Biden Panic, Cyber Attack Warning On National Infrastructure, Right On Schedule – Ep. 3310

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The people aren’t backing down, Poland is protesting non stop. The Fed is having a difficult time meeting 2% inflation so they want to up it to 3%. Saudi Armaco says the green revolution is over. Federal reserve note regime shift is coming. The Biden’s are now panicking. The walls are closing in on them. The world is watching and the world is the jury and the judge. The [DS] knows they will not be able to win this election, they are now preparing to shutdown the election. They are now putting out the narrative that China and Iran are preparing an attack on the water infrastructure. The narrative is right on schedule, we will most likely see small cyber events leading up to the Presidential election. Playbook known.



RELENTLESS REVOLT: Polish Farmers Stage 600 Protests in a Day Against EU Crippling Green Policies and Cheap Unregulated Ukrainian Grain 

One of the great things about the great European Farmers’ revolt is its relentless character.
Hardly a day passes by without some group of hard working people from some European country getting in the face of authorities, media and society with their urgent plight.
Long gone are the days when the MSM tried so hard to present the agricultural fight as mere ‘demands for more subsidy’.

Today everyone understands that the escalating protests are against the failed, crippling EU environmental regulations that threaten the very existence of the food producers.

Reuters reported:
“Placards depicted a farmer swinging from a gallows next to wind farms and an EU-emblazoned executioner with the words: ‘Green Deal equals death of Polish agriculture’.”
Around 600 protests ongoing in Poland.


Newsom announces California clean car deal with Stellantis

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) announced a new partnership with automaker Stellantis on Tuesday that promises to get more clean cars on the road in the state.
Stellantis — which has brands including Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep and Ram— will join five other major automakers that previously agreed to California’s framework on cutting emissions in 2019. Under the agreement, the governor’s office said Stellantis “will avoid up to 12 million additional metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions” through the model year 2026.
Stellantis will also adhere to the state’s zero-emissions light-duty vehicle sales requirements through 2030. 


Saudi Aramco CEO: ‘The Energy Transition Is Failing. Policymakers Should Abandon the Fantasy of Phasing Out Oil and Gas’

The world’s biggest oil producer is the Saudi company Aramco. Its CEO, Amin Nasser, just came out yesterday (18) and said that the energy transition envisioned by the ‘global warming’ crowd is failing.


He went ahead and in a rare show of honesty, advised that policymakers should abandon the ‘fantasy’ (ouch!) of phasing out oil and gas, as he is sure demand for fossil fuels is expected to continue to grow in the coming years.
CNBC reported:
“’In the real world, the current transition strategy is visibly failing on most fronts as it collides with five hard realities’,  
He noted that alternative energy sources have been unable to displace hydrocarbons at scale, despite the world investing more than $9.5 trillion over the past two decades. Wind and solar currently supply less than 4% of the world’s energy, and total electric vehicle penetration is 3%, he said.

Read more:


 in Washington right now is the guy who just printed $7 trillion is actually the hard money guy. When Jerome Powell’s replaced in 2026, it could get even worse.

a prolonged period of weakness, according to a top Morgan Stanley strategist.”



BOOM! Jamie Raskin Fumes After Hunter Biden’s Business Partner Attacks Democrats Raskin and Goldman for Lying on Behalf of Biden Crime Family  

Jamie Raskin reacts after Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski calls him a liar for the Biden Crime Family.

Former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski blasted Representatives Jamie Raskin and Don Goldman today in his opening statement before the House Oversight Committee.
Bobulinski accused Raskin and Goldman of lying to the American public in order to protect the Biden crime family.
The House Oversight Committee is holding its second hearing today as part of its impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

Tony Bobulinski did not hold back in his opening statement.
Tony Bobulinski: Yet the same people preaching this mantra know better. They continue to lie directly to the American people without hesitation and remorse. Rep. Dan Goldman and Jamie Raskin, both lawyers, and Mr. Goldman, a former prosecutor with the SDNY from New York, will continue to lie today in this hearing and then go straight to the media to tell more lies. Hunter Biden’s defense attorney, Abby Lowell, weaponizes letters to Congress to try to smear my name. Mr. Chairman, state the cold, hard facts.Jami Raskin: Mr. Chairman.

