Biden Is Out, Everything Is About To Shift Towards Obama, Trump Setup The “Pause” – Ep. 3160

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The economy is falling apart around the world, EU is feeling it, Germany is imploding, it’s just a matter of time. The [CB] does not want the people looking at alternative currency, they are now going after gold and silver dealers. As the Biden admin pushes their economic agenda, the people are turning on them. The [DS] was put on full display, Trump paused it all and let the people see it all, he put the country into COG and this allowed Trump to take complete and utter control. Biden is out and now Obama is in focus. Trump is letting the people see the crimes of the [DS]. The people need this information to make an informed decision in the 2024 election.



Jennifer Granholm’s EV antics go horribly, hilariously wrong when an angry Georgia family calls the cops

This summer, Joe Biden’s Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm, went on a maiden voyage of sorts—she launched a four-day electric vehicle road trip through the southeastern United States to highlight the Democrats’ commitment to sinking “billions” of our dollars into the “green energy” industry and “clean cars.”
Along for the ride was NPR reporter Camila Domonoske, and according to her account of events published yesterday by the outlet, Granholm ran into tons of problems, including the obvious “hardware” issues,
From Domonoske’s article:
  in order to complete an EV road trip, Granholm brought along an accompanying armada of gas-powered cars? The only possible explanation I can surmise is that she needed to ensure the success and safety of the trip, and therefore a fleet exclusively composed of EVs is out of the question; talk about a carbon footprint!
Secondly, the entitlement. Sending the help on ahead to make sure the secretary can breeze in without having to wait in any lines? Lines are for the little people, obviously, not the stars like Secretary Granholm. From Nick Arama at RedState:
Doesn’t that say it all? There weren’t enough chargers to deal with the demand, and they tried to block out other people to reserve a spot for Granholm at the faster charger. That screams entitlement and thinking they get to do that because of their power. When you’re stealing a spot from a family with a baby, you just might be pretty scummy. They’re denying a family the very service they claim to be helping to provide because the family was in the way of their PR stunt. And the Biden team did it with a vehicle that wasn’t even electric.


What is Going On? Three Separate Coin Shop Owners Shocked as Their Bank Accounts Suddenly Shut Down with No Reason Given (VIDEO)

Three separate coin shop owners have found their bank accounts suddenly shut down without any prior notice or explanation from their financial institutions.
Bank Shuts Down ‘Silver Stackers and Gold Stackers’ Shop’s Business and Personal Accounts
An Ohio-based coin shop owner recently took to YouTube to share alarming news: His regional bank, with whom he has been a customer for years, has suddenly decided to sever ties by closing all six of his business and personal accounts.
The coin shop owner, who operates a coin shop dealing in silver and gold, received certified letters from his bank stating, “After a recent review, we have decided to end our relationship with you and close your accounts… As stated in your account agreement, we can close your account at any time, for any reason, with or without notice. We will begin our closing process on September 6, 2023.”

What’s shocking is that the bank has declined to provide any reason for their abrupt decision, leaving the owner and his family in the dark. The letters came without prior notice, affecting multiple accounts, including those belonging to his children and wife. 
A visit to his local branch revealed little; even the manager, with whom he has a good relationship, couldn’t get an answer for the sudden decision.
“They’re just closing all my accounts. They don’t want to do business with me. They won’t tell me why. I went to my local branch, who I have a good relationship with. Talked to the manager. She tried to find out. They wouldn’t tell her. So here I was left thinking, wow, what is going on? What do they think I could have done?”

This isn’t an isolated event. The owner is aware of at least three other businesses — two coin shops and a pawn shop — in Ohio that faced the same issue in recent years. 


NY Fed Survey Finds Sharp Deterioration In Household Finanancial Sentiment As Long-Term Inflation Seen Rising To 15 Month High 

  the most concerning observations was that the inflation outlook at the 5-year point hit the highest since march 2022 while households turned even less optimistic about their financial situation.


Turning to median home price growth expectations, the survey found that these increased by 0.3% point to 3.1%, its highest reading since July 2022… which of course is just the opposite of what the Fed wants to achieve, and suggests that the Fed’s tightening plans have failed miserably at slowing the growth in what is arguably the most important asset class for the US middle class.



