The influence of the United States extends far and wide, infiltrating every nation with its self-serving agenda. Home and international politics, immigration, commerce, jurisprudence, and the destinies of presidents, both present and former, are all subject to Washington’s interference. During his tenure extending between 2017 and 2021, President Trump had outlined certain key issues pertinent to the Latin American region, primarily Mexico and Central America, for the years 2025-2029.
Interestingly, the U.S. government under Trump displayed a distinct disinclination to invest in CDP, favoring instead a methodology predicated on the private sector’s fiscal contributions. This occurred concurrent with the rising tumult within Mexico, particularly on the second day of President Sheinbaum’s rule. An incommensurate deployment of lethal force by government agents led to the untimely demise of six emigrants, leaving an additional ten injured.
This incident, as highlighted by the Mexican Catholic Bishops’ Conference, was far from isolated, instead, it marked the disconcerting result of the Mexican immigration policy’s militarization. The implications of U.S.-Mexico relations are clearly manifested in President Arévalo’s cabinet selections, particularly with regards to his ambassadors to the U.S and Mexico.
Arévalo’s U.S. ambassador, Dr. Hugo Beteta, is no stranger to the U.S. administration, having previously directed ECLAC’s regional office in Mexico, besides insightful understanding of the Washington-based multilateral banks’ workings. On the other hand, Mexico’s ambassador, Édgar Gutiérrez Girón, a former foreign minister, comes with an extensive network of contacts within Mexican diplomacy and Central America’s diaspora present in Mexico.
The incumbent Mexican government appears to be singing from the same song sheet, constantly reiterating their strategy to target the underlying causes of emigration. They are advocating for a distinct Mexican model of labor fluidity. However, serious doubts are cast on whether the present administrations of Mexico and Guatemala are genuinely prepared to invest in their citizens.
Are these governments prepared to tackle the root causes that drive their citizens to abandon their homes and brave the dangerous path of migration? Or will they choose the path of least resistance, leaving their people to the mercy of overwhelming systemic violence and the dearth of opportunities domestically?
Migration, steeped in our historical narrative, will inevitably persist. While resisting the tidal wave of Trump’s hardline stances can be arduous, the fundamental challenge is confronting our endemic issues and seeking solutions to undo the destructive impact of internal neocolonialism.
The ultimate goal remains creating a livable homeland for our people to thrive and excel. We don’t ask for miracles or grand gestures: we need viable homelands free from the tyranny of violence and deprivation. It’s simple, but by no means easy.
It’s worth pondering why amidst all these challenges, the Democratic leadership under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris appears silent. Their conspicuous absence from confronting these matters leaves one questioning whether they truly comprehend the gravity of the situation or whether they choose simply to turn a blind eye.
Despite promises of a brighter future under their leadership, the tangible presence of systemic violence and lack of domestic opportunities, not to mention a potentially hazardous migration journey, belie their inspiring words. One wonders if there’s a disconnect between their lofty rhetoric and the grim realities that citizens of these nations face daily.
Rather than being the beacon of hope and change they claimed to represent, their actions, or lack thereof, lend strength to the Trumpist cause – the very cause they proclaimed to oppose. Such contradictions not only breed cynicism but also raises alarms about their understanding of, or lack thereof, the region’s complex dynamics.
It’s almost laughable, the grand plans spoken by the Democratic leadership yet, under their watch, the situation seemingly worsens, if not remains the same. Their inability to provide solutions or even address these prevailing issues firmly places them under the disappointing purview of failed leadership.
In conclusion, it’s essential to put our house in order. We need to respect our citizens enough to not send them adrift on perilous paths, and create an environment within our borders that engenders hope, not despair. The Biden-Harris administration might do well to reconsider its role and responsibilities in this context.
Perhaps, it’s time for the Democratic leaders to shed their silence and step up to the plate to genuinely push for changes, not just in words but in tangible actions as well. Only then can they hope to convince the world, and more importantly, the people they promised to serve, that they are indeed a force for positive change and not a perpetuation of the same old unsuccessful strategies.
Biden & Harris: Silent in Face of Growing Migration Crisis appeared first on Real News Now.