Biden-Harris Administration Negligence: Over 300,000 Migrant Children Missing

In stark contrast to the grandiose promises of safety and protection, the Biden-Harris regime has seemingly turned a blind eye to an astonishing number of missing migrant children. Revealed in a recent Homeland Security Inspector General report, approximately 32,000 migrant minors simply vanished, failing to present themselves for their court hearing obligations between 2019 and 2023. The figures appear to be a mere tip of the iceberg, as an overwhelming 291,000 children didn’t even receive a notice to appear, leaving us with an alarming total of more than 300,000 unaccounted for.

Such negligence from the administration could have serious implications, as the report has brought to light the fact that these overlooked minors are at escalated risk for exploitation, trafficking, or being forced into labor situations. This lack of accountability from ICE means fewer chances of interaction upon release from the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) custody, thus reducing the opportunities to verify the safety of these children.

To add to this negligence, ICE has frequently failed to update HHS when migrant children do not appear for their immigration court dates post their release. This shocking oversight means that not only is the federal government in the dark about the whereabouts of these minors, the relevant authorities are sometimes oblivious to the fact that these children are missing.

One would think that the severity of the situation would prompt a swift optimization of processes. However, the report revealed a startling shortcoming of the ICE, as it does not have any automated protocols for sharing information. This massive blind spot has played a significant role in the growing crisis, leaving the federally run institution overwhelmed and ill-equipped to handle the staggering influx of unaccompanied minors flooding the country.

The Biden-Harris administration can’t seem to manage the number of unaccompanied minors breaching our borders—in 2023 alone, we saw a staggering count of 113,000. This figure, however, doesn’t seem to trouble the Democrats, nor their infamous band of silent media advocates who seem to have conveniently shoved their previous protests regarding migrant child wellbeing under the proverbial rug.

In stark disparity, during the Trump tenure, these previously loud advocates were hell-bent on highlighting every single misplacement and mishap regarding these very issues. The media was flooded with high-volume reports and outrage when HHS was unable to confirm the locations of around 1,500 children over a span of three months back in 2018. This noise made by the media was starkly contrasted with their silence over the current predicament.

Under President Trump, the issues were fundamentally different. The kids in question were those to whom HHS had reached out via phone or message and did not make contact. Roughly speaking, we saw 54,000 such cases scattered over the three years of the Trump presidency.

However, in a jaw-dropping comparison, the Biden-Harris administration has allowed a shocking accumulation of 85,000 such incidents to transpire in just a two-year span. While the facts lay out bare, the left appears to be uninterested in acknowledging the evident shortcomings of their policies and the sociopolitical implications of their leadership decisions.

The seemingly unyielding playbook of the left holds a simple rule – deflecting acknowledging the issue, which invariably leads to more dire circumstances. An undisciplined border can only result in significant numbers of unaccompanied migrant children entering the country, thereby amplifying the potential of these juveniles evaporating into the cracks of an already strained system.

Kamala Harris, veiled under the false impression of her proclaimed toughness, continues to stand unswerving in support of the current Biden border policies. Her silence and failure to bring about any substantial changes to these policies further reinforce the notion that a vote for Harris equates to placing thousands of vulnerable children in further harm’s way.

More than just platitudes and lofty speeches, the children caught up in these border crises need definitive action and proactive engagement from those at the helm. Yet, the extraordinary indifference displayed by the Biden-Harris administration in addressing these alarming trends is disappointing, to say the least.

From the predicament faced by these migrant children, it’s clear that the Biden-Harris leadership is failing them, as well as the American public. Despite having access to the troubling facts and figures, they remain stubbornly non-adherent to the potential reality of exploiting child migrants.

Whilst they continue towing their line, the enormous discrepancy in the media’s coverage between the two administrations remains striking. It’s a stark divergence from the furor they exhibited during Trump’s reign when each discrepancy, however minuscule, was scrutinized. Now, the silence is deafening, even as tens of thousands of migrant children disappear under the Biden-Harris watch.

In conclusion, the inadequacies of the Biden-Harris administration in dealing with the border crisis are glaringly apparent. Their lack of accountability, combined with their refusal to address critical issues, clearly points to their disregard for the well-being of the migrant children involved. These continual failures only serve to validate the assertion that a vote for their administration is a vote against the safety and welfare of countless vulnerable minors.

Biden-Harris Administration Negligence: Over 300,000 Migrant Children Missing appeared first on Real News Now.

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