Trump Shines in Charlotte, Democrats Resort to Smear Tactics

Former President Donald Trump is once again in the spotlight, gracing the city of Charlotte for a speech at the Fraternal Order of Police congregation. It’s unfortunate that an array of digital billboards set up by the DNC are trying to tarnish this meaningful event. However, it’s worth noting that such attempts to discredit Trump only fuel his supporters’ dedication, as they understand the manipulative tactics used by his detractors.

One such billboard makes an outrageous bold claim, linking Trump’s potential 2024 run with him being a ‘Convicted Felon’, a clear misrepresentation set up to create doubt and confusion. Another goes as far as attributing the unfortunate events involving 140 police officers at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, to Trump, while he has repeatedly clarified his stance on the issue, expressing sympathy for the officers.

In a separate development, the Justice Department shows concern over the electoral process in one small locale, Pawtucket, Rhode Island, with a plan to send federal observers. This move comes after a lawsuit was filed against the city for noncompliance with sections of the federal Voting Rights Act, alleging a lack of voting information in Spanish. Irrespective of the need for fair voting practices, it’s curious that their focus lies in such a tiny part rather than nationwide policies.

It seems surprisingly contradictory for the Democrats, who famously prefer larger centralized solutions, to zero in on such a small area. The claims versus Pawtucket include illegal practices involving provisional ballots, proving further that the Democrats are amplifying minor issues.

Let’s pivot to the fundraising landscape, particularly Vice President Kamala Harris’s fundraising effort. According to their report, she amassed a whopping $361 million from donors within a month. Interesting to see how she trumps Trump’s fundraising, which was significantly lower at $130 million.

However, it’s essential to question the sources and implications of such staggering wealth. While it provides Harris with substantial resources ahead of the crucial Election Day, the excess raises questions about the reliance of Democrat candidates on big donors with vested interests.

Needless to say, Democrats are utilizing this colossal campaign fund to the hilt. Case in point: a $370 million paid media campaign, supplemented with field offices and staff support. This again, sparks questions about their real motives and impact on the democratic process.

The impressive fundraising showcasing for Harris might also reflect a clear shift in their campaign strategy, suggesting a desperation created by former President Joe Biden’s inability to sustain confidence among voters and donors. Only time will tell how effective these tactics may be in the long term.

Let’s now look towards North Carolina, where Trump is proudly standing strong and delivering a powerful message against crime. This is in stark contrast to his rivals, like Harris, whose take on crime has been a topic of great debate.

Trump’s recent interaction with the law enforcement fraternity, particularly the Fraternal Order of Police, highlights his unwavering support for their cause – a sentiment powerfully echoed by the law enforcement community as well. It’s clear that Trump’s commitment to law and order has resonated within the fraternity, and the Democratic narrative has been unable to shake this belief.

In contrast, the Democrats’ viewpoint of law enforcement seems to be increasingly muddled. For instance, Kamala Harris’s record as a District Attorney in San Francisco and California Attorney General portrays a concerning approach towards the police community.

Meanwhile, VP candidate Tim Walz seems to share a shaky stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict, expressing concern for Palestinian lives but failing to explicitly condemn the actions of Hamas, thereby further eroding trust in the Democratic candidates.

Back in Phoenix, we see JD Vance bolstering support for Trump’s immigration stances. The clear, solid message for illegal immigrants – ‘If you are in this country illegally in six months, pack your bags,’ – is reflective of Trump’s firm stance on the importance of legal immigration.

Lastly, while the legal proceedings against Trump over supposed election interference continue, the biased push by prosecutors and the defense of the former president’s immunity remain points of controversy. Whether these allegations hold any merit will be revealed with time, until then they serve as a stark reminder of the lengths the opposition will go to discredit Trump.

Trump Shines in Charlotte, Democrats Resort to Smear Tactics appeared first on Real News Now.

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