakest link, providing ground for a more challenging opponent. The future will tell if this move proves counterproductive and ultimately damages their chances further.

President Biden’s rumored speech from the Oval Office regarding his decision to not rerun, even though there is no definitive sign of such an action, could become a significant historical milestone, enough to keep media networks occupied for several days.

Such a momentous event could potentially put Kamala Harris, the Vice President, at the helm, crowning her the first female leader of our nation in the 248-year history. The historic transition would likely dominate news coverage for weeks.

Potentially, making Harris the Commander-in-Chief could further soil the Republicans’ position. Their push for Biden’s resignation would ironically provide Harris with an invaluable opportunity to show herself as a capable leader. Any notion that she lacks experience would be immediately quelled as she would be in the thick of Presidential duties.

In times of crisis, she might even confidently display her decision-making abilities, thereby undermining the Republicans’ agenda. From a campaign standpoint, a Biden resignation might also allow her to leverage a new message: pleading the public to give her a ‘real chance’ as she would have just stepped into presidential duties.

Of course, nothing guarantees that every Republican’s base would be swayed by a President Harris. Those who already see Biden as a failed president are likely to extend the same judgment towards any Democratic successor. However, for the moderate and independent voters that Harris would need to secure triumph, the argument might not be utterly far-fetched.

Envisioning Harris as a failing President after a potential Biden resignation is also possible. A negligent handling of a crisis or a failed approach towards solving pre-existing problems could tarnish her reputation irrespective of whether those issues arose due to her decisions or not.

In the unfortunate event of a Biden resignation orchestrated by the Democrats to increase Harris’ chances, it could indeed turn out to be an ‘October surprise’. If Republicans display any backlash over this, the Democrats could simply point out the ironic truth that it was a scenario originally proposed by the Republicans themselves.

Republicans Urge Biden’s Premature Resignation: A Reversal on Political Tradition? appeared first on Real News Now.

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