WATCH: Biden Freezes During Hollywood Gala Exposing Cognitive Disarray

At a recent high-profile gathering in Los Angeles, California, President Joe Biden seemed to lose his way on stage, requiring intervention from predecessor Barack Obama. This episode is yet another addition to a pattern of disconcerting instances suggestive of cognitive disarray. The octogenarian Democrat, who is trying to assure the nation that his age is not a concern as he forges forward in his quest for another term, seems to be grappling with mounting skepticism.

The Saturday gala took place at the Peacock Theater and managed to raise a remarkable $28 million for Biden’s re-election bid. Awaiting a dazzling constellation of Hollywood stars; George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Jack Black, late-night maestro Jimmy Kimmel, and Jason Bateman were among the notable guests. The incident happened during a conversation with Kimmel and Obama, as Biden’s behavior turned disconcertingly vacant, staring blindly at the crowd as the curtain lifted to reveal a band performing behind them.

The spectacle of President Obama signaling to the crowd, then guiding a seemingly bewildered Biden offstage by the hand, added a worrying new aspect to the elder statesman’s declining vitality. Prompting no other than the Republican National Committee’s Research account to comment on the incident, labeling it a ‘yikes’ moment. Even billionaires are red-flagging the situation; Wall Street tycoon Bill Ackman voiced his concerns about the President’s faltering energy.

Ackman’s worry comes by comparing two individuals of advancing age, business magnate Warren Buffett, who remains vigorous and influential even at 93, and the 81-year-old Biden; his concerns point to the President’s inability to navigate a stage or stay attentive during global meetings. He posed the question, ‘Should someone who can’t focus at vital situations lead the free world?’ This observation provoked a flurry of discussions.

According to Ackman, the sight of a President needing to be guided by hand off a stage, or supported by arm around him, hardly strikes an image of leadership and power. Additionally, he pointed out the implications this might have on the world’s perception of the US. He contends that, in the current geopolitical maeltry, we require a bastion of strength – one able to combat the perception of weakness and instill respect for American leadership on the global stage.

The seasoned investor didn’t stop at questioning the President’s competence. He warned of the threat a currently perceived weak leadership can pose to our country in the long run. He lamented that the Democrats are on a self-destructive course, harming their own party by encouraging Biden’s run for a second term.

So embarrassing.
The Democrats can’t let this go on, surely?

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) June 16, 2024

To Ackman, this resembles the story of ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ – but with dire consequences. He contends that the world is at great risk, and securing Biden for a second term could exacerbate this danger to global peace and prosperity. He views this possible future as a serious global concern, rather than a euphemistic children’s tale.

Interestingly, despite the clear images showcasing Biden in a state of confusion, several left-leaning influencers have tried to sweep the incident under the rug. Some even went as far as denying it altogether. One such attempt came from anti-gun advocate David Hogg, who bluntly labeled it a ‘total lie’ in response to a New York Post piece on the fundraiser.

However, many Americans seem to be seeing through these deflective efforts. President Biden’s cognitive slip-ups have become too frequent to simply dismiss, and his pursuit of re-election at the ripe old age of 81 appears to be exerting a visible strain on his mental acuteness. This growing concern only amplifies the peculiarity of the situation and raises questions about long-term implications.

If the current Democrat incumbent manages to find success and secure a win in the coming election, he would be 86 at the end of the term in 2029. Many seem increasingly skeptical of the probability of his cognitive condition improving over the next four years. This scenario seems slim, to put it mildly.

In these perilous times, the United States needs a leader who is robust, energetic, and mentally agile more than ever. While age shouldn’t necessarily disqualify a candidate for the Presidency, they should be able to fully execute their duties. Recent events force us to question whether that’s indeed a reasonable expectation with President Biden.

This isn’t merely a conflict of political ideology; it’s a matter of national competence. The eyes of the world are on the United States, and the country’s image is largely formed by the person occupying the most powerful office. If that individual is unable to exhibit the necessary strength and discernment, it could have far-reaching impacts globally.

Finally, it’s critical, now more than ever, for Americans to think deeply about the kind of leadership they want to represent them both nationally and on the world stage. Their choice will not only shape the direction of the country over the next few years but also potentially impact global perceptions of the United States for years to come.

WATCH: Biden Freezes During Hollywood Gala Exposing Cognitive Disarray appeared first on Real News Now.

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