Confirmed,[DS] Set The Path&Under Investigation,We Can Now Do Things That Were Not Possible – Ep. 3200

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The installed leaders are now rolling back or backtracking on the green new deal, why? The people are awake and they see what they are trying to do. The economy has failed many of the people and the people are getting pissed off at the Bide admin/Fed etc. The [CB] is the target, Abraham Lincoln warned us about the [CB]. The [DS] is now setting the precedent that Trump can use against them later on. The [DS] is being investigated by military intelligence. Soon the patriots will be able to do everything they are doing to Trump to them. Trump will be able to do things that were not possible. The people will be with him, the people will want peace.



Canada’s Trudeau the Latest Leader to Backtrack and Delay on Climate Alarmist Policies – Rolls Back Home Heating Oil Carbon Tax for 3 Years

About a month ago, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak took a hint from brutal opinion polls and decided to put his citizens financial welfare ahead of the crazy climate alarmist policies that every good Globalist has to follow to the letter.
Outrage ensued, as you would expect – but the trend now seems to be catching on.

Now it’s Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau – who just announced a three-year carbon tax exemption for home heating oil, also and higher carbon tax rebates for people in rural areas. 
These measures are intended to bring economic relief to families, amid high costs of living.
Lawmakers in his own Liberal party have strenuously called for changes to pricing on carbon ‘to combat climate change’, in particular in the Atlantic Canada region.
Reuters reported:
“‘After plummeting in the polls, a flailing, desperate Trudeau is now flipping and flopping on the carbon tax as I am holding a gigantic axe the tax rally in a Liberal-held Atlantic riding’, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre wrote on social media platform X.”
Conservatives are, of course, doing a victory lap out of Trudeau’s change of course.
National Observer reported:
“After four years of defending the carbon tax, Justin Trudeau’s government crashed into the political reality unfolding in Atlantic Canada 

 healthy foods.


Survey Found Most Americans Falling Behind On Emergency Savings

A large majority of Americans are falling behind on their savings, as 81 percent have not increased their emergency savings since the beginning of the year, according to a survey.
The survey by Bankrate, released on Oct. 25, showed just 19 percent of American households increased their emergency savings, while 32 percent have less savings now compared with the beginning of 2023. Thirty percent of households have the same amount of savings, while 20 percent had no emergency savings at the start of the year and remain having none.
In terms of age, older generations tend to have less emergency savings now than at the beginning of the year.
According to the survey, households with income over $100,000 tend to have more savings now than at the beginning of the year.
In addition, the survey found that 60 percent of Americans are falling behind on their savings for emergencies, in which 38 percent said they are significantly behind and 22 percent said they are slightly behind.



CBS Reporter Catherine Herridge Faces Contempt Charges For Refusing to Reveal Her Confidential Source  

CBS reporter Catherine Herridge is facing contempt charges for refusing to disclose the identity of her confidential source.
In August, US District Court for the District of Columbia, Christopher Cooper, ordered Herridge to sit down for a sworn deposition regarding a confidential source she used for a 2017 story she covered on a Department of Defense-funded school that was at the center of federal investigations over Chinese military ties while she was at Fox News.
The judge ordered Herridge to turn over her source(s) in response to a lawsuit that was filed by Chinese-American scientist Yanping Chen against the FBI. Chen subpoenaed Herridge in an effort to find out who her sources were.

Herridge argued she should not be forced to disclose her source because of her First Amendment rights.

 Judge Cooper, an Obama appointee, disagreed and forced Herridge to unmask her source.

“The Court recognizes both the vital importance of a free press and the critical role that confidential sources play in the work of investigative journalists like Herridge,” Cooper wrote in the ruling in August. “But applying the binding case law of this Circuit, the Court concludes that Chen’s need for the requested evidence overcomes Herridge’s qualified First Amendment privilege in this case.”
Herridge refused to disclose her source during the deposition and now she faces contempt charges and potential jail time, The Epoch Times reported.


  Outrageous assault on free press. Naturally, crickets from “mainstream” (liberal) reporters, who are too blinded by ideology to realize they could be next. The DC Circuit is stacked with Obama judges. Will the Supreme Court have the courage to stop these Republic-ending attacks by Democrat attorneys, prosecutors, and judges?

