President Donald J. Trump is not afraid of the lawfare that his opponents are using against him, even as it appears that a group of Marxist usurpers have taken over the entire US Judicial system and weaponized the entire third branch of Government against the American people.
Americans, who are civil servants, who were given the honor of safeguarding the most liberating government in the history of the world, have turned into monsters, vultures, and thieves, and they all look like “ladies of the night”… that is what we are seeing now.
There are many people who are foregoing their sworn duty to protect and serve the Republic. The betrayal is so deep and devastating that they have been actually a part of the process to destroy the most Popular President America has known.
Further, this group of self-centered maniacs is proud of what they have done, so there is no telling the fear and loathing that awaits Trump as he is dragged through public struggle sessions and forced to face numerous jurors.
But Trump says he is not afraid, no matter how perverse this group of his opponents become.
The movement of usurpers has targeted anyone who will not obey their demands to reverse the US Bill of Rights and the US Constitution and hand them absolute power and domination over the lives of freedom-loving Americans.
And they want to GET TRUMP! Because he stands in their way.
That power grab is what we are looking at when we see the legal issues ahead of the 45th President.
Evidence is everywhere in the headlines of America, ahead of the 2023 Presidential elections. that the usurpers do not at all like Trump and that they will use any means necessary to remove his name as an option for American voters, even if they have to beclown themselves in public and surrender any ideas that people ever had in their integrity.
While Trump was the first one to declare his run for President, and while he is at the top of the favorability polls for Americans, all his opponents can think of to do – is to stop him from running.
So together, they have all become as debased as anyone alive can remember, of their government public servants, in a civil conspiracy to defraud the American people and stop Trump. That is the entire epic tale of the 2023 election cycle.
Trump has been persecuted many times, and he will be forced to be in court instead of campaigning, But Trump is not worried about it, according to media reports.
Jason Walsh reported on the details for the Daily Fetch:
“Now the indictments against Donald Trump are to go to Trial, the former President expressed eagerness in getting on the stand and testifying, which is giving the Democrats second thoughts on whether they have made a bad move.
During an interview with conservative podcaster Hugh Hewitt, Trump described the indictments against him as “election interference.”
“Will you testify in your own defense?” Hewitt asked.
Trump replied, “Oh, yes, absolutely.”
“You’ll take the stand?” Hewitt queried further.
“That I would do,” Trump quipped.
“That I look forward to, because that’s just like Russia, Russia, Russia,” he added.
“I look forward to testifying. At Trial, I’ll testify.”
Trump’s testifying on the witness stand at the trial could end up being a nightmare for Democrats.
Readers can hear the audio at Hewitt’s site.
Walsh went on:
Just like the strategic mistake the left-wing media made in 2016 by giving Trump tons of airtime, this could be worse for Democrats.
Trump’s Georgia mug shot has become a rallying symbol for his base. Whatever they do to try and defeat Trump, he gains more strength.
Trump told Hewitt they’re “only to get me out. They don’t want me running.”
“If I weren’t running, or if I was in fourth place instead of being in first place by 50 points or more, … this wouldn’t be happening — none of it,” Trump said.
“It’s happening because I’m beating [President Joe Biden], and it’s only because I did what I did. What I did to Hillary [Clinton], it shocked them.”
“They said, ‘We can never let this happen again.’ They cheated like dogs. … I did much better the second time than I did the first. And they know that better than anybody,” he added.
“And now we’re going to do it again, and we’re going to win. And if we don’t win, our country is finished. I really believe that. Our country is finished.”
Did the Democrats learn nothing from 2016?
To make matters worse for the usurpers, the polls are humiliating for them:
According to a survey taken from 2,061 Americans between Aug. 16 – 18, 70% feel things in America today are going “somewhat badly” or “very badly.”
Meanwhile, a new CBS News poll revealed that 71% of GOP voters do not consider Joe Biden as the “legitimate” winner.
When voters were asked to describe the U.S. political system, 64% called it “dysfunctional,” and 58% said it was “corrupt.”
Another 14% called it “effective,” and a small 7% said it was “honest.”
Yet they can not stop promoting their brand. No matter how bad it looks to Americans who expect so much better of them.
The post Trump Reveals What He Has Planned for His Monumental Trial appeared first on The Republic Brief.