California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) defended Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) on Sunday, saying in an interview that he won’t appoint another person in her position despite growing concerns about her health.
“I don’t want to make another appointment, and I don’t think the people of California want me to make another appointment.


DOJ Quietly Drops FARA Case Against Flynn Business Partner After Judge Tosses Conviction For Insufficient Evidence

The Justice Department quietly dropped its FARA case against General Flynn’s former business partner Bijan Rafiekian after a federal judge in 2019 tossed out the convictions because the government failed to offer substantial evidence.
A federal jury in July 2019 found General Flynn’s associate Bijan Rafiekian guilty of illegally lobbying for Turkey after just 4 hours of deliberation — but Federal Judge Anthony Trenga, a George W. Bush appointee, dismissed the indictment because of ‘insufficient evidence to sustain the conviction.’

“The evidence was insufficient as a matter of law for the jury to convict Rafiekian on either count,” Judge Trenga previously wrote in a 39-page memorandum
“There is no substantial evidence” that he agreed to cooperate subject to the direction/control of Turkey; no evidence of any implied agreement with Turkey.
“There is no evidence of discussions or suggestions, let alone an agreement, express or implied, to either avoid filing under FARA or to cause the filing of a false FARA registration statement,” Judge Trenga wrote.
After years of litigation and fighting the case in the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, the DOJ finally gave up and dropped its case.

Politico reported:


Geopolitical/Police State

Residents of New Mexico are not happy with the governor’s gun ban with a massive number of protesters gathering in Albuquerque on Sunday, openly showing off their banned firearms, while the police do not intervene.

The protest features an impressive number of individuals holding signs and flags alongside their firearms, all extremely disgruntled with the recent order. The protesting gear included flags such as Gadsden, “Don’t tread on me,” flag and the American flag as well as signs reading “Our founding fathers warned us about you” or “Come and take it.”


State representatives in New Mexico have already begun calling for an impeachment of the Democratic governor, pointing to the order violating New Mexico’s constitutionally guaranteed right to bear arms.


This reminds me of when the british came for the guns in the first revolution. This case will be brought to the SC most likely and once again it will set a precedent for the 2nd amendment.

Ammunition Manufacturer Fires Back at Gov. Grisham: Offers Free Deliveries to all New Mexico Customers with Special Promo Code, “F*ck Off, Gov. Grisham”


 Michigan-based Fenix Ammunition has launched a special promotion targeting the Democrat governor of New Mexico. Customers in New Mexico can now avail of free shipping when they use the promo code “F*ck Off, Gov Grisham.”



Cyber Attacks

False Flags

  show that masks work.” It’s worth noting that Cochrane reviews are widely regarded as the highest quality scientific evidence available. Why would Fauci suggest that we ignore the Cochrane masks study?

 scientific criticism of this experimental pharmaceutical product. Given big pharma’s track record of engaging in illegal business practices, bribing medical professionals, influencing regulatory bodies, and concealing unfavorable trial outcomes, it’s not surprising that public trust in both the government and the medical establishment has reached an all-time low.

Gov. Glenn Youngkin Pardons Father Whose Daughter Was Sexually Assaulted In Loudoun County School

Scott Smith was convicted of disorderly conduct in August 2021 after protesting at a June 22, 2021 school board meeting in response to his daughter’s assault. The assault happened inside a girl’s bathroom at Stone Bridge High School by a then-14-year-old male dressed in a skirt on May 28, 2021.
Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin pardoned a father in Loudoun County who protested at a school board meeting after his daughter was sexually assaulted by a male student claiming to be “gender fluid.”

“We are in contact with him and I spoke with Mr. Smith on Friday, and I had the privilege of telling Mr. Smith that I would pardon him, and we did that on Friday,” Youngkin said on “Fox News Sunday.”

