[DS] Just Played Their “CARD”, Big Fail, Game Over, Speaker Was The Target – Ep. 3197

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Click On Picture To See Larger PictureThe green new deal is falling apart. Reports have been released that shows the EV market is propped up by the government and it costs more than a gas powered car. The earning report is in and many companies are in trouble. The inflation and GDP numbers were manipulated and the next quarter is going to show it. The Fed gold holdings is zero, gold will destroy the Fed. The [DS] played their Card and it failed before it began. They decided to have a mass shooting to push gun control, [KH] said the quiet part out loud, lets take the weapons. The Speaker was the target, the house controls the purse and can be used to investigate and block what the [DS] wants to do going into 2024. The final battle is coming and the patriots are prepared to win.



 owners, taxpayers, and utility ratepayers, who are all paying a hefty price for someone else’s EV.” —

“Proponents of EVs have falsely pushed the claim that EVs will soon cost less than gas-powered cars. This study shows that EVs are still a long way from being competitive without massive subsidies,” said TPPF’s Brent Bennett.

“The Biden administration’s stringent fuel economy standards and regulatory manipulations are driving American automakers toward bankruptcy and adding thousands of dollars to the cost of every gasoline vehicle. Rolling back these subsidies and burdensome regulations would save consumers money and stop the auto industry from falling off a financial cliff.” Key Points: The cost of producing electric vehicles (EVs) is far higher than the prices they are being sold for.

Nearly $22 billion in federal and state subsidies and regulatory credits suppressed the retail price of EVs in 2021 by an average of almost $50,000. Thanks to an unlawful multiplier, EVs receive nearly seven times more credits under federal fuel efficiency programs than they provide in actual fuel economy benefits.

Regulatory credits with bonus EV multipliers from federal fuel efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions standards and state EV sales mandates provide an average of $27,881 in benefits per vehicle for producers of EVs.

Home and public charging stations used by EVs put a significant strain on the electric grid, resulting in an average of $11,833 in socialized costs per EV over 10 years, which are shouldered by utility ratepayers and taxpayers. Direct state and federal subsidies for EVs average $8,984 per vehicle over 10 years.






Dollar’s Fate Is Sealed As Fed’s Independence Eroded

Before the Glass-Steagall Act of 1932, which allowed the Fed to borrow against a broader range of collateral, its balance sheet consisted mainly of gold.
As its size has mushroomed over the decades, it has also deteriorated in quality, consisting of more assets of a riskier nature (the Fed was willing to buy high-yield corporate debt during the pandemic), while the proportion of gold held has fallen to near zero.

That trend is set to continue as the balance sheet increasingly becomes subservient to the government’s borrowing needs, leaving the dollar facing no escape from its multi-decade debasement.

Source: zerohedge.com


Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman Surrenders to Police Following Misdemeanor Charge for Intentional Fire Alarm Activation and Shutting Down Congress (VIDEO)

Congressman Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) turned himself in to the police on charges of a misdemeanor for intentionally pulling a fire alarm in the Cannon House Office Building.

According to a Breitbart News report, after tearing down warning signs, the former teacher pulled the fire alarm, thus prompting a full-scale law enforcement and emergency response. The building was evacuated for approximately one and a half hours, according to court filings.
Not only did this delay the passage of the bill, but it also consumed valuable resources, like the time and effort of law enforcement agencies and emergency services.

“I admitted that from the very beginning… gotta take responsibility for it. We have a deal in place, so looking forward to paying the fine, and three months later it being dismissed, and hopefully, continuing to do work in my district.”

What is striking here is the leniency shown towards Bowman, who is getting away with a mere slap on the wrist: a fine and the charge being dropped after three months. This is in stark contrast to the sentences handed down to supporters of former President Trump who entered the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Many of those individuals face lengthy federal prison terms.
Bowman, a far-left “squad” member who smeared demonstrators at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, as “violent insurrectionists” whose “terrorist attack” warranted a federal crackdown, will pay a $1,000 fine and serve three months of probation. The fire alarm charge will then be “dismissed from his record under an agreement with prosecutors,” according to the Associated Press.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Judge denies Trump team’s requests for immediate verdict in fraud trial after Cohen testimony

Cohen testified Trump did not ask him to inflate numbers on his personal financial statements

 Source: foxnews.com

  long before she knew anything about me. This is Judicial Misconduct, coupled with Prosecutorial Misconduct, and somebody from the State of New York must step in and stop this Complete & Total Miscarriage of Justice!

  Election Interference by my Political Opponent!

