Horrifying Graffiti Scrawled On Walls Outside News Outlet

On Sunday, Bari Weiss, an independent journalist, posted photographs depicting the presence of offensive and discriminatory antisemitic graffiti that had been inscribed on the walls of the building housing her media organization, The Free Press.

Weiss’s website has extensively documented the grave atrocities perpetrated by Hamas against Israel, as well as the ensuing conflict characterized by ongoing missile exchanges, air strikes in the Gaza strip, and the emergence of a secondary front involving Hezbollah.

However, the media’s coverage of events has not been universally acclaimed, as evidenced by the recent protest by the Dallas Morning News.

Weiss had an appearance on Fox News subsequent to the terror assault on October 7, during which she provided an explanation on America’s Newsroom that characterized the event as “the biggest slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust.”

At the time of the job being undertaken, she expressed her concentration on the aforementioned task and her website. “Trying to tell their stories and demand that the world wake up. Trying to help the world understand that what’s happening here is not just another war in Israel. It’s a massacre of unspeakable proportions.”

On Sunday, Weiss disseminated photographs depicting instances of antisemitic graffiti that had been inscribed on the walls of The Free Press premises. In the face of this abhorrent display of animosity towards her and her fellow journalists, Weiss exhibited a resolute and unwavering stance.

“If the antisemites who did this think it will intimidate me and the journalists of @TheFP, they don’t know me, they don’t know us, and they have no idea what we stand for.”

This was scrawled outside of our offices this week.

If the antisemites who did this think it will intimidate me and the journalists of @TheFP, they don’t know me, they don’t know us, and they have no idea what we stand for. pic.twitter.com/2CsIqrqz5V

— Bari Weiss (@bariweiss) October 22, 2023

According to Geoffrey Cain, an author now present in Israel for The Free Press, the conveyed messages might be characterized as a “horrendous slur and a sad sign of the times” in the United States.

What a horrendous slur and a sad sign of the times in the US.

I’m in Israel right now writing for @bariweiss @TheFP. A surprising number of people on both sides of the conflict know and respect the name. No slurs out here, so far. https://t.co/wxzSsJzcfr

— Geoffrey Cain (@geoffrey_cain) October 22, 2023

Some famous liberal Jews in America are not supporting their home country.

The renowned actor Wallace Shawn made an appearance at a rally in Washington, DC last Monday, during which he strongly criticized Israel’s reaction to the violent terrorist acts carried out by Hamas. He expressed his own belief that he does not support the concept of revenge, characterizing the ongoing situation as an embodiment of this notion.

Shawn is widely recognized as an outspoken anti-Israel activist and holds a prominent position within the Jewish Voice for Peace, a left-wing anti-Zionist organization. This group attributes Hamas’ recent violent actions to what they perceive as “Israeli apartheid.”

The individual known for their role in The Princess Bride delivered a speech during a public demonstration on Monday. This particular protest was jointly arranged by Jewish Voice for Peace and If Not Now, both of which are organizations that express opposition towards Israel.

Shawn expressed his belief that “It’s certainly one of the most deliberate cruelties inflicted on a group of people that I can remember that my own government has supported.”

“Even in Vietnam, there was a whole elaborate explanation that people gave, and they didn’t quite admit they were just slaughtering the innocent. This is very deliberate.”

“I also don’t really believe in revenge, and that’s what this is.”

“It’s one of the most deliberate cruelties inflicted on a ppl that I can remember that my own gov’t has supported. Even in Vietnam, they didn’t quite admit they were just slaughtering the innocent”

Actor Wallace Shawn with other Jews in DC protesting #GazaGenocide #IsraelGazaWar pic.twitter.com/X57aP70f4E

— #StopCopCity (@ChuckModi1) October 16, 2023


Shawn has consistently held a prominent position within the Jewish Voice for Peace, an organization that advocates against the establishment of Israel. The organization attributed responsibility for the recent Hamas terrorist assaults to “Israeli apartheid and occupation — and United States complicity in that oppression.”

In addition to its membership, the group includes prominent figures such as Noam Chomsky, Judith Butler, and Tony Kushner, the playwright of Angels in America.


Last Monday, former President Donald Trump made a commitment to implement a policy, should he be re-elected as president, which will prohibit the entry of immigrants who express support for Hamas into the United States. Additionally, he pledged to deploy law enforcement personnel to pro-Hamas demonstrations with the intention of apprehending and repatriating immigrants who openly endorse the Palestinian militant organization.

During a campaign visit to Iowa, President Trump addressed the conflict between Israel and Hamas, highlighting the Hamas-initiated killing of a minimum of 1,300 Israelis. This event subsequently led to a war, during which Palestinian health officials claim that Israel has caused the deaths of over 2,800 Palestinians in the Gaza region.

Trump expressed his intention to implement certain immigration policies if reelected for a second term. Specifically, he proposed the prohibition of entry into the United States for anyone who do not acknowledge Israel’s right to exist, as well as the revocation of visas for foreign students deemed to hold anti-Semitic views.

Additionally, he pledged to enhance restrictions on travel originating from “terror-plagued countries.” Trump also called for a rigorous process of “strong ideological screening.”

A number of immigration initiatives implemented by President Trump were subject to legal challenges by liberals throughout his tenure, and it is plausible that his latest commitments may encounter similar legal scrutiny.

Source: Mediatite

The post Horrifying Graffiti Scrawled On Walls Outside News Outlet appeared first on The Republic Brief.

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