Nearly 70% of Americans Oppose Allowing Males to Compete in Female Sports

Nearly 70 percent say that athletes born male should not be allowed to play against natural-born women, a recent Gallup poll found.
In fact, 55 percent say it is “morally wrong” to change one’s gender, the Gallup poll released Monday found, NBC News reported.
The numbers are notable because it shows that transgenderism has lost ground, and opposition has grown since the same question was asked in 2021 when 62 percent said they opposed transgender women playing alongside and against female athletes.
The poll also saw an increase in those who feel it is “morally wrong” to “change one’s gender.” In 2021, 51 percent said gender affirmation was immoral. Today, it is 55 percent.



Rob Reiner: ‘Democracy’ Can Only Survive if Trump Is Convicted and No Third-Party Candidates Allowed 

In one of his most ironic proclamations to date, Rob Reiner declared that “democracy” can only survive if former President Donald Trump is imprisoned and all third-party candidates are prohibited from running.

Some prominent commentators have noted that Reiner’s call to prohibit all opposition candidates is fundamentally anti-democratic and would only serve to benefit Biden.
Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald said Reiner’s statement shows how Democrats define “democracy” — by imprisoning their opponents and removing them from the ballot.

The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway wrote that removing candidates from the ballot would be “the equivalent of canceling the 2024 elections.”


Poll: Less Than 1 in 5 Americans Say Kamala Harris Makes Them Think Better of Biden Administration

Nearly 60 percent of Americans disapprove of the performance Vice President Kamala Harris has put forth, while just 18 percent say she makes them “think better of the Biden administration,” according to a CBS News/YouGov poll.
The survey published Sunday shows that just 41 percent of Americans approve of Harris’s performance as vice president, while 59 percent disapprove to varying degrees. Only 31 percent of independents are happy with her showing, while 69 percent said they were dissatisfied.




Kamala Harris Smiles and Giggles at 9/11 Memorial Ceremony as Biden Heads to Alaska (VIDEO)

  Kamala Harris was sent to Ground Zero to participate in the 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony in New York City while Joe Biden hid in Alaska.

Biden enraged 9/11 families for being the first US President in 22 years to not visit any of the 9/11 sites on the anniversary of the attacks. 

Kamala Harris was smiling and giggling as she waited for the ceremony to begin.


.@VP Harris — 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony in New York City

— Howard Mortman (@HowardMortman) September 11, 2023



Never forget that Kamala Harris equated the January 6th protest to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.


VP Kamala Harris equating the January 6th protest to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor

I’d like to see her have the audacity to say this to a survivor or a family member who lost someone that

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) September 11, 2023


these are similar, the DS planned them both, both were FF, 911 they killed people and on Jan 6 they killed people

almost simultaneously.” — Donald Trump, lifelong New Yorker.



 did that horrible thing to our city, to our country, to the world. So nobody’s really been there.” We deserve the truth and the only way we will get it, is to put someone who was not in on it back into the White House.



Sep 11, 2018 6:51:26 PM EDT
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 217 


Coming ‘VERY SOON’ to a theater near you.
Obama is going to be front and center for FISA GATE


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 39e85e No.10609739
Sep 11 2020 19:38:46 (EST)

Anonymous ID: a1caad No.10609726
Sep 11 2020 19:38:14 (EST)

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Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 39e85e No.10609643
Sep 11 2020 19:34:44 (EST)

Anonymous ID: df1c5f No.10609637
Sep 11 2020 19:34:21 (EST)

James Comey Treason
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Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: fc0dc2 No.10604573
Sep 11 2020 12:46:33 (EST)


“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” ― Thomas Paine, The American Crisis

 managing and selling seized assets acquired by criminals through illegal activities, housing and transporting federal prisoners and operating the Witness Security Program. The inauguration was provably false.
The wreath ceremony and the 21 gun salute were provably false. Trump told us “I don’t think it’s him” “I caught em. I caught em all. Now let’s see what happens.”
“The pause is a beautiful thing. If there is such a thing. And it’s a beautiful thing.” Are y’all starting to put it together yet? Drip. Drip. Drip. Flood. Sometimes you can’t tell. You must show.
“It will be much easier to do what must be done. Bc everyone will agree with us.” Y’all ready for the good part? Because here it comes…

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