[DS] Begins The Push To WWIII, The People Are Being Brought To The Precipice, Buckle Up – Ep. 3190

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Click On Picture To See Larger PictureThe D’s/[CB]/[DS] are pushing the same agenda, now the Gov of NM who pushed gun control is now saying all cars will be electric in 2035, big fail. The corporations are now hiding inflation. The [CB] has now accelerated the collapse of the economy, the 30 year mortgage is now 8%. The [DS] is now pushing WWIII. The [DS] is slowly pushing war and this will continue into 2024. The people are will be brought to the precipice. The precipice is going to consist of the collapse of the economy, open border and war. The people will have to make a decision, do they want war or peace. At this point the people will have to look deep to make this change.



Gun Grabbing Governor of New Mexico Mandates All State Vehicles Must be Electric by 2035

New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham sure likes mandating things. When she’s not trying to abuse her power by taking away people’s gun rights, she’s making demands about electric vehicles.
Grisham has decided that all state vehicles in New Mexico must be electric by 2035.
Is she planning to still be governor 12 years from now?

FOX News reports:

Another blue state unleashes electric vehicle mandate: ‘Walking the walk’

Source: thegatewaypundit.com


The average rate on the popular 30-year fixed mortgage rate hit 8% Wednesday morning, according to Mortgage News Daily. That is the highest level since mid-2000.

The milestone came as bond yields soar to levels not seen since 2007. Mortgage rates follow loosely the yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury.


Sperry: Leaker of Trump Taxes Worked for Biden Beltway Donor That Just Won a Big New IRS Contract 

The Internal Revenue Service recently awarded a lucrative contract to help modernize its computer databases to the same Washington firm, Booz Allen Hamilton, that employed the man who pleaded guilty last week to stealing and leaking thousands of private tax returns of wealthy Americans, including former President Trump, according to records reviewed by RealClearInvestigations.

Cyber-thief Charles “Chaz” Littlejohn was working on an IRS contract for Booz Allen in 2018 when he stole more than two decades of Trump’s personal tax records from IRS computers. He later leaked them to the New York Times, which published negative stories on Trump’s long-sought returns several weeks before the 2020 election, which Trump narrowly lost in a handful of battleground states. 


Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Geopolitical/Police State

Joe Biden Campaign Joins President Trump’s TruthSocial Platform 

 Joe Biden, in some form or fashion, has joined President Trump’s social media platform TruthSocial today.  The Biden campaign account, BidenHQ, Truthed for the first time this afternoon:


The account currently has 1.25k followers and is following just one account:  @RealDonaldTrump (although this is probably default setting).  Podcaster and citizen journalist Behizy appears to be the first to respond on the Biden page by saying “The 2020 election was rigged and Trump won”:


The follow-up Truth from the Biden camp takes a shot at President Trump using a clip from Ron DeSantis regarding adding $7.8T to the national debt.  The post doesn’t consider the $3.1 trillion added during the “pandemic”.


FOX News reported that the Biden campaign says “they are ‘injecting [their] message’ into GOP primary coverage and plan to combat ‘mis and disinformation’ about…Biden that may appear on the social media platform.”

Source: thegatewaypundit.com


US vetoes UN Security Council action on Israel, Gaza

 The United States vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution on Wednesday that would have called for humanitarian pauses in the conflict between Israel and Palestinian Hamas militants to allow humanitarian aid access to the Gaza Strip.

Source: reuters.com

Biden Announces $100 Million In Aid To Gaza Days After Hamas Stole Humanitarian Supplies

President Joe Biden announced  that the United States will be sending $100 million in aid to the West Bank and Gaza just days after the terrorist organization Hamas stole humanitarian supplies.

“Let me be clear, if Hamas diverts or steals the assistance, they will have demonstrated once again that they have no concern for the welfare of the Palestinian people, and it will end,” Biden said. “As a practical matter, it will stop the international community from being able to provide this aid.

Source: dailycaller.com

Nikki Haley Backtracks on Supporting Resettling Palestinians Across U.S.

