Big Brawl Breaks Out On House Floor With Gaetz And Top GOP Rep

House Republicans are employing various strategies to use the funding of the federal government to gain leverage versus leftist Democrats.

Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is among those trying to do what conservative voters want.

When he refrains from engaging with his colleagues on Twitter, he utilizes the platform of the legislative chamber to obstruct the passage of legislation, as demonstrated on Monday when he criticized his fellow Florida Republican Representative, Byron Donalds.

The primary concern revolves around the maintenance of operational and financial support for the federal government through the implementation of a continuing resolution (CR).

In this context, there exist multiple components inside the CR, which has been formulated by Donalds, that Gaetz and his fellow adherents of the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement are unable to endorse.

Politico reporter Olivia Beavers stated what Donalds had said:

“Rep. Donalds, a key negotiator, in a new statement will defend framework as a “win for the conservative movement.” “I didn’t come to Washington to be hood winked by party insiders, the swamp, or the uniparty — I came to get the job done.””

To which Gaetz responded:

“The problem with the Donalds CR is that it gets the job done for Jack Smith!”

The problem with the Donalds CR is that it gets the job done for Jack Smith!

— Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) September 18, 2023

Donalds shot back at Gaetz:

“Matt, tell the people the truth. The DOJ will operate whether the government is shut down or not. Special Counsel’s have always exempted themselves from shutdowns. What’s your plan to get the votes to defund Jack Smith? You’ll need more than tweets and hot takes!!”

Matt, tell the people the truth. The DOJ will operate whether the government is shut down or not. Special Counsel’s have always exempted themselves from shutdowns. What’s your plan to get the votes to defund Jack Smith? You’ll need more than tweets and hot takes!!

— Byron Donalds (@ByronDonalds) September 18, 2023

In response to that tweet by Donalds, Gaetz expressed his thoughts on Twitter/X by stating the following.

“It is so painful watching someone I admire so much author a continuing resolution to fund the government agencies I loathe.”

During his address in the House, Gaetz utilized the podium to vehemently criticize the CR and its contents, asserting that it would perpetuate “the failure, the waste, and the corruption, and the election interference, and in some cases, the efforts that could lead this country into World War III.”

Gaetz proceeded to express his thoughts further.

The Donalds CR continues the Ukraine policy negotiated by [former Speaker] Nancy Pelosi and [Sen.] Mitch McConnell in the omnibus that conservatives were against. The Donalds CR is a permission slip for [special prosecutor] Jack Smith to continue his election interference as they are trying to gag the president, the former President of the United States and the leading contender for the Republican nomination, and the Donalds CR abandons the principle that it is only a review of single subject spending bills that will save this country and allow us to tweeze through these programs and force these agencies to stand up and defend their budget.

The @ByronDonalds CR is bad for America

— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) September 18, 2023

The Guardian reported today:

“House Republicans cancel vote on short-term funding measure amid infighting.”

The House will not vote today on a measure to keep the government open past 30 September, amid a split between the chamber’s Republican leadership and a handful of far-right lawmakers that will cause a government shutdown if it is not resolved in 12 days, Punchbowl News reports:

Lawmakers had been scheduled to today vote to approve the rules of debate for the short-term funding measure, but it was unclear if it would have passed.

On Monday, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene posted on X:

“Rep. @ByronDonalds and I are having a debate about Ukraine funding in his proposed Continuing Resolution.

I want to clarify just how the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative is used by Joe Biden to fuel his proxy war with Russia.

The USAI is not just training, it’s funding the war. And that’s why I’m a NO vote on the DoD appropriations bill and the proposed short-term CR.”

Rep. @ByronDonalds and I are having a debate about Ukraine funding in his proposed Continuing Resolution.

I want to clarify just how the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative is used by Joe Biden to fuel his proxy war with Russia.

The USAI is not just training, it’s funding…

— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (@RepMTG) September 18, 2023

Greene continued:

“I’m a NO on Byron Donalds’s CR.

We should be working overtime to pass our Republican appropriation bills NOT passing a CR that funds Pelosi/Biden policies, war in Ukraine, Jack Smith persecution of Pres Trump, and COVID insanity.


I’m a NO on Byron Donalds’s CR.

We should be working overtime to pass our Republican appropriation bills NOT passing a CR that funds Pelosi/Biden policies, war in Ukraine, Jack Smith persecution of Pres Trump, and COVID insanity.


— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (@RepMTG) September 19, 2023

USA Today reported on the background of what’s going on:

“With the House no closer to avoiding a potential government shutdown in less than two weeks, two key factions of House Republicans have crafted a short-term, stopgap measure called a continuing resolution that would temporarily fund the government through Oct. 31.”

The bill, sponsored by members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus and the more moderate Main Street Caucus, would impose an 8% spending cut on federal agencies, but that doesn’t include national defense budget, the Department of Veterans Affairs and amounts designated for disaster relief.

The temporary measure would also include border security provisions that have been on conservative wish lists during the ongoing spending fight.

But whether the continuing resolution can pass in the House and the Senate remains to be seen. The bill also doesn’t include provisions on Ukraine aid or extra funds for disaster relief, which President Joe Biden requested Congress approve.

Representatives from both parties have also blasted the potential compromise.

“It’s crystal clear a Gov’t shutdown is coming. I represent 66% of the Texas-Mexico border – a hollow Continuing Resolution built to win a messaging battle does nothing to keep America safe,” Rep. Tony Gonzales, R-Texas, wrote on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

The post Big Brawl Breaks Out On House Floor With Gaetz And Top GOP Rep appeared first on The Republic Brief.

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