[DS] Is About To Set Another Precedent,Boomerang,People Will Accept What Needs To Be Done – Ep. 3157

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Click On Picture To See Larger PictureThe [WEF]/Biden admin they are now planning to ban natural gas transport via rail. The people will push back, everything they do destroys them. Temps are not rising, actually the earth is in a cooling phase. The economy is now in worse shape than in 2008. People will demand a new people’s system. The [DS] is about to create a new precedent in regard to the 14th Amendment. Everything they do to Trump is boomeranging on them. War is building with Russia and NK, the narrative is being pushed. The D’s are pushing the narrative to replace Biden. All roads lead to Obama. Everything the [DS] planned to do to Trump is now happening to them, this was planned from the very beginning, in the end the people will accept what needs to be done to take back this country.



Biden Admin Fires ‘Another Salvo’ In Green Push, Moves To Ban Natural Gas Transport Via Rail

The Biden administration quietly moved to ban the transport of liquefied natural gas (LNG) via rail on Friday.
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), a subagency of the Department of Transportation (DOT), moved to undo a Trump-era rule that allowed the transport of LNG via train cars in a regulatory filing published in the Federal Register on Friday, ahead of Labor Day weekend. LNG transport on rail tanks will be permitted until the DOT proposes and finalizes a rule on LNG rail transport, or until June 30, 2025, according to the Federal Register entry for the decision to remove the Trump-era rule.
Environmentalist groups hailed the DOT’s move as a major victory, citing the perceived risk that LNG on railroads poses to communities and habitats that lie in the paths of railways, according to the Sierra Club and Food and Water Watch.

Source: dailycaller.com

Biden’s Green Energy Inflation Reduction Act Needs A Big Bailout Already

The Coming Green Energy Bailout
Taxpayers will soon be on the hook for The Coming Green Energy Bailout

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) includes hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies for green energy, yet now renewable developers want utility rate-payers in New York and other states to bail them out.

According to a report late last month by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (Nyserda), large offshore wind developers are asking for an average 48% price adjustment in their contracts to cover rising costs. The Alliance for Clean Energy NY is also requesting an average 64% price increase on 86 solar and wind projects.

The IRA includes federal tax credits that can offset 50% of a project’s costs. But renewable developers say their costs are increasing faster than inflation and that the projects will “not be economically viable and would be unable to proceed to construction and operation under their existing pricing,” says Nyserda.

the computer chip maker Micron Technology recently disclosed that its planned factories in upstate New York, which are set to receive up to $5.5 billion in state subsidies, will consume as much power as New Hampshire and Vermont combined. Where will all the power come from?

Source: zerohedge.com

Fact Check: Is This the Hottest Summer on Earth

Claim: “This summer is on track to be the hottest recorded on Earth.”

You can find similarly alarming headlines from CBS News, the Guardian, and the Associated Press.
Verdict: Misleading. Compared with most of the earth’s history, this summer is unusually cold. The “record” referred to is kept by the United Nations World Meteorological Organization and European climate service Copernicus. It goes back only to 1940.
Researchers for the Smithsonian Institution surveyed the earth’s temperatures over the last 500 million years. As you can see from the chart below, the earth has been much hotter for most of the past 500 million years.


Source: breitbart.com

Inflation-squeezed Americans are defaulting on their credit cards and auto loans at levels not seen since the financial crisis – and the struggle to pay their bills is poised to get worse as interest rates rise and the moratorium on student loans expires.
Low- and middle-income earners have been especially hit hard by soaring prices on everything from rent, groceries, and new and used cars despite the Federal Reserve’s attempts to tamp down stubbornly-high inflation.
This year, credit card delinquencies have hit 3.8%, while 3.6% have defaulted on their car loans, according to credit agency Equifax.
Both figures are the highest in more than 10 years.
“The increase in delinquencies and defaults is symptomatic of the tough decisions that these households are having to make right now — whether to pay their credit card bills, their rent or buy groceries,” Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, told the Washington Post.

There are 70 million more credit card accounts open now than before the pandemic in 2019 and credit card debt surpassed $1 trillion for the first time ever, this year according to the New York Federal Reserve.

Source: nypost.com

Gasoline Prices Rise Year-over-Year for First Time since Feb 2022: CPI Inflation to Feel the Heat this Year

The average price of gasoline, all grades, across the US last week – after surging for three months – exceeded the price in the same week a year ago for the first time since February 2022. According to EIA data this afternoon, the average price at $3.93 per gallon, was up by 1.7% from the same week in September a year ago ($3.86).