 This is how corrupt US bureaucrats/oligarchs launder money in exchange for policy decisions and State secrets. We have a paper trail confirming the sitting POTUS is receiving money from China… The United States is compromised.


AOC: “Did you witness the President commit a crime? Is it your testimony today?”


AOC: “What crime have you witnessed?”

BOBULINSKI: “How much time do I have?”

AOC: “Name the crime.”

BOBULINSKI: “Corruption statutes, RICO…”

A violation of RICO occurs when a person, in connection with an enterprise, engages in a pattern of racketeering activity. Racketeering activity includes:

Money laundering
Wire fraud

For RICO purposes, these are considered “predicate” offenses. A person charged with a RICO violation must have been engaging in a minimum of two predicate crimes within a 10-year time frame. These predicate offenses must also have been committed in connection with an enterprise. An enterprise may be a legal or an illegal one. It could be a corporation or a mob. The enterprise must be a discrete entity.

RICO imposes a maximum criminal penalty of 20 years in prison for violations of the statute. If sentenced the defendant must also forfeit all proceeds obtained while engaging in racketeering activity to the government. To be convicted under RICO, a pattern of racketeering activity is necessary. This means that at least 2 separate activities that can be classified as racketeering must have occurred within 10 years of each other.

Chairman Comer Launches Government-Wide Investigation into China’s Ongoing Efforts to Infiltrate and Influence the United States 

 House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) is launching a government-wide investigation into the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) ongoing efforts to target, influence, and infiltrate every sector and community in the United States, including but not limited to America’s education, agriculture, critical infrastructure, research, energy, business, space, and technology sectors.
In nine letters sent to federal agencies today, Chairman Comer emphasized how Congress has a responsibility to ensure the federal government is effectively using existing resources to combat the CCP’s influence operations and strengthen our homeland. The Committee is therefore seeking information regarding what steps are being taken to thwart the CCP’s political and economic warfare campaign. In the coming weeks and months, Chairman Comer intends to call on more U.S. agencies to provide information on how they are combatting CCP warfare and will lead several hearings to address this national security threat.     



BREAKING: In Major Blow to Biden Regime, Supreme Court Allows Texas to Enforce Immigration Law That Gives Police Power to Arrest Illegals

The US Supreme Court on Tuesday allowed Texas to enforce its immigration law that allows police to arrest illegal aliens.
The Supreme Court’s conservative majority rejected an emergency application by the Biden Regime requesting the high court block Texas’ immigration law.
The high court temporarily rejected the Biden Regime’s request as litigation makes its way through the courts.
Texas’ immigration law still may be blocked at a later date.
NBC News reported:



Geopolitical/Police State

Elon Musk: FBI Portal on Twitter “Auto-Deleted All Communications” After Two Weeks – To Likely Hide Government’s Involvement in Censoring Speech 

X owner Elon Musk told Texas Lindsey in an interview this week that FBI had a Twitter portal that deleted all communications after two weeks to hide it’s nefarious requests. That way FOIA requests would turn up nothing on their communications after two weeks.
Elon Musk: And this is coming from multiple parts of the government, from the State Department, the FBI, Homeland Security, from really many parts of the government. It wasn’t just one arm of the government. There was this FBI portal that auto-deleted all communications after two weeks. So we actually don’t know what was said there. In fact, this strike me as a FOIA violation, freedom of Information act violation, because you shouldn’t be able to delete, orderly delete things after two weeks.There’s a little known agency in the State Department called the Global Engagement Center, which most people have never heard of, but they might have been the single worst offender because they demanded the suspension of, at one point, over 250,000 accounts, which I think all Twitter largely complied with. But the suspension demands were so broad that they accidentally demanded a suspension of a journalist on CNN and an elected Canadian politician. It was just an incredibly broad sweeep.

