Dems In Full Panic Mode After Finding Out About 1,000 Page Manifesto

Should former president Donald Trump win back the White House in 2024, he would have a ready-made policy team and ambitious plans to transform the federal government, which under the Biden administration has devolved into an authoritarian state.

According to Bloomberg News, the Heritage Foundation has already enlisted a number of former Trump administration aides to draft a platform for the incoming Republican leadership.

The report claims that Heritage has enlisted the help of a number of former senior officials from the Trump administration, including former chief of staff of the White House’s Office of Management and Budget Russell Vought, former director of the Office of Legislative Affairs Eric Ueland, and former adviser to Trump John McEntee, to draft policy recommendations for Trump’s reelection.

Their plans are a playbook of a thousand pages, or a “1,000-page manifesto,” as far-left news source Raw Story describes it.

Raw Story writes with disdain and an underlying fear of Trump’s prudent preparation to bring America back:

This comes after earlier reporting that Heritage, a decades-old right-wing think tank that became close to the Trump administration under his presidency, is also building out a vast “right-wing LinkedIn” to recruit people to come on as staffers for such a future administration at every level, with the goal of getting 20,000 people ready to go — and that 50 conservative groups are collaborating on this umbrella project.

Trump was often dissatisfied with his original Cabinet officials and national security officers, considering them disloyal and gradually purging those like John Kelly, Dan Coats, and even ultimately William Barr, who took contradictory positions or ever raised concerns key demands of his were illegal, considering them part of the “Deep State” who was out to get him. He and his supporters are determined that a future administration should be filled with people who will follow all his orders without question.

It also comes as Heritage Foundation policymakers have laid out exactly what some of the priorities for a new Republican administration should look like, including dismantling agency independence and civil service protections to give the president absolute control over the law, and imposing a “Biblically based” agenda in federal policy.

Democrats and/or far-left liberals are so stuck in their own hyper-partisanism that they’ve lost track of not just what is Constitutional, but what’s best for a free and fair society where citizens can pursue happiness without being pursued by their own government.

This is a frightening reality of where their mindset is at. They’ve lost track of what makes America great for even themselves and their right to have an opinion and freely express it. America wasn’t built for its citizens to be ruled, choices made for them, and forced into dependency on their dictators. Trump’s 1,000-page plan brings the country back to what made it great in the first place, rather than the third-world reality we’re in under the Biden regime or his puppet masters running it for him.

One must ask themselves why a man with a plan to destroy American greatness is so dangerous to the “establishment.” The answer is in the question — it comes down to total control.

It’s easy to give up your freedoms while still enjoying them and not knowing the alternative until it’s too late. We’re well on our way and it’s time to change course.

The post Dems In Full Panic Mode After Finding Out About 1,000 Page Manifesto appeared first on The Republic Brief.

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