Former Ambassador to the United Nations (UN) Nikki Haley, running in the Republican presidential primary, is backtracking after suggesting support for resettling Palestinians across American communities.
I believe that those in the region should take them. I said that about Syria then, that’s why Jordan and Turkey took the bulk of the refugees there and I think honestly that Hamas-sympathizing countries should take these Gazans now … there is no reason for any refugees to come to America. My record is very clear on that. [Emphasis added]

Source: breitbart.com

Trudeau Amongst First in Rush to Blame Israel for Gaza Hospital Blast 

Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was amongst the first to rush to blame Israel for a deadly explosion at the Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza City on Tuesday.
In the hours afterwards Trudeau reportedly called the situation “absolutely unacceptable.” Speaking in French, he told reporters that “it’s not legal” to bomb a hospital.
“The news coming out of Gaza is horrific,” the prime minister said, Reuters reports.
“International humanitarian and international law needs to be respected in this and in all cases. There are rules around wars and it’s not acceptable to hit a hospital.”

Source: brietbart.com

BREAKING: Protests Break Out at US Embassies Across Middle East – Muslims Raise Palestinian Flag at US Embassy Wall in Beirut – Burn US Flags (VIDEO)

Protesters start fires outside the US Embassy in Beirut.
THOUSANDS OF PROTESTERS targeted the US Embassy in Jordan on Tuesday night after a deadly strike on a hospital in Gaza.
Protests broke out in various Arab countries, including Lebanon, where protesters march on the US and French embassies, following the hospital bombing.


Protests broke out in Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Qatar and Tehran.

Protesters in Turkey following Gaza

At one point the police started firing smoke cannisters at the massive crowds.


Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Looks like the [DS] was trying to start chaos and War across the world.




urgent: Saudi Arabia: Saudis must leave Lebanon immediately and now.

Majority in poll fear Israel-Hamas conflict will grow into larger Middle East war

A majority of voters said that they are concerned that the violence between Israel and Hamas will escalate into a larger war in the Middle East.
A new Quinnipiac poll found that 85 percent of voters said they are either very concerned or somewhat concerned that the fighting will expand into a war in the Middle East. Thirteen percent are either not so concerned or not concerned at all, according to the poll.

More than three-fourths of voters also said that supporting Israel is in the national interest of the United States, including 84 percent of Republicans and 76 percent of Democrats.

Source: thehill.com



Cyber Attacks

False Flags



BREAKING: Jordan LOSES Second Bid to Become Speaker – Here are the 22 Turncoat RINOS Who Voted Against Him and Defied We the People

Jim Jordan lost a second bid for Speaker after 22 RINOs voted against him.

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier today that Jordan had to win over at least 15 of these 20 RINOS who did not vote for him in the first vote if he is to become Speaker.
He did not succeed.
Here are the 22 RINOS who turned their backs on We the People and voted against Jordan. One idiot, Mike Kelly, voted for former RINO Speaker John Boehner!

Don Bacon (NE-2nd)- Kevin McCarthy

Linda Chavez-Deremer (OR-5th)- McCarthy

Anthony D’Esposito-(NY-4th) Lee Zeldin

Vern Buchanan (FL-16th)- Byron Donalds

Andrew Garbarino (NY 2nd) -Zeldin

Jake Ellzey (TX-6th) – Mike Garcia

Jen Higgins (VA-2nd) – McCarthy

Drew Ferguson (GA-3rd)- Steve Scalise

Ken Buck (CO-4th)- Zeldin

Mario Diaz-Balart (FL-26th)- Scalise

Nick Lalota (NY-1st)- Zeldin

Kay Granger (TX-12th) – Scalise

Mike Lawler (NY-17th)- McCarthy

Marinette Miller-Meeks (IA-2nd) – Kay Granger

John James (MI-10th)- Candice Miller

Tony Gonzales (TX-23rd)- Scalise

Carols Gimenez (FL-28th)- McCarthy

Mike Kelly (PA-16th) – John Boehner!

John Rutherford (FL-5th) -Scalise

Mike Simpson (ID-2nd)- Scalise

Pete Stauber (MN-8th) – Bruce Westerman

Steve Womack (AR-3rd)- Scalise

Source: thegatewaypundit.com
 Kevin McCarthy needed 15 rounds?  

Former Speakers Gingrich and Boehner Back Patrick McHenry as Interim Speaker 

Boehner is back.
Former House Speakers Newt Gingrich and John Boehner are backing McHenry for interim Speaker.

Rep. Patrick McHenry (NC) was appointed as Speaker Pro Tempore after McCarthy was ousted earlier this month.
Gingrich promoted Acting Speaker Patrick McHenry Tuesday night and said if House Republicans can’t elect a permanent Speaker, McHenry should be empowered to run the House through at least the end of the year.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com


Oct 19, 2020 12:56:10 AM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: eb3254 No. 11147059 


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