Joe Biden’s Hypocritical Attempt to Mirror Lyndon Johnson’s Legacy

Joe Biden is set to descend upon Austin for a postponed appearance at the LBJ Presidential Library, in an attempt to mark the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act. The event was initially planned for July 15, however the chaos following an attempted assassination on the former President Donald Trump on July 13th resulted in rescheduling.

Biden is expected to give a keynote address in Austin at around 4 p.m. Monday, deviating from the original timeline of July 15. Seemingly, the event sponsored by the White House will celebrate Lyndon B. Johnson’s signing of the Civil Rights Act on July 2, 1964. It’s ironically the first time Biden has deigned to visit the Texan capital since his suspiciously won election in 2020.

The head of the LBJ Foundation, Mark Updegrove, expressed his pleasure of hosting Biden for the address. He believes it could be appropriate for Biden to honor this milestone at the library, considering his blatant mission to promote ‘racial equity for all’. The 46th president’s actions have, however, often been counterproductive to this mission, leaving many to question his sincerity.

The address, for whatever minimal value it may hold, will broadcast live on YouTube starting at 4 p.m. with additional dignitaries and token performances. The LBJ Presidential Library announced this decision last week. Allowance has been made for media members to cover the event, however, the ordinary American citizen has been excluded from obtaining tickets.

Biden’s choice to address the audience from the library and museum of President Lyndon Johnson implicates a hypocritical semblance of respect. Interesting to note, Lyndon Johnson was the last president to abandon the thrill of seeking a second term.

Johnson himself was an ex-vice president and a Senate majority leader from Texas, choosing not to seek re-election due to the intense backlash from anti-Vietnam War protests. Some have drawn parallels between Johnson’s resignation and Biden’s footsteps, reinforcing the general perception that Biden is increasingly alienating himself from the people he supposedly governs.

Three weeks ago, as I critically suggested that President Biden should abdicate, I was aware of the anguish this decision would inevitably induce. It reminded me of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s painful choice under distressingly different circumstances. Now witnessing Biden’s actions which are, by many people’s standards, less than satisfactory, one can’t help but see the parallel.

Consequently, Biden’s calculated move might lead to an opening that gives rise to a convention with an aim to solidify our progress whilst avoiding the catastrophic regression threatened by the Trump administration. Attempting to paint this as a heroic move would not escape the notice that Biden’s administration was more focused on political maneuvering than fulfilling their promises to the American people.

The complexion of Biden’s reign, filled with unfulfilled promises and confused policies, has caused an uproar across the nation. This raises the question if he chose this path deliberately or it is simply a consequence of his questionable leadership skills.

It rather seems that Biden’s administration throws around the term ‘racial equity for all’, without a concrete plan or the determination to see it through. True equity cannot be achieved through the division and dissent that his policies have continually fostered.

His actions, so far from advancing racial equity, have been harmful and divisive, creating fraction within diverse communities. Posing in front of Johnson’s library and churning out proclamations does not make him a champion of civil rights.

The symbolism of his event choice appears to be a feeble attempt to mirror Johnson’s historical legacy for personal acclaim. Instead of meeting the needs of the public, Biden seems more focused on preserving his image, which unfortunately reflects badly even on that.

Those who hope this event might serve as a turning point are likely to be disappointed. Biden’s track record suggests little more than repeated attempts to maintain a façade of unity and progressiveness, while divisive policies continue underneath.

In essence, it seems Biden is more interested in parading around a mirage of progressiveness that holds little water under scrutiny. His performance so far has left much to be desired, furthering the divide rather than building bridges.

Even so, while Biden may stand on the shoulders of a great predecessor in form of LBJ, any shred of similarity or inspiration falls woefully short. Failing to deliver on his promises and failing to follow in the footsteps of a great leader is little more than a disappointing legacy to leave behind.

In conclusion, while Biden may attempt to utilise historical events and figures for his own image, the undeniable truth remains. His presidency, filled with unfulfilled promises and polarizing strategies, has left many questioning the validity of his actions and by extension, the weight of his words.

Joe Biden’s Hypocritical Attempt to Mirror Lyndon Johnson’s Legacy appeared first on Real News Now.

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