Source: wolfstreet.com

Putin, Saudi’s prince: oil supply cuts ensure stable energy market – Kremlin

 The Kremlin   said that Russian President Vladimir Putin had spoken by phone with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and that recent agreements on supply cuts had ensured stability on global energy markets.
The global leaders in oil production, Saudi Arabia and Russia, on Tuesday announced the extension of voluntary oil supply cuts to the end of the year, despite a rally in the oil market and analyst expectations of tight supply in the fourth quarter.

Source: reuters.com

years. All while the regional bank crisis led to the 2nd and 3rd largest bank collapses in US history. Higher rates are changing the world.


Twelve years ago, economist and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman first addressed Bitcoin and his opinion was skeptical to say the least.In that now-famous article, penned for The New York Times on September 7, 2011, Krugman criticized and dismissed the cryptocurrency, which was then trading at an average of $7.03 per Bitcoin across exchanges. 

At the time, Bitcoin’s price of $7.00 seemed trivial, and many shared Krugman’s doubts.
However, history has proven Krugman and other early Bitcoin skeptics wrong. Bitcoin has not only survived but thrived over the past 12 years. Its price has experienced unprecedented growth, reaching highs of over $69,000 in early 2021. 
At the time of writing, Bitcoin is trading at around $25,000 per coin, representing a staggering 365,999% increase from its price when Krugman penned his critique.
Still, it’s worth noting that Krugman acknowledged at the time that Bitcoin had been a good investment, even while he

Source: bitcoinmagazine.com


Goodbye McConnell, Hello Term Limits

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was first elected to his position in 1984. Thereafter, the voters of Kentucky elected him another six times, with his last victory occurring in 2020. Nonetheless, at the age of eighty-one, there are questions about whether McConnell will be able to serve the entirety of his latest six-year term, which does not end until 2026.

Source:  thelibertydaily.com 

We also have Dianne Feinstein, she is still serving, people are now recognizing that we should have term limits.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 2908c7 No.5538237
Mar 6 2019 12:00:12 (EST)

Anonymous ID: c9174d No.5538127
Mar 6 2019 11:56:15 (EST)

Feinstein said this many decades ago, so she is absolutely full of it.
Why is POTUS pushing for TERM LIMITS?

JUST IN: Clinton Judge Says Trump Liable For Defamatory Statements He Made About E. Jean Carroll

Judge Lewis Kaplan, a Clinton appointee, ruled that Trump is liable for defamatory statements he made about E. Jean Carroll after she accused him of rape.
The trial will begin on January 15, 2024.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

The Oversight Committee – along with the Judiciary and Ways and Means Committees – are seeking interviews with key witnesses, including from the Secret Service. The subpoenas relate to evidence that they cooperated with the DOJ in running interference for Hunter Biden who was facing IRS investigation at the time.

“The Biden Justice Department intervened and overstepped in a campaign to protect the son of Joe Biden by delaying, divulging and denying an ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden’s alleged tax crimes” said Rep. Jason Smith (R-Mo.).

Attorney General Merrick Garland vehemently denied the claims, and complained that it was merely an attack on a great American institution, saying “Some have chosen to attack the integrity of the Justice Department … by claiming we do not treat like cases alike. This constitutes an attack on an institution that is essential to American democracy and essential to the safety of the American people,” Garland said. “Nothing could be further from the truth.”
The House Committee doesn’t see it that way. “The Department of Justice initiated the Biden family coverup and now DHS under the leadership of Secretary Mayorkas is complicit in it,” Chairman Comer said in a statement.
“Investigators were never able to interview Hunter Biden during the criminal investigation because Secret Service headquarters and the Biden transition team were tipped off about the planned interview,” Comer continued, adding that “This is just one of many examples of the misconduct and politicization during the Department of Justice’s investigation.”

 Source: justthenews.com

Tucker is airing the segment tomorrow where this individual says he smoked crack and had sex with Obama. 

Does the man have proof, is there a pic with him
Are there videos

The people need to be brought in slowly to accept information, the truth is hard and people will reject it. If you dump all the proof at once it would be to much information. So if you drip the info out, those who don’t believe hear it, but don’t believe.

So lets go on the assumption that there is no evidence. The people will question this man, which is good, Obama comes out and denies it, says there is no proof. The people say this is a hit job on OBama. The Obama’s feel comfortable moving forward with introducing Michelle into the race. Now remember the people saw this man and he explained his story, now what happens when another is introduced, pics are introduced while the Obamas are running for the presidential race.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 98088e No.3093784
Sep 19 2018 19:08:00 (EST)

Sexual misconduct is the ‘public shelter’ to accept resignation.
Watch those announcing 2020 P running.
“You cannot attack a political opponent”
None are protected.
None are safe.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b03e04 No.8239046
Feb 24 2020 20:52:03 (EST)


“Insurgency is the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify or challenge political control of a region.”
The presidency of Barack Hussein Obama began at noon EST on January 20, 2009, when Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States.
What Country was the true intended target?