EXCLUSIVE: DoJ officials are accused of spying on watchdogs Jason Foster and Kash Patel who were overseeing Crossfire Hurricane investigation into Trump-Russia collusion

Congressional lawyers Jason Foster and Kash Patel say DoJ secretly subpoenaed their phone records while they were overseeing Crossfire Hurricane
Foster told he got an email from Google revealing the DoJ requested his Google Voice records between December 1, 2016 and May 1, 2017
Patel is now suing the Justice Department claiming it violated constitutional protections in a ‘blatant abuse’ of power

The Department of Justice illegally surveilled congressional lawyers in a ‘blatant abuse’ of power, according to the targets of the newly revealed snooping.

Top GOP congressional lawyers were investigating the Justice Department in 2017 over its controversial Russian collusion probe, codenamed ‘Crossfire Hurricane’.

But new documents reveal that at the same time, the DoJ office they were probing was spying on their phone calls and emails in an allegedly illegal ‘fishing expedition’.
  one of the key players in the scandalous surveillance was Tejpal Chawla, a federal prosecutor who has donated to Democrat campaigns.
One of the congressional lawyers targeted by Chawla’s snooping is now demanding documents from the DoJ, and another is suing the Department claiming it violated constitutional protections in a ‘blatant abuse’ of power.

In 2017, Chawla, an Assistant US Attorney in the Washington DC US Attorney’s office, subpoenaed phone records of lawyers working for the Senate and House.

His snooping subpoena came just as those Congressional staffers were investigating Chawla’s office over its ‘Crossfire Hurricane’ probe, which alleged collusion between Russian agents and Donald Trump‘s presidential campaign. 

 watchdogs became aware of the subpoenas recently when they were belatedly notified by Google and other big tech firms, after a court seal keeping the subpoenas secret expired

REVEALED: Migrants in New York City hotels and shelters are costing the taxpayer $5BILLION: Eyewatering contracts show $140m is being spent on security, $45m on asylum applications and $7m on laundry

NYC has spent billions setting up emergency shelters across the five boroughs
More than 120,000 migrants have arrived in the city in the last 18 months
Mayor Adams has said the crisis will cost the town $12billion over three years  

New York City has signed nearly 200 eyewatering emergency contracts totaling over $5billion to house and care for migrants, paying as much as $140M for security, $45million in legal aid services and $7million in laundry.
Mayor Eric Adams has signed $5,056,744,415 in nearly 200 contracts for migrant services since last year, when he declared a state of emergency, allowing City Hall to bypass a competitive bidding process to address the surge of asylum seekers.



Geopolitical/Police State

YouTube, has decided to suspend the Los Angeles Police Department’s channel. The suspension was triggered by the LAPD’s decision to share footage of an assault, aimed at garnering the community’s assistance in identifying the involved suspects.

The altercation that led to the suspension occurred on September 28. The footage captured an unsettling scene near Speedway and Market Street, where a male victim had a chance encounter with two individuals armed with bicycles.
Out of the blue, one of the bicycle riders brandished a pair of bolt cutters, using them to launch a barrage of attacks—both punching and kicking—against the unsuspecting victim. After a brief hiatus, the attacker returned to deliver a final blow, knocking the victim unconscious with the same bolt cutters.
What was intended to be a genuine plea for public assistance has now evolved into a much larger discussion about digital platforms and their powers to disrupt police and community appeals.


Maine Law Enforcement Received Statewide Alert on ‘Veiled Threats’ by Army Reservist Robert Card Weeks Prior to Bowling Alley and Bar Massacre that Left 18 Dead, 13 Injured  

  law enforcement agencies in Maine had been alerted weeks before the incident about “veiled threats” made by Card.

According to the News Center Maine, Sagadahoc County Sheriff Joel Merry had sent deputies to Card’s home in September after receiving a tip from the U.S. Army Reserve that Card had issued “veiled threats” against an Army base.
Authorities were unable to locate him, and they moved on.
“We couldn’t locate him,” Merry said, adding that he couldn’t recall if there was any follow-up.

