Four Things China Got for Their ‘Donations’ to Joe Biden

The stinging and painful blows to the American people by the Democrats who elected Joe Biden as President continue on as evidence is revealed in a media report, detailing the benefits to the enemies of liberty and freedom from the love relationship between the Biden crime family and the Chinese Community Party (CCP), the top mortal enemy of the United States of America and of freedom around the globe.

But don’t forget- Democrat supporters of Biden love him for his theft of American civil liberties, power, and energy. And we know, as stories emerge, that Biden has been paid by the CCP as revealed in congressional hearings:

IRS whistleblower Mr. Ziegler just confirmed that between 2014 to 2019—in just five years—the Biden family received approximately $17 million from Romania, China, & other foreign countries.

What were the Bidens’ selling?

Nothing but influence & access to the Biden network.

— Rep. James Comer (@RepJamesComer) July 19, 2023

The Heritage Foundations slammed Biden for harming US Citizens while helping the CCP:

The Biden admin continues to strengthen the Chinese economy by forcing a transition to electric energy domestically at great cost to the middle class and the poor, with negligible impacts on climate. Meanwhile, China continues to make a mockery of their efforts. @mikepillsbury

— Heritage Foundation (@Heritage) July 19, 2023

Let’s face it supporters of Biden fantasize about having control over the free people of the US, as they observe the CCP overlords have over their own citizens. Here is proof from Thursday:

a senior Biden official fantasizes about having a government like Russia and China —

— Abigail Marone (@abigailmarone) July 20, 2023

So this report that outlines the joy the Communists have over owning the family of Joe Biden is timely:

In what they are calling the return on investment, one reporter has outlined the top perks for the CCP, as sold to them by the Bidens.

“ROI. Just two years into what is hopefully a four-year term, China’s commie regime has already gotten their money’s worth from Gropey Joe Biden,” PJ Media reported this week.

Kevin Downy Jr. added:

When Xi Jinping tells Biden to jump, Joe says, “How wide?”

Let’s take a look at what China has gotten for the “alleged” mad stacks — estimated to be about $31 million — the Biden crime family has hoovered in from Joe Biden’s sugar daddy in Beijing.

1. The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity

Biden decided not to include Taiwan in the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity launch event. But check out who was invited to partake, in Biden’s own words:

We’re launching today with countries from across the Indo-Pacific — Australia, Brunei, India — and, by the way, Mr. Prime Minister, thank you for being here as well — Prime Minister of India — the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, and New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

And we’re here today for one simple purpose: The future of the 21st century economy is going to be largely written in the Indo-Pacific — in our region.

Why would Biden exclude Taiwan — an economic powerhouse — but admit Malaysia, considering Taiwan’s gross domestic product (GDP) dwarfs that of Malaysia?

Maybe for the same reasons the World Bank has a GDP listing for Malaysia but doesn’t have one for what they call “Taiwan, China.” In China’s eyes, Taiwan is “persona non grata.” They are a lamb, and the Chinese wolves are circling.

China wants to invade Taiwan. That was difficult to do when Trump was president. But the current occupant of the White House seems to be awfully accommodating to China and its tyrannical leaders.

2. Ending the “China Initiative”

The China Initiative was a Trump-era plan to track down Chinese spies who were stealing — among other things — intellectual property. And it was working.

“In the last year, the Department has made incredible strides in countering the systemic efforts by the PRC to enhance its economic and military strength at America’s expense,” Attorney General William Barr declared several years ago. “While much work remains to be done, the Department is committed to holding to account those who would steal, or otherwise illicitly obtain, the U.S. intellectual capital that will propel the future.”

FBI Director Christopher Wray agreed.

“The Chinese Communist Party’s theft of sensitive information and technology isn’t a rumor or a baseless accusation. It’s very real, and it’s part of a coordinated campaign by the Chinese government, which the China Initiative is helping to disrupt,” Wray concurred. “The FBI opens a new China-related counterintelligence case nearly every 10 hours and we’ll continue our aggressive efforts to counter China’s criminal activity.”

Brahma Chellaney wrote the following for The Hill back on June 6, 2022:

Despite the FBI director publicly warning that Chinese spying in the U.S. has reached unparalleled levels, Biden has effectively disbanded the “China Initiative,” which was intended to empower the Justice Department to combat Beijing’s vast espionage campaign.

Biden put the kibosh on the China Initiative. Why would the president stop chasing Chinese spies? Because Beijing told him to chasing them is somehow “racist.”

3. That Chinese Spy Balloon

U.S. officials were watching the Chinese spy balloon the moment it lifted off from their mainland. We had plenty of time to shoot it down over the Aleutian Islands. Joe “decided” to let the balloon run its course over the entire COTUS (Continental United States). He waited until it hovered over our military bases — while sending data back to China in real time — before allowing it to be shot down over the Atlantic Ocean.

Below, Janet Yellen can’t taste Jinping’s boot enough:

4. Chinese Fentanyl

Many people believe Joe Biden leaves the southern border open to welcome millions of future potential Democrat voters. Some believe it’s all part of the World Economic Forum’s plan to move third-world countries into the U.S. and Europe. I agree with both of those hypotheses. I also think Biden keeps it open because his masters in China make billions of dollars every year on the drug, which also kills roughly 80,000 American per year. That’s a win-win for China.

The post Four Things China Got for Their ‘Donations’ to Joe Biden appeared first on The Republic Brief.

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