Federal Judge Delivers Huge Blow To Joe Biden

The Biden administration has been temporarily restrained by a federal judge in the Western District of Texas, preventing them from removing or causing harm to the concertina wire that has been deployed at the U.S.-Mexico border by the state of Texas.

The emergency motion was submitted by the State of Texas against multiple defendants, which encompassed the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Alejandro Mayorkas (Secretary of DHS), U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP), and other relevant officials.

The motion was submitted as a reaction to the actions of federal officials who engaged in the destruction of Texas’ property by the act of cutting the state’s concertina wire in close proximity to the border. The state of Texas has the belief that this particular move is intended to encourage the entry of migrants into the country.

The legal action was commenced on October 24th, subsequent to Texas asserting that federal authorities had expedited the deterioration of the state’s assets since September 20th, 2023. The state presented a comprehensive body of evidence, comprising visual documentation like as photographs and films, as well as official statements, to substantiate claims that the federal government was involved in causing damage to property, thereby facilitating the entry of migrants.

The court has issued a temporary restraining order, indicating the necessity of preserving the existing state of affairs until a more comprehensive preliminary injunction hearing can be conducted. The court additionally acknowledged the potential for irreparable harm to the state of Texas, as the removal of the concertina wire weakened the state’s authority over its property and imposed expenses that are not recoverable due to the government’s immunity as a sovereign entity.

BREAKING: A federal judge has issued a temporary restraining order which blocks the Biden administration from cutting or removing razor wire deployed at the border by the state of Texas. https://t.co/AF6LikCaCp

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) October 30, 2023

Attorney General Ken Paxton acknowledged the significance of discouraging illicit operations, including unauthorized immigration, human trafficking, drug smuggling, and the possible infiltration of terrorists, in the aforementioned lawsuit. The Biden Administration has initiated several legal actions against the state of Texas in response to the state’s implementation of measures aimed at curbing the influx of undocumented immigrants along the southern border.

According to the lawsuit filed last week, “By cutting Texas’s concertina wire, the federal government has not only illegally destroyed property owned by the State of Texas; it has also disrupted the State’s border security efforts, leaving gaps in Texas’s border barriers and damaging Texas’s ability to effectively deter illegal entry into its territory.”

BREAKING: A federal judge has issued a temporary restraining order which blocks the Biden administration from cutting or removing razor wire deployed at the border by the state of Texas. https://t.co/AF6LikCaCp

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) October 30, 2023

In light of escalating rates of unauthorized border crossings, the state of Texas implemented the installation of razor wire fencing at the Eagle Pass border crossing, a location known for its high volume of border activity, early this year. During a specific occurrence, a Border Patrol agent engaged in a fist-bump gesture with a just arrived migrant as the latter was traversing the border.

Border Patrol officials have asserted that the agency is legally obligated to apprehend migrants upon encountering them. Border officials have contended that in cases where fence was breached, migrants had already entered U.S. territory, so necessitating their admission beyond the physical barriers.

According to Art Del Cueto, Vice President of the National Border Patrol Council, “The reality of the law is that once they’re in the United States, they have to be taken into custody, that barbed wire is in the United States, it’s already inland.” This statement was made during an interview with News Nation last month. “When those individuals reach the barbed wire, it is the job of the agents to detain them and protect them into custody,” Queto added.

The case brought attention to the fact that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has previously employed razor wire fencing and acknowledged its function as a “deterrent” against unauthorized border crossings. Paxton further observed that the installation of the wire took place in September, a period during which the Eagle Pass crossing experienced an extraordinary influx of migrant crossings.

In September, his speech in Dubuque, Iowa, President Donald Trump made a commitment to execute the most extensive domestic deportation operation in the history of the United States.

President Trump’s statements were made in response to reports indicating the presence of a significant number of migrants on exposed train carriages in Mexico, as they make their way towards the southern border of the United States.

“One of the most important issues in this campaign is ending the nation-wrecking catastrophe on our southern border,” as stated in Trump’s prepared speech.

According to his statement, “Under my leadership, we had the most secure border in US history.”

Trump went on “Now, we have the worst border in the history of the world,” calling it an “invasion.”

Donald Trump will assert that he is “only candidate in this race who will stop it cold on DAY ONE.”

“A vote for President Trump means Joe Biden’s horror show at the southern border ends at high noon on Inauguration Day, 2025,” the statement continues.

The post Federal Judge Delivers Huge Blow To Joe Biden appeared first on The Republic Brief.

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