An “awareness alert” was then sent to all of the state’s law enforcement agencies.
Saco Police Chief Jack Clements even deployed officers to patrol the local Army base where Card had trained, but they also came up empty-handed.
“We added extra patrols, we did that for about two weeks. … The guy never showed up,” said Jack Clements.

Despite the alerts and the efforts to locate him, Card was not on the FBI’s radar before the shootings.

He was committed to a mental health facility, Keller Army Community Hospital at West Point, for two weeks, but it appears that this did not put him on the radar of law enforcement agencies.
Spectrum News reported:


Despite visits and increased patrols, Card remained elusive. During a welfare check, it was noted that he typically answered the door with a concealed handgun.

David Hogg Now Blames “White Woman In Suburbs” For Gun Violence

 “We will never end gun violence until white woman in the suburbs stop voting for the republicans who are endangering our schools and communities by flooding them with guns.” 

Hogg is not ready for this conversation, as his bigotry against white women in the suburbs is uncalled for as a recent poll from NYPost, citing Wallet Hub data, shows murder rates in Democratic areas, including Memphis, Tennesse; New Orleans, Louisana; Richmond, Virginia; Washington, DC; and Detroit, Michigan, with soft-on-crime policies, are surging.

Source: NYPost

As for those white women in suburbia (in fact, any woman of any race) – they have a God-given right to use reasonable force, including deadly force, to protect their families and themselves against an intruder in their home – especially since the average police response time in suburbia can be ten minutes or more.
Wow, we just went from “It’s the guns” to “It’s the white women in suburbs”…that escalated quickly.


  the black market? or they were just clueless? Sometimes it makes you wonder? Are they doing it all on purpose or are they just clueless?

Gun Sales Spike 200% in Maine After Tragic Mass Shooting

Gun sales in Lewiston, Maine and the surrounding area spiked over 200% after a deadly mass shooting claimed the lives of 18 people and wounded over a dozen more.

Despite a shelter-in-place order being put in place in Lewiston, Maine, local gun shop owners were urged to open up their doors by community members who pleaded with them to open up shop.
According to Fox Business, Ryan Gagnon, who is a co-owner of 3 Cousins Firearms in Lewiston, reported, “Our sales were up, I would say, over 200% compared to a typical Friday.”

Another gun shop owner, Tony Lewis,  shared that he did more business after the mass shooting than he did the entire month.




Another Political Assassination Attempt – Pro-Russia Politician Oleg Tsaryov Is Shot Twice in Crimea

It is a difficult moment for Ukraine in the war: the counteroffensive has petered out, Russian forces have started successful offensives in Avdiivka, Kupyansk and other places, foreign aid is starting to dry up with the emergence of the conflict in the Middle East.
At this crucial moment of the struggle, Kiev regime resorts to their old expedient: political assassinations.
It is common knowledge that Ukrainians maintain a website called Myrotvorets (‘Peacemaker’), a vast ‘unofficial’ (but sanctioned) database of people considered to be enemies of the country.

To be listed there as a ‘traitor to the motherland’ is to be marked for potential assassination.


That was the case of former Ukrainian lawmaker Oleg Tsaryov, a pro-Russian figure reportedly tasked to lead Kyiv after Russia’s invasion.
Tsaryov was shot and wounded in a late-night attack, family and officials said on Friday.
Reuters reported:
Several pro-war Russian figures in the ‘peacemaker’ database have been assassinated since the start of the war.

The list includes journalist Darya Dugina, war blogger Vladlen Tatarsky and former submarine commander Stanislav Rzhitsky.
The Guardian reported:





False Flags

Macron Announces Legislation to Enshrine ‘Freedom of Abortion’ in French Constitution

President Emmanuel Macron announced that his government will introduce legislation this week to enshrine the “freedom” to have an abortion into the French Constitution.
Vowing to introduce legislation this week with the hopes of presenting a bill to the Council of Ministers by the end of the year, President Macron declared on social media on Sunday: “In 2024, the freedom of women to have an abortion will be irreversible.”
Macron first committed to include abortion access in the Constitution on March 8th, which marks the communist holiday International Women’s Day.