Hypocrite AOC Dodges Question About Why She Hasn’t Visited the Border Under Biden Like She Did Under Trump 

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was recently asked in an interview with the New York Times why she has not visited the southern border under Biden as she did under Trump.
Naturally, she side-stepped the question and gave a ridiculous answer.
AOC’s actions speak louder than her words. It’s clear that she does not actually care about the people at the border. She was just using them as pawns to score cheap political points against Trump.

FOX News reports:

AOC dodges question on lack of border visits under Biden, touts tours of ‘New York-area facilities’

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

 60,000 illegals from New York City to the Atlantic City airport: “I don’t see any scenario where we’re going to be able to take in a program in Atlantic City or frankly elsewhere in the state.”
“We are already seeing folks in New Jersey that have probably swelled into Jersey from New York City or from other locations, but you need scale, enormous amount of federal support—resources that go beyond anything that we can afford—putting everything else aside.” Everything the left inherits it ruins. Everything it takes over it destroys.

EXCLUSIVE: Jim Jordan Suggests Mayorkas May Have Perjured Himself In New Letter To DHS

House Judiciary Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan sent a letter Tuesday to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, pressing him over his testimony before the committee, saying he might have lied under oath.
  In the letter, the lawmakers mention Mayorkas’ July 26 testimony before the Judiciary Committee and his comments about the status of the record number of illegal migrants on the terrorist watchlist. Mayorkas said anyone who presents a national security or public safety threat are detained and are a put on a priority list for removal.
The lawmakers say new reports show the DHS is not protecting the U.S. from terrorists. They mention reports regarding a foreign national with ties to ISIS who helped smuggle over 120 nationals from Uzbekistan, Russia, Georgia and Chechnya into the U.S. through the southwest border.
“On July 26, 2023, during testimony before the Committee, you repeatedly stated that aliens who are encountered at the southwest U.S. border are screened and vetted by Department of Homeland Security personnela recent press reports appear to confirm that the Department is not securing the border from terrorists who pose a direct threat to our national security. According to reports, a foreign national with ties to ISIS, an Islamic State terrorist organization, helped to smuggle over 120 nationals of Uzbekistan, Russia, Georgia, and Chechnya into the United States through the southwest border. These foreign nationals reportedly arrived at the border, claimed asylum, and were released into the country by the Biden Administration,” the lawmakers continued.

Source: dailycaller.com

Geopolitical/Police State

Harvard University is officially 2023’s worst school for free speech.
The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) released its annual college free speech rankings on Wednesday, which dubbed the state of free speech at the Ivy League school “abysmal.”

Despite being the most acclaimed academic institution in the country, Harvard received a 0.00-point free speech ranking on a 100-point scale — a full 11 points behind the next worst school.
FIRE says the dismal score was “generous,” considering Harvard’s actual score was a -10.69, according to their calculations.

Source: nypost.com


This is not going to come as a surprise to most readers here, but this testimonial by Marlon Bateman deserves to be shared. This story reflects what the core of Donald Trump is about.
Marlon Bateman – “Last week, I had the honor to accompany several Gold Star parents to meet with President Trump in Bedminster. These parents lost their children when Abbey Gate was bombed in the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, which was orchestrated by Joe Biden.
While Biden continues to ignore these families’ requests for answers, President Trump listened to them, he mourned with them, and he was genuinely devastated for their loss. But he also mourned for the Country’s loss of these amazing Americans.”
One hour came and went quicker than anticipated. Our time with the President was up — or so I thought. Many families had requested President Trump sign photographs of their sons and daughters. He then proceeded to spend nearly two hours signing hats, books, and even a pair of red, white, and blue bedazzled pair of high heel shoes! He spent time with each individual family celebrating and learning about our 13 brave American heroes.
“After each family was done, they were escorted upstairs to dinner. We did not expect President Trump to join us, but to my surprise, he came up and joined us for dinner.
Everyone erupted in cheers as he walked in. Lee Greenwood’s ‘God Bless The U.S.A’ was blaring on the speakers. He proceeded to spend another couple of hours with us and even busted out an iPad to play songs for couples to slow dance to. He even went into his all-time favorite wrestling intros!

