Gaetz Goes On Rampage Against Wray in Explosive Hearing: ‘Are You Protecting the Bidens?’

During his appearance before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, Rep. Matt Gaetz ripped into FBI Director Chris Wray, excoriating the law enforcement leader & demanding to know if he was protecting the Biden family.

Questions about the purported two-tiered American justice system and the use of federal law enforcement as a weapon against conservatives were directed at Wray. Gaetz claimed that Hunter Biden had threatened his father in a WhatsApp message and demanded money from a Chinese business contact to open the interrogation.

“Doesn’t sound like a shakedown, Director?” Gaetz queried.

Wray answered, “I’m not going to get into commenting on that,” to which Gaetz remarked, “You seem deeply uncurious about it, don’t you? Almost suspiciously uncurious. Are you protecting the Bidens?”

Wray said, “Absolutely not,” to which Gaetz again interrupted, saying, “You won’t answer the question about whether or not that’s a shakedown, and everybody knows why you won’t answer it. Because to the millions of people who will see this, they know it is, and your inability to acknowledge that is deeply revealing about you.”

Before claiming that “The FBI has broken so bad that people can go and engage in queries that when you come before the Congress to answer questions, you’re, like, you’re blissfully ignorant” Gaetz leveled perjury charges against Wray and claimed that the FBI was “using the FISA process as their creepy personal snoop machine.”

“You preside over the FBI that has the lowest level of trust in the FBI’s history. People trusted the FBI more when J. Edgar Hoover was running the place than when you are, and the reason is because you don’t give straight answers. You give answers that later a court deems aren’t true and then at the end of the day, you won’t criticize an obvious shakedown when it is directly in front of us, and it appears you’re whitewashing the conduct of corrupt people,” Gaetz accused.


JUST IN: FBI Director Wray gets visibly upset after Matt Gaetz calls him out to his face for protecting the Biden crime family by reading a WhatsApp message from Hunter Biden to a Chinese official.

Gaetz: “You seem deeply uncurious about it, don’t you? Almost suspiciously…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) July 12, 2023

More seemingly incriminating emails have come to light linking Hunter Biden to several high-ranking employees in the administration of his father, Joe Biden.

According to a report from Fox News published on Monday, “nearly a dozen current and former officials serving in the White House and Biden administration, including the president’s national security adviser and the secretary of state, have extensive ties to Hunter Biden, who is accused by Republicans of selling access to his father, dating back over a decade.”

The possible influence of Hunter inside the White House is becoming apparent, based on a new investigation by Fox, as Hunter, who has been dealing with many difficulties, is scheduled to appear in court for the first time on July 26. In addition to a felony weapons charge, he is accused of two misdemeanor tax infractions.

For almost two years, both Hunter & Jake Sullivan, Joe Biden’s national security advisor, were associated with the Truman National Security Project, a leftist research organization on international affairs. When Sullivan joined Biden’s campaign in 2020, their relationship came to an end, Fox reported.

From 2017 to 2019, they both functioned on the nonprofit’s board in DC. Hunter started serving on the board back in 2012.

Hunter served on the boards of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian oil firm, and BHR Partners, a Chinese private equity firm, concurrently. Hunter’s international business dealings are the subject of an ongoing federal investigation that was started in 2018, which corresponds to the period.

Fox stated that former White House employee Mike McCormick recently accused Sullivan of being a “conspirator” in a supposed “kickback scheme” involving the Biden family about Ukraine while Joe Biden was vice president.

Sullivan has refuted the charges.

In July 2015, then-Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Hunter met at the State Department, as per emails the publication obtained and validated. Hunter was a board member of Burisma at the moment, and Blinken was the deputy secretary of state in the Obama-Biden administration.

“Secretary of State Antony Blinken held a meeting with Hunter Biden at the State Department in July 2015 when he was serving as the deputy secretary of state in the Obama-Biden administration and Hunter was on Burisma’s board, according to emails previously reviewed and verified by Fox News Digital,” the outlet reported.

The meeting was two months in the making after Hunter emailed Blinken in late May 2015, asking, “Have a few minutes next week to grab a cup of coffee? I know you are impossibly busy, but would like to get your advice on a couple of things.”

Blinken said “absolutely” and Hunter forwarded Blinken’s full email response to Devon Archer, who was also serving on the Burisma board with him. However, the initial meeting appeared to have been canceled due to the admission of Hunter’s older brother, Beau Biden, to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland because of a recurrence of brain cancer. Beau passed away on May 30, 2015.

After meeting less than two months later, Blinken sent a follow-up email to Hunter saying it was “great to see” him and “catch up.”

The post Gaetz Goes On Rampage Against Wray in Explosive Hearing: ‘Are You Protecting the Bidens?’ appeared first on The Republic Brief.

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