Amidst ongoing political turmoil, there has been a curious shift in the perception of Biden, following his removal from the race by his own party. Whilst some see this narrative as a political tragedy, others argue this scenario gives him an unexpected opportunity to wield influence and make substantial change during the rest of his term. A recent surge in his approval rating by 10 points, standing at 46 percent, supports this claim, sparking a heated debate on the matter.
However, this increase in popularity is a far cry from the reassurance that Americans need from their President – a calming steadfastness that seems to be missing from Biden who has been pushed out of the race. Naysayers like to portray him as some sort of tragic hero, but the realities of politics are less accommodating. Biden may have gained a few approval points, but is it worth the price of being regarded as ‘the pushed out’ President?
Reports have recently highlighted the success story of the release of Russian hostages, citing it as a testament to Biden’s supposed strength of knowledge and global personal contacts. The freeing of 16 political prisoners, involving the coordination of seven different countries, was admittedly a complex matter. Biden even reveals he had persuaded Germany and Slovenia to act against their interests. Such an endeavor, however, raises questions about Biden’s choices and diplomatic skills, casting a dubious light on his position as the statesman he claims to be.
At the hostages’ return, Kamala Harris stood beside Biden, welcoming the returnees on the airport tarmac. This moment, captured by the media, exposed the complicated dynamics between President and Vice President – a relationship Biden is no stranger to, having served two terms with Barack Obama. Despite this familiarity, sharing such an occasion with Harris, one that he spent a year working on, seems to be an abnormal deviation from his usual conduct. Is it a case of shared accolades or simple optics?
The political landscape of modern elections often revolves around personal attributes, likability, charisma, and the overall performance put on by each campaign. With Biden’s name not on the ballot, his high regard for public service appears to have transferred to his protege, Kamala Harris. However, there’s something uncannily rehearsed about this whole setup, making us question the authenticity of this seemingly rosy Democratic resurgence with Harris at the helm.
On the topic of puppet-work, the Republicans have long held the belief that Biden was merely a figurehead, with the strings being pulled by powers behind the scenes, one of which they had cheekily suggested to be Harris. With her recent rise in profile, largely due to Biden’s ‘Scranton Joe’ trustability, the handover of candidacy power to Harris does seem orchestrated, further reinforcing the puppet theory. One wonders about the numerous IOUs exchanged in the process.
Republicans are also claiming that Biden’s departure from the race doesn’t stir any hard feelings in him, a statement given a surprising thumbs-up by Republican pollster Greg Strimple. Commendable as it may be, Biden’s mature response to what is essentially a weigh-off doesn’t bode well for him. Does this present Harris in a favorable light, or does it simply highlight the Democratic party’s failings in choosing their candidate?
Indeed, if you look beyond the fresh and modern facade that is Kamala Harris, stark issues emerge to the surface. Yes, she might not carry the baggage of being Biden or Trump, but the challenges she faces are far greater. The inflation and border problems are her Achilles heel, an issue she would need to address in order to strengthen her position.
Meanwhile, Trump’s criticism of Harris as an uncontrolled liberal seems to be falling on deaf ears. The alignment in ideologies between her and Biden is nearly identical with little to no discernment. Harris’s move towards introducing economic proposals that are awfully similar to Biden’s isn’t presenting any new ideas. It appears as though her strategy is to simply incense Trump by mimicking his proposal to eliminate taxation on gratuities. A clever tactic or a sign of lack of original thought?
In a bold move, Harris might also introduce legislation in correlation with an increase in federal minimum wage, a matter that has been a source of shame and a testament to Congress’ dysfunction. Let’s not forget that most tipped workers, burdened by low wages, aren’t able to even meet the threshold of acquiring federal income tax. The expected solution? Standard Democratic responses of expanded earned income tax credit, universal preschool, and an increase in the child tax credit.
However, this strategy poses a few surprising elements that could alter the public’s perception. As Jim Kessler, from the centrist progressive group Third Way, mentions, “Tim Walz is the first Democrat on a national ticket to know the price of soybeans since Jimmy Carter.” Seeing a rural economic agenda that’s uncommonly innovative might just be what Harris needs to win support. But is it enough to prove she’s not the puppet in disguise that many think her to be?
Critics from the Trump campaign have labeled Harris as a chameleon for shifting her views to suit the political climate. Though she might argue that she’s not competing for Californian presidency, but rather aiming for improved representation of all people, questions are raised as to the intention behind these changed views.
Political tricks to trap one into unsustainable positions hold less power nowadays, but past examples indicate otherwise. Remember how John Kerry was maligned for going back and forth regarding the funding for reconstructing Iraq? This incident serves as a stark reminder that Harris’s minimal time in Senate won’t guard her from close scrutiny.
The tides of politics always turn for those who can navigate them, and Biden appears to be gliding through the waves just fine for now. His character appears to stand resolute on the surface, homespun and humble. However, this leaves one to wonder: if his legacy comprises of ending Trump’s reign, would it be due to his own strengths or simply because he was the first hurdle for Trump’s pursuit of retaliation? Would Biden’s victory over Trump be seen, not as a triumph, but a humiliation?
All in all, the political narrative is rife with intrigue and manipulation, the puppet and puppet master’s identities hidden behind veils of diplomacy and subtle power plays. Biden and Harris, with their complicated alliance, stand at the center of this web of political maneuvering, their motives and moves scrutinized at every turn. It’s crucial to remember that in politics, nothing is as it seems – a mantra that seems as relevant as ever when observing the Biden-Harris duet.
Biden’s Unworthy Political Exit: A Blessing or Cursed Opportunity? appeared first on Real News Now.