Sgt. Johanny Rosario Pichardo, 25
Sgt. Nicole L. Gee, 23
Staff Sgt. Darin T. Hoover, 31
Cpl. Hunter Lopez, 22
Cpl. Daegan W. Page, 23
Cpl. Humberto A. Sanchez, 22
Lance Cpl. David L. Espinoza, 20
Lance Cpl. Jared M. Schmitz, 20
Lance Cpl. Rylee J. McCollum, 20
Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola, 20
Lance Cpl. Kareem M. Nikoui, 20
Navy Corpsman Maxton W. Soviak, 22
Staff Sgt. Ryan C. Knauss, 23

Source: theconservativetreehouse.com

North Korea to pay ‘price’ if it gives Russia arms: US 

The White House warned that North Korea would “pay a price” if it supplies Russia with weaponry for its war in Ukraine, with Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin expected to hold talks on the issue.

US President Joe Biden’s national security advisor Jake Sullivan said Pyongyang and Moscow were eyeing “leader level discussions, perhaps even in person” on Russia’s arms needs.
Sullivan said Russia could use weapons from North Korea to attack food supplies and heating infrastructure heading into winter to “try to conquer territory that belongs to another sovereign nation.”
“This is not going to reflect well on North Korea and they will pay a price for this in the international community,” he added.

Source: defensetalk.com

World War III Has Already Started Declares Ukrainian Security Chief

Speaking from the Kyiv Security Forum alongside former CIA chief General David Petreaus, the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov said that “people that think the Third World War has not yet started make a big mistake.”
“This is not just about relations between Ukraine and Russia, it’s also a big mistake. It’s a much more complicated geopolitical situation and some sober-minded people have said that this is not the last war in this century,” Danilov continued.

Source: breitbart.com

WwIII is on its way and think about what Biden has done, the [WEF]/[CB] DS are trying to bring us into the great reset/green new deal, they need fuel prices to increase to push their electric vehicles. The fuel prices were moving up way to fast and they need to slow the pace so Biden used the SPR, the SPR was meant for a disaster or war, now since we are headed towards war we no longer have the SPR that would be needed

False Flags

HERE WE GO: Public Elementary School in Wealthy DC Suburb Forcing Third-Grade Children to Wear Masks Again 

   a letter o X (formerly Twitter) which was sent to all parents at Rosemary Hills Elementary School in Montgomery County, which is a tony DC suburb. The letter, which was from the school’s principal, Rebecca Irwin Kennedy, said that because “3 or more” students had recently tested positive for COVID 19, all third-grade students must mask up for the next ten days.
Moreover, the masks must be N95s despite little evidence such masks (or any for that matter) are actually effective at stopping the spread of the virus.


Source: thegatewaypundit.com

On Tuesday, over 60 “Stop Cop City” protestors were indicted in Fulton County, Georgia on charges in connection with their efforts to prevent the construction of a police training facility near Atlanta earlier this year. 

Source: thepostmillenail.com


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 504687 No.10784608
Sep 25 2020 12:31:06 (EST)

“…..designates the KKK and Antifa as terrorist organizations.”
[2] [D]-founded [financially-legally-backed] orgs?
DA set-free blockade post ‘terrorist designate’?
DA ‘no proof’ individual linked to Antifa argument coming?
Antifa mapping began long ago.


JUSTICE IS DEAD: Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio Who Was Not Even in Washington DC on January 6 is Sentenced to 22 Years on “Seditious Conspiracy” – from a Neighboring Town Somewhere

  Enrique Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years in prison for running a “seditious conspiracy” from a different state somewhere.
Enrique was not even in Washington DC on January 6th.

There were dozens of feds and FBI agents who infiltrated the Proud Boys in the lead up to January 6th. Not one of he informants could bring evidence that the group was planning an insurrection. 
Even the driver who drove Enrique Tarrio over the his brief meeting with Stuart Rhodes in a DC parking lot was an FBI operative.
With each new day, we learn the January 6 “insurrection” was an FBI setup. What a disgraceful time for America.
The only evidence the DOJ discovered against the Proud Boys was planted by an FBI operative in their chat group. 

Source: thegatewaypundit.com


Outrageous! Biden DOJ Attacks Trump, Says His Daily Statements ‘Threaten to Prejudice Jury Pool’ in Jack Smith’s DC Case

Joe Biden’s DOJ is once again attacking President Trump as Jack Smith gears up to indict Trump AGAIN in DC.
Justice Department prosecutors on Tuesday said in a court filing that Trump’s “daily” statements “threaten to prejudice the jury pool” in Jack Smith’s 2020 election case against Trump in DC.
Trump’s daily statements defending himself against Biden’s weaponized DOJ are dangerous, but Jack Smith’s prosecutors are allowed to leak to the Washington Post, New York Times, and CNN daily.