Trump Cleared of Any Wrongdoing After Four-Year Investigation 

Former President Donald Trump has been cleared of at least one of the many nuisance charges Democrats have thrown at him since he left office in 2020.
After a lengthy, four-year review, a Department of Justice watchdog has officially found that Trump did not improperly influence the FBI’s decision to keep its headquarters in Washington, D.C., instead of moving it to Virginia or Maryland, according to a DOJ report.
Talk of moving the FBI out of the famed J. Edgar Hoover Building in downtown D.C. started 20 years ago and in 2014, the bureau began seriously considering moving to new offices.

The initial plan was to turn the building over to a developer, which would then build a new office complex in whatever location the bureau ultimately chose for its new facility. The deal was labeled an “exchange procurement.”

Democrats began accusing Trump of meddling in the FBI’s plans to move to a suburban campus during a meeting in January of 2018 that included members of the GSA, the FBI and the Trump White House.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Hooverville Reincarnated: NYC Mayor Eric Adams Considering Giving Out Free Tents for Illegal Immigrants to Camp in City Parks

New York City officials are considering handing out free tents to arriving illegal immigrants and setting up campsite shelters in public parks as a massive influx of asylum seekers and migrants arrive in the Big Apple.

Currently, the city has over 65,000 people being housed, but that number is expected to rise and will leave thousands in the streets without housing.

The talks of handing out free tents and creating encampments in New York Parks are eerily similar to New York’s previous history of Hooverville in Central Park. 

In the 1930s, during the Great Depression, New York City’s Central Park was taken over by unemployed workers who built shanty towns out of leftover scrap metal, cardboard, and wood.
These various shanty towns that stretched out in several major U.S. cities were called Hoovervilles due to many Americans believed President Herbert Hoover caused the Great Depression.


Per The New York Post:

Source: thegatewaypundit.com


Geopolitical/Police State

If you’re tired of censorship and dystopian threats against civil liberties, subscribe to Reclaim The Net.

Judicial Watch, an organization committed to government transparency, has initiated a legal battle with the Department of Justice. The new complaint centers around inquiries for details regarding payments allegedly made by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to Twitter, now operating under the name “X.” This move comes in response to an investigation called The Twitter Files made public courtesy of billionaire Elon Musk.
We obtained a copy of the complaint for you here.
The crux of the controversy lies in an account by independent journalist Michael Shellenberger. His report, dated December 19, 2022, divulges what seems to be a receipt marked with a rather hefty figure: approximately $3.5 million.

This funding was sourced from taxpayers’ money and handed over to Twitter as compensation for the time expended handling software and data requests from the FBI during the period of October 2019 through February 2021.

Source: reclaimthenet.net

Kamala Harris praised Australia’s gun confiscation program as she condemned the mass shooting that unfolded in Maine late Wednesday evening.

“Let us be clear, it does not have to be this way, as our friends in Australia have demonstrated,” Harris said trashing the Second Amendment.

Australia previously confiscated hundreds of thousands of firearms in a massive mandatory ‘gun buyback’ program.

The United States is not Australia. Kamala Harris should be barred from holding public office for attacking the Second Amendment and praising a foreign country’s massive gun confiscation program.

  terrorists for a change rather than trying to create them.



 person on?
2) What was he saying when he was INSTITUTIONALIZED just a few months ago?
3) Who determined he was ready to be released?
4) What existing laws went unenforced to enable him to go on his killing spree?

 gun problem”



Nov 05, 2017 2:14:12 AM EST
Anonymous ID: cS8cMPVQ No. 148032910 
Nov 05, 2017 2:09:14 AM EST

Anonymous ID: GwO0QESl No. 148032489 

>>148032352 if she’s not, I think they’re gunning for her. How can she repay the money sent to CF for influence? Do they have Huma?
>>148032489 Review my other threads.
This is why complete graphics are so important.
BO paid the debt prior to leaving office.
HRC is not currently in SA.
Bill wants a deal.
Playing the former President CARD.
Watch the cookie quickly crumble.
Where does Soros fit in?
Godfather III

CNN Interviews Local Maine Man Who Says In ‘Situations Like This, I Wish I Had A Firearm

A local Maine man who lives minutes away from where the deadly Wednesday night shootings took place told CNN on Thursday that in “situations like this, I wish I had a firearm.”

Source: dailycaller.com

New York City’s Overreach: Federal Judge Strikes Down ‘Unconstitutional’ Gun Restrictions

A Victory for the Second Amendment and the Rule of Law
In a crucial victory for the Second Amendment and civil liberties, a federal judge on Tuesday ruled that New York City’s gun restrictions violated both the Second and 14th Amendments of the U.S. Constitution.

