Biden Busted In Biggest Discovery Yet – He’s TOAST!

According to a federal court document that Just the News reported on Monday, the National Archives has discovered 82,000 pages of emails sent or received by Vice President Joe Biden on three secret alias accounts during his time as vice president in response to legal pressure.

According to investigative writer John Solomon, this sum may be far smaller than the one that put Hillary Clinton in “hot water” eight years prior. The report also states that a little-noticed status report filed in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by the Southeastern Legal Foundation against the National Archives and Records Administration revealed the entire count of Biden’s private email interactions.

As Vice President under President Barack Obama, Joe Biden utilized three email addresses under pseudonyms:,, and In order to obtain access to the emails, the foundation filed the case.

The first assessment of the quantity and range of possible government activity carried out through Joe Biden’s personal email accounts was included in a status report that was turned in to a federal court in Atlanta on Monday.

“NARA has completed a search for potentially responsive documents and is currently processing those documents for the purpose of producing non-exempt portions of any responsive records on a monthly rolling basis,” the status report stated. “Given the scope of Plaintiff’s FOIA request, which seeks copies of all emails in three separate accounts over an eight-year period, the volume of potentially responsive records is necessarily large.

“NARA has identified approximately 82,000 pages of potentially responsive documents, and it is currently processing those documents and preparing any non-exempt responsive documents for production on a rolling basis,” the filing added. The full court filing can be found here.

The foundation and NARA are debating how to limit the request for records in order to speed up the distribution of copies of the emails, according to the court filing.

Government officials are not allowed to use their personal email accounts for official business, and officials such as Biden are required by the Federal Records Act to keep all correspondence pertaining to their private accounts that are linked to the government. Given the size of NARA’s email archive, it seems likely that Biden gave the country’s historical preservation organization access to them.

But the amount made public by the National Archives is astounding—it even exceeds the quantity implicated in the most notorious private email controversy in American history, which also concerned Obama administration business and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

According to a State Department inspector general report from the summer of 2016, Mrs. Clinton routinely and improperly used a private email server housed in her family’s Chappaqua, New York, home to conduct government business. She then deleted a large number of the emails she deemed private.

According to the final report, “Secretary Clinton gave the Department about 55,000 hard-copy pages from her personal email account, which she estimated to be about 30,000 emails related to official business.” These amounts are far fewer than the number of pages from Biden’s personal account that the National Archives asserts to have.

A total of 100 emails, including 65 with “Secret” and 22 with “Top Secret” security clearances, that Hillary Clinton transmitted on her personal server had material that ought to have been classified at the time of sending.

In the end, the government was able to retrieve even the deleted personal emails of Hillary Clinton and made all 52,000 of them available to the public via the Freedom of Information Act.

There has been no indication from the National Archives to far that any of Biden’s emails contain sensitive material. However, Special Counsel Robert Hur is looking into allegations that the president inappropriately stored secret records from his time as senator and vice president in the garage of his Delaware home as well as in an office he held at a Washington, D.C. think tank.

Hur just spent two days interviewing Biden for this probe.

Former President Donald Trump is already charged by Special Counsel Jack Smith with mishandling secret materials that the FBI obtained from his Florida resort Mar-a-Lago or that Trump failed to return to the National Archives on time.

The Inspector General stated that a lax record-keeping system at State and throughout the government affected a number of previous secretaries.

The post Biden Busted In Biggest Discovery Yet – He’s TOAST! appeared first on The Republic Brief.

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