During a broadcast on Friday, Fox News host Bret Baier disclosed that the scheduled event featuring three of the leading candidates for House speaker had collapsed due to the withdrawal of the candidates.
Following a motion by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), eight Republicans united with Democrats to remove Kevin McCarthy from office earlier this week. Currently, the House GOP is attempting to ascertain McCarthy’s successor inside the Republican majority.
Baier disclosed that he had originally scheduled a combined interview for an upcoming Monday event with House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA), Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), and Republican Study Committee Chairman Kevin Hern (R-OK).
“All three of them knew that they were going to be on together Monday on Capitol Hill. We agreed to hold back the announcement of that until Special Report tonight to wait for Congressman Hearn to, as expected, get into the speaker’s race,” Baier told fellow host Martha MacCallum.
Nevertheless, the deliberations deteriorated, leading to the eventual cancellation of the event on Friday subsequent to the unauthorized disclosure of critical information to the general public. The Fox presenter additionally criticized erroneous reports suggesting that he was scheduled to hold an exclusive forum featuring the contenders.
Today this morning, there was some kind of leak on Capitol Hill. We obviously worked with a number of staffs to set up a Monday and how the logistics are going to work. Somehow, somewhere, it leaked on Capitol Hill with some bizarre stories and weird reporting that I was going to be moderating a debate privately for the Republican caucus and then something else. But bottom line is it leaked and then there became pressure from other members on these three to not do that before they talked to members.
Congressman Hern still has not declared for speaker, but yet he tweeted out this afternoon that I haven’t decided whether I’m going to run, but I can tell you this. I’m not going to be on TV before I talk to the Republican members. So they had all agreed the pressure built and that’s what happened. It’s not going to happen on Monday. We’re still going to do the show on Capitol Hill. And we’re booking some interesting guests there as well. But I think that the word debate has scared folks over the past couple of days, and we’re hoping to change that. We’re going to use a different word going forward in that interview.
On Friday morning, former President Donald Trump formally endorsed Jordan. In contrast, Hern, the individual who currently presides over the most substantial conservative caucus inside the House, has not yet disclosed his intention to run for a particular position.
The post Brett Baier Gets Bad News – Forced To Make Difficult Admission LIVE On Air appeared first on The Republic Brief.