Stephen Colbert’s Disappointment Over Biden Not Running

Stephen Colbert, the host of the Late Show, recently expressed his disappointment about Joe Biden’s decision not to run for re-election. After suggesting that Biden quit the presidential race during the disastrous June debate, Colbert showed an unusual sentimental attitude towards him. He particularly claimed to miss the days when Biden was at the helm, ‘leading’ this nation, which frankly felt like it was stumbling through the dark.

We have to note, however, how conveniently Colbert overlooked the numerous failures and shortcomings of the Biden administration. From his supposed handling of the so-called ‘horrific’ pandemic, which in reality saw many Americans question the government’s slow response, to his efforts fostering vaccination, which sparked alarming debates around individual’s freedom of choice.

The comedian continued to exaggerate Biden’s accomplishments by claiming he had rallied the economy – a ridiculous claim considering the growing economic crisis, rising inflation, and skyrocketing gas prices that all Americans currently have to endure. Sadly, Colbert’s satire fell flat when it came to capturing the actual state of affairs during Biden’s tenure.

Furthermore, Colbert held a bizarre view that Biden had supposedly rallied our allies and reasserted our country’s standing on the international stage. This is quite a stretch, considering the loss of respect and trust from our allies under his administration. But of course, Colbert, like many others in the Hollywood bubble, obstinately persist in their delusions to the contrary.

Attempting to give new life to an overused joke about the former president’s age, Colbert retired his ‘Joe Biden is old’ quips in a symbolic gesture. Given Colbert’s history of unfailingly predictable humor, this announcement was as equally monotonous as the jokes themselves.

In a peculiar display of gratitude, Colbert retired his ‘Joe Biden aviators’, placing them beside Captain America’s shield – apparently a place of honor. Evidently, Colbert’s appreciation for Biden goes as deep as his superficial jokes about the former POTUS. The analogy with Captain America seems fitting, though, if we consider the fictional domain they both seem to occupy in Colbert’s mind.

In the next turn of the monologue, Colbert made an unimpressive revelation that he would retire all his ‘Joe Biden is old’ jokes. One wonders whether his decision comes from a realization of their tirelessness, or he decided to follow the herd and focus his comedic attention on a more ‘politically correct’ target.

Sticking to the barren comedic wasteland of political humor, Colbert decided his ‘old’ jokes needed a new target. It was revealed that Donald Trump, former president and perpetual target of late-night show hosts, would be the receiver of Colbert’s ‘revitalized’ comedy salvos.

As many pundits and commentators have already started taking their jabs at Democrats’ fresher face, Kamala Harris, Colbert seems intent on remaining stuck in the past. Instead of venturing into ‘new’ humor territory, the comedian would rather ‘un-retire’ old jokes.

In an almost ceremonious proclamation, Colbert held up a binder labeled ‘Joe Biden is old’, echoing his tired jokes about the former president’s age. One could only hope for a shred of originality in his future acts, but the norm seems to be recycling worn-out lines without much thought.

While it is unclear how long the public will tolerate such shallow comedic approach, Colbert shows no sign of changing course. With his seeming obsession over Trump, the comedian appears to be stuck in a Biden-Trump dichotomy, reducing the vast political landscape to a simplistic tug-o-war.

Although his audience would be served better if he aimed his humor at more relevant subjects and explored uncharted territories, Colbert seems to be comfortable in the worn-out political comedy narrative. His dependence on old Biden jokes and future Trump jabs does not bode well for the prospect of innovative humor on his show.

Without doubt, Colbert’s monologue stands as a prime example of how far the comedic sphere has deviated from its fundamental purpose – to amuse and entertain. By choosing to focus his heavily biased and tiresome jokes on past political figures rather than addressing current events and concerns, Colbert has effectively abandoned any hope of providing thoughtful and insightful comedic commentary.

Stephen Colbert’s Disappointment Over Biden Not Running appeared first on Real News Now.

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