Judge John P. Cronan, in a 48-page ruling, specifically criticized the city for allowing broad discretion to local officials in denying gun permits. This is an important development in the fight for gun rights and could have nationwide implications.

The city’s rules were ambiguous at best and authoritarian at worst, providing city officials with almost unchecked authority to deny an individual’s constitutional right to bear arms. Provisions enabling officials to evaluate an applicant’s “good moral character” and to determine whether “good cause exists for the denial” of gun permits were cited by Judge Cronan as evidence of this overreach.

Notably, Judge Cronan said, “This case is not about the ability of a state or municipality to impose appropriate and constitutionally valid regulations governing the issuance of firearm licenses and permits. The constitutional infirmities identified herein lie not in the City’s decision to impose requirements for the possession of handguns, rifles, and shotguns.”

Judge Cronan issued a stay in his ruling until midnight Thursday, giving the city a small window to file an appeal. But even if an appeal is filed, this ruling sends a powerful message. It reminds overzealous lawmakers that constitutional rights are not up for debate and are certainly not subject to bureaucratic whims.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com


Robert Fico Formally Appointed as Prime Minister of Slovakia – Immediately Ends Military Aid to Ukraine, Says Russia and the US Must Agree on Peace Terms

The international military support for Ukraine just suffered a tremendous blow in neighboring Slovakia.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Resolution to Censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib for Anti-Semitic Behavior, Terrorist Apologist, and Leading a Capitol Insurrection (VIDEO)

On Thursday, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) introduced a resolution to censure Michigan Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib for “antisemitic activity,” “sympathizing with terrorist organizations,” and “leading an insurrection at the United States Capitol complex” with radical pro-Hamas groups.
The resolution will be voted on next week.





You can read the full resolution here.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

House Approves Resolution Backing Israel In New Speaker’s First Move

The House on Wednesday approved a resolution that expressed strong support for Israel, the first bill brought to the floor after Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) was elected as the chamber’s new speaker.
The resolution passed in a vote of 412-10 and says that the US “stands” with Israel in the wake of the October 7 Hamas attack and as Israel is relentlessly bombing Gaza. The resolution reaffirmed the US commitment to providing military aid to Israel and said Congress will work to pass more.
The bill says the House “stands ready to assist Israel with emergency resupply and other security, diplomatic, and intelligence support.” It also called for the US to continue enforcing sanctions on Iran and condemned the Hamas attack.
Nine Democrats voted against the resolution, including Reps. Jamaal Bowman (NY), André Carson (IN), Cori Bush (MO), Al Green (TX), Summer Lee (PA, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), Ilhan Omar (MN), Delia Ramirez (IL) and Rashida Tlaib (MI). The sole Republican who voted against the measure was Rep. Thomas Massie (KY).

Source: zerohedge.com

Iran-Backed Proxies Claim Attack On US Troops After Biden Warned Ayatollah To ‘Prepare’ For US Response

Iran-backed militant groups continue to attack U.S. troops based in Iraq and Syria despite repeated threats from Biden administration officials that the U.S. will respond.
An Iran-backed militia behind the latest attacks on U.S. troops in the Middle East took credit for two more strikes Wednesday and Thursday after President Joe Biden said on Wednesday he warned Iran the U.S. would respond.
Iran-backed militias began striking at U.S. troops posted in Iraq and Syria on Oct. 17, compelling the Pentagon to rush additional air defenses to the Middle East and warn of intensifying threats to American military personnel in the near term. Multiple U.S. officials, including now President Joe Biden, have publicly threatened Iran’s leaders the U.S. would retaliate if Iran continued allowing its proxy groups to target troops stationed in the Middle East, but so far all known measures have been defensive.

Source: dailycaller.com


False Flags

WHO Leader Dr. Tedros Says “Disinformation” Eroded Trust Between People and WHO – Forgets to Mention He Was the Main Player Behind the Disinformation

World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom recently called for world governments to “follow through with national ratification” of the WHO pandemic treaty after “disinformation” eroded “trust between people, governments and institutions.”

The reason people have lost trust in the WHO is because Dr. Tedros lies and covers for Communist China.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com

 analysis of the Medicare claims data, the FDA researchers found a very slightly increased risk of stroke in adults ages 65 and older who’d only gotten a high dose flu shot.  Researchers say they are continuing to probe the possible link, but in the meantime, they say everyone should still get vaccinated…Schaffner said people who are worried could consider getting each shot at different times rather than together. ‘That’s a reasonable thing to do,’ he said.”




  administrator to rely on unverifiable paper printouts from the failed machine.”

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