Irish Prime Minister Quits Just Two Weeks After Defeat in Progressive Referendum to Rewrite Constitution

Ireland’s progressive Prime Minister Leo Varadkar has announced he is resigning for “personal and political” reasons, stepping down less than two weeks after he was soundly defeated on a referendum to redefine marriage and the role of women in the nation’s constitution.




Military protection was required to ensure that Americans were escorted safely in the evacuations of America’s embassies in Kabul, Afghanistan; Port-au-Prince, Haiti; and Khartoum, Sudan. 
Here are some details:
Burma, 2021
On March 30, 2021, the State Department ordered its first embassy evacuation during the 2-month-old Biden administration. 

Chad, 2021
In April 2021, the U.S. Embassy in Chad issued a statement that the “reported death of the Chadian president” likely would result in unrest, ordered staff to “shelter in place,” and predicted that no evacuation would be necessary
The following November, however, the State Department ordered nonessential staff to leave Chad as rebel fighters approached the capital, N’Djamena.
Afghanistan, 2021
Biden’s July 8, 2021, announcement that the U.S. was going to suspend all military operations in Afghanistan was met with chaos inside the war-torn country

Biden promised to retaliate for the terrorist attack, but did not.
Ethiopia, 2021
Threats from rebel forces in Ethiopia’s civil war, known as the Tigray War, led the State Department in November 2021 to create a special task force to evacuate “nonemergency government personnel” from the country and the U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa. 

Ukraine, 2022
On Feb. 12, 2022, the State Department issued “Do Not Travel” notifications to American citizens for Ukraine. It also closed the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv on Feb. 14, evacuating most staff.

Belarus, 2022
Four days after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, largely using Belarus’ border with Ukraine as a staging ground, the State Department ordered Americans to evacuate Belarus.

Russia, 2022
On the same day as its Belarus announcement, the State Department issued an authorized departure for “non-emergency employees and family members” from the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. 

Nigeria, 2022
The State Department issued an ordered departure for nonemergency U.S. government employees and family members in the Nigerian capital of Abuja on Oct. 27, 2022, citing an “elevated risk of terror attacks.” 

Sudan, 2023
Following an April 18, 2023, attack on an American convoy in Khartoum, Sudan, the situation at the U.S. Embassy there deteriorated rapidly.

Niger, 2023
In August 2023, the State Department issued an ordered departure to “non-emergency U.S. government personnel” of the U.S. Embassy in Niamey, the capital of Niger. 
 n the nearby French embassy and an attempted coup led the State Department to issue the ordered departure.
Haiti, 2024
In Biden’s last presidential campaign, he paid special attention to Haiti, promising in 2019 that he would “press for dialogue to prevent further violence and instability.” 



False Flags


Judge Allows Trump And Co-Defendants To Appeal Fani Willis Ruling

Judge Scott McAfee ruled  that former President Donald Trump and eight other co-defendants can seek review of his decision not to disqualify Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.
McAfee granted the certificate of immediate review sought by defendants, finding it “of such importance to the case that immediate review should be had.” The decision means defendants can appeal McAfee’s decision, which allowed Willis to stay on the case against Trump after special prosecutor Nathan Wade stepped down, despite finding an “appearance of impropriety” in their actions.
“The challenged order is not one of final judgment, and the State has informed the Court that it has complied with the order’s demands,” McAfee wrote. “Thus, unless directed otherwise by an appellate court, supersedeas shall only apply to the order being appealed.”