Although the inclusion of the “freedom” to have an abortion would likely have minimal impact on the current legal status of abortion in the country, with the practice already being legal, it could serve as an impediment to future governments seeking to enact restrictions or place limits on abortions.
There was some debate within the government about the specific language of the amendment, with some demanding that the text guarantee the “right” to an abortion.
The government ultimately decided to propose a “freedom of abortion”, however, the Élysée claimed that it is essentially a distinction without a difference given that the Constitution permits “the same constitutional guarantee” to rights and freedoms.



It is “very likely” that President Biden has committed impeachable offenses, according to Speaker Mike Johnson, who was elected to the office on Wednesday after three weeks of Republican turmoil.
In September, then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy launched a formal impeachment inquiry into Biden. It focused on whether the president was ever influenced by the business dealings of his son Hunter Biden, potentially setting the stage for an impeachment trial. McCarthy said the president faced “allegations of abuse of power, obstruction and corruption,” warranting further investigation.


WHY NOW? SNL Lightly Roasts Biden Over His Age in Halloween Skit with Cameo From Christopher Walken (VIDEO)

Saturday Night Live lightly roasted Joe Biden over his age this week in a Halloween skit  


Michelle Obama Looks Disheveled in ‘Get Out the Vote’ Pitch Amid Rumors of Possible Presidential Bid 

Michelle Obama looked disheveled in a ‘get out the vote’ pitch on Friday amid rumors of a possible presidential bid.

Prominent political figures have recently predicted Michelle Obama will be the Democrat presidential nominee in 2024.

The majority of Democrat voters believe Joe Biden is too old to serve a second term so many are now speculating he will be replaced with California Governor Gavin Newsom… or perhaps Michelle Obama.
Ted Cruz said last month the Democrats are going to pull a surprise by drafting Michelle Obama to take Joe Biden’s place for the 2024 race.
“Here’s the scenario that I think is perhaps most likely, and most dangerous,” Senator Cruz said on his ‘Verdict with Ted Cruz’ podcast. “In August of 2024, the Democrat kingmakers jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama.”

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said Michelle Obama will be the Democrat Party’s 2024 nominee.
“Don’t be surprised,” Palin said last week. “But I still say it’ll be Michelle O’ #2024Election”
“Biden’s out,” she said.
Barack Obama was spotted leaving Funke restaurant in Beverly Hills earlier this month. He stayed silent after he was asked if his wife Michelle is running for president.

DISGUSTING! Dirty Leftist Attorneys Play Video of Trump on Jan. 6 to Open Colorado Case to Remove Trump from Ballot – REFUSE TO PLAY His Words Encouraging Supporters to be Peaceful (VIDEO)

The dirty left was up to their old tricks again today.
Radical leftist attorneys in Colorado opened their argument to toss President Trump from the ballot in the state.
During their opening remarks, these far-left attorneys shared two clips of President Trump’s speech at the Ellipse to a million supporters on January 6, 2021.
They insist President Trump started a violent riot.
Here is the video they would not play in court – President Trump telling supporters to be PEACEFUL!

The attorneys hid that from the court.


Obama-Appointed Judge Chutkan Reinstates Gag Order on President Trump  

Earlier this month  Obama- appointed Judge Tanya Chutkan initiated a gag order on President Donald Trump, the leading presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election.
This is complete lawlessness. Even the far-left ACLU later filed a brief arguing the that an overly-broad gag order imposed on Donald J. Trump in an ongoing election interference case violates the First Amendment.
Chutkan’s initial gag order on Trump was worse than we thought.

According to Chutkan’s gag order, Trump cannot criticize Special Counsel Jack Smith or any of his prosecutors – even if Trump is telling the truth!


  BOTH Parties in the Polls. Few can believe this is happening, but I will appeal. How can they tell the leading candidate that he, and only he, is seriously restricted from campaigning in a free and open manner? It will not stand!

  and process. This gag order is an obviously illegal prior restraint on free speech. It’s un-American.


Trump has appeared to threaten President Joe Biden with prosecution in a post on his social media platform, Truth Social. The former president raged against his successor over the various lawsuits and indictments he is facing, and warned Biden “the same can happen to you.”



He can do this because they already set the path




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