President Trump’s lawyers complained government prosecutors filed a motion under seal without consulting them first. Trump’s lawyers asked to allow a three-week briefing proceeding for Judge Tanya Chutkan to decide whether court filings should be made public.


As if Trump has a chance with a far-left DC jury!

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

A federal appeals court handed what appears to be a partial victory for Rep. Scott Perry in the Pennsylvania Republican’s effort to block special counsel Jack Smith from investigating data on his phone that was seized by the FBI, Politico reports.

Federal investigators in August 2022 seized Perry’s phone amid an investigation over allegations former President Donald Trump and his allies tried to overturn the 2020 election. They have been unable to access it because Perry filed a legal challenge, citing his privilege as a federal lawmaker.
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has sent the case back to a lower court to “apply the correct standard” over which of Perry’s communications can be investigated, the report said.

Source: rawstory.com

64% of DC Residents Would Find Trump Guilty Before a Trial Even Begins – Only 8% Would Find Him Innocent – How is This Fair?

Nearly two-thirds of Washington DC residents would find President Trump guilty before his trial ever begins. How is this a jury of his peers? How is this fair?
It is impossible for a conservative American to get a fair trial in Washington DC or most failed far left cities today.
They are going to jail Donald Trump and demand you accept it as “justice.”

Emerson College Polling released this poll on Monday.
A new Emerson College Polling survey in the nation’s capital asked D.C. residents if they would vote to find former President Donald Trump guilty in the trial over Trump’s efforts to subvert results of the 2020 election. A majority, 64%, of residents would vote to find Trump guilty, while 8% would find him innocent with 28% unsure.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com


Trump Says He Will ‘Absolutely’ Testify In Documents Case Trial

Former President Donald Trump said he will “absolutely” testify in a trial court during an interview with Hugh Hewitt Wednesday.
Trump is set to go to trial next May
“But if you have to go to trial, will you testify in your own defense?” Hewitt asked.
“Oh, yes, absolutely,” Trump answered.

Source: dailycaller.com

The legal debate about whether or not former President Donald Trump should be allowed to appear on the 2024 ballot has made its way before the Supreme Court.

The lawsuit is seeking to argue that Trump should not be allowed to run for the White House based on section three of the 14th Amendment, which disqualifies individuals from holding public office if they have “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the United States. While Trump has not been charged with insurrection, Castro is pointing to Trump’s role in the January 6 Capitol riot.
The former president, who has pleaded not guilty to all charges in four criminal indictments this year, blasted attempts to remove his name from his ballot using the constitutional clause on Monday, remarking that most in the legal field have already called those efforts a long shot and warned that they could prove to be tricky water to navigate.

Source: newsweek.com

If the SC rules on this, this will set a precedent, those who were involved  and then convicted in the insurrection will not be able to hold office ever again.



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 54fc2d No.4633937
Jan 6 2019 18:57:01 (EST)

Remember when D’s and the FAKE NEWS media [+FAKEWOOD] pushed mass fear that POTUS would start WWIII re: North Korea? This is now happening to Biden
POTUS > PEACE on the Korean P > NO further missile tests or U enrichment.
New narrative created.
Refusal to provide coverage of successes.
Remember when D’s and the FAKE NEWS media [+FAKEWOOD] pushed a stock market collapse if POTUS was elected? This is setup to happen to Biden
POTUS E + policies > largest gains recorded in market’s history
New narrative created.
Refusal to provide coverage of successes.
[Use FED to inc rates to counter growth and project POTUS blame]
Remember when D’s and the FAKE NEWS media [+FAKEWOOD] pushed complete economic collapse if POTUS was elected? This is setup to happen to Biden
POTUS E + policies > lowest unemployment records in history + record jobs/GDP growth This is setup to happen to Biden
New narrative created.
Refusal to provide coverage of successes.
[Deploy and use ‘racism’ ‘sexism’ and every other ….’ism’ to counter potential Black/Hispanic pop support] This is setup to happen to Biden/Obama
Why do D’s and the FAKE NEWS media [+FAKEWOOD] continually push the ‘IMPEACH’ narrative if impeachment requires 2/3rd SENATE VOTE TO ENACT (odds of that?)?
Do they push this FAKE NARRATIVE to project a supposed ‘supportable w/ evidence’ wrongdoing to their BASE (confirmation bias)?
Accusations never supported by facts?  Facts are now destroying Biden and Soon Obama  The list goes on and on…..
(What if HRC won and appointed 2+ crooked SCJs?)
(The Last Resort)

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