‘Stack the Deck So Trump Wins’ – Leftists Melt Down Over Judge Cannon’s Jury Instructions in Jack Smith’s Classified Docs Case

Judge Aileen Cannon issued a jury instruction order in Jack Smith’s classified documents case and the leftist legal analysts are going apocalyptic.
Cannon gave two options for jury instructions.
The first option:

In a prosecution of a former president for allegedly retaining documents in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 793(e), a jury is permitted to examine a record retained by a former president in his/her personal possession at the end of his/her presidency and make a factual finding as to whether the government has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that it is personal or presidential using the definitions set forth in the Presidential Records Act (PRA).

The second option is: 

A president has sole authority under the PRA to categorize records as personal or presidential during his/her presidency. Neither a court nor a jury is permitted to make or review such a categorization decision. Although there is no formal means in the PRA by which a president is to make that categorization, an outgoing president’s decision to exclude what he/she considers to be personal records from presidential records transmitted to the National Archives and Records Administration constitutes a president’s categorization of those records as personal under the PRA.


Think about what the wealthy just saw happen in NY, if this happened to Trump its going to eventually happen to them. How do you bring the wealthy to your side, you allow the [DS] to do what they do best, precedent has been set. 


Pro-Trump Lawyer’s Arrest Sparks MAGA Fury

The arrest of a pro-Donald Trump lawyer accused of involvement in a plot to overturn the 2020 presidential election result sparked a furious response from supporters of the former president and other conservatives on social media.
Stefanie Lambert was arrested on Monday after failing to comply with court orders from a Michigan case in which she was accused of tampering with election machines during the 2020 election. The arrest took place after a court hearing in which Lambert represented former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne, an outspoken supporter of Trump’s claim that the 2020 election was rigged against him, in a lawsuit brought by voting machine manufacturer Dominion Voting Systems.


California Is Still Counting Mail-In Ballots From Primaries Held Over Two Weeks Ago

California is still counting ballots from its primary elections that took place over two weeks ago.
According to CNN, which has published a live update of the results, numerous races still have tens of thousands of ballots to be counted and verified. The most notable of these two races are the Democrat and Republican presidential primaries, which at the time of writing have an estimated vote count of 95 and 93 percent respectively.

Meanwhile, other races including the House District 20 Special Primary have just 81 percent of the vote in, meaning there are also tens of thousands of ballots left to count.
California election officials may point to the fact that these races have already been called, but such failure to adequately complete the process may be a sign of things to come.


[DS] tries to postpone the election using an insurgency and cyber attack
Once the election infrastructure is attacked, there will be move to use paper ballots
[DS] will use the illegals to scare people off, this will fail, NG protecting the elections
[DS] will try to delay the counting of the votes.
They will then push their insurgency

President Trump Reigns Supreme in Ohio, Florida and Illinois Primaries 





Ron Paul Warns Public to Prepare for Unpredictable ‘Black Swan’ Event During Tucker Carlson Interview (VIDEO)

In a thought-provoking interview with Tucker Carlson, former Texas Representative Ron Paul advised the public to brace themselves for a potential “Black Swan” event, a rare event with severe consequences that cannot be predicted.


Iran may attack US water supplies, warns Biden administration

‘Lifeline-critical’ infrastructure systems face cyber security threat from Tehran and China, state governors told

Iran is poised to attack US drinking water supplies, the Biden administration has warned, amid rising tensions in the Middle East.
Jake Sullivan, Joe Biden’s national security adviser, sent a warning to state governors asking them to be on guard for potential cyber attacks on their critical infrastructure systems.
The warning letter was co-authored by Michael Regan, the head of the US Environmental Protection Agency and made public on Tuesday.
In it, they cited ongoing threats from hackers linked to the governments of Iran and China and warned hackers associated with both states have previously attacked water systems.
Attractive target for hackers’
“Disabling cyber attacks are striking water and waste water systems throughout the United States,” the pair wrote.
They warned that drinking water and waste water systems were “an attractive target” for hackers because while they are “lifeline-critical” they “often lack the resources and technical capacity” to protect themselves from potential attacks.


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