Jim Jordan Drops Atom Bomb LIVE On FOX – ‘Important Final Stage’

Republicans’ investigation of the Biden family businesses is at a turning point because Hunter Biden’s former business partner is about to reveal the president’s direct ties to his son’s companies, perhaps paving the way to impeachment.

The inquiry into the Biden family’s finances by the GOP is entering a “important final stage,” according to House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, as they look into more than $17 million in foreign funds the Biden family received. Additionally, they are investigating the Justice Department’s allegedly’special treatment’ of Hunter Biden in the continuing criminal investigation into the president’s son for tax and gun-related offenses.

Jordan’s comments coincide with a recent bombshell claim that the president, despite the White House’s insistence that he has never been involved in his son’s business affairs, sat in on at least 24 talks with Hunter’s business associates, including Devon Archer. James Comer, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, will hear Archer testify that Joe spoke to Hunter’s business partners at least 24 times, including those at the Ukrainian oil company Burisma.

Jordan questioned, “What were the Bidens doing to get the money? I mean, 20 different shell companies, nine different Bidens getting paid. What was the service, the product, the value they add? The only logical explanation here is it was access to then-Vice President Biden.” Jordan told Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business.

Jordan responded that it was “a question for the full conference” whether or not articles of impeachment against Attorney General Merrick Garland would be considered.

He added that “evidence keeps piling up,” adding that “the speaker has been very clear; Speaker McCarthy has said if we have to go to an impeachment inquiry, we will, in fact, do that.”

‘It sure looks like we’re moving in that direction at a quick pace, but that’s a question for the full conference.’

Republicans draw attention to contradictions in the public statements made by Garland and U.S. Attorney Weiss on the Hunter case and the question of who had “full authority” to bring charges against Joe Biden’s son.

Concerning the articles of impeachment for Joe Biden specifically, Jordan stated that “more information needs to be compiled” and that “it may not be about the attorney general so much, although I think there’s important things there, it could be more about the president himself.”

He claimed that the disclosure of an FBI FD-1023 form by Sen. Chuck Grassley last week, which claimed that Joe and Hunter received $10 million from the CEO of Burisma as compensation for the dismissal of a Ukrainian prosecutor while Biden was vice president, is an important piece of proof.

‘That’s why Chairman Comer is going to continue to pursue his investigation. He’s looking to get Hunter Biden’s business partner, Devon Archer, in for a deposition, get that all on the record. He’s been trying to get that done,’ Jordan added.

‘There’s been a number of times it’s been rescheduled. Hopefully, that happens soon and then we’ll see where we go from there.’

Comer stated that his committee will talk with Archer ‘soon,’ though no specific time has been determined.

According to a committee aide who spoke to reporters, the committee is actively coordinating with Archer’s lawyer to set up a recorded interview.

The discovered WhatsApp messages with Hunter and a Chinese energy official seem to be proof of a “direct contradiction to what President Biden was saying about not being involved in Hunter’s overseas business dealings,” according to Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, two IRS whistleblowers, who testified before a congressional committee last week.

On July 30, 2017, Biden’s son sent a WhatsApp message to CCP official Henry Zhao warning him.

‘I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled.’ According to testimony provided by IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley.

Hunter allegedly went on, saying: “Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight.”

Zang also allegedly remarked that he ‘wants to convey ‘his best regards to you, Jim and VP.” based on the exchange from 2017.

House Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith, R-Mo., reacted to the news of the 24 calls on Fox & Friends by saying, “It’s so disturbing.”

‘What we have found with the information that’s come out from whistleblowers – for example the WhatsApp message that apparently Hunter Biden was seated next to his father waiting for a phone call from a Chinese foreign business partner, said ‘we are here, looking forward to your phone call.”

‘It shows that, in fact, President Biden did not just know about his son’s business dealings, he then reverted in saying that he is not involved in his son’s business dealings.’

‘This is just like the [IRS] whistleblowers highlighted,’ Smith added.

Sen. Ted Cruz tweeted on Monday that the information was “stunning.”

Joe Biden allegedly gave Hunter’s business associates only fleeting greetings and compliments rather than specific agreements, according to Archer and Tony Bobulinski.

In December 2015, Joe Biden—who served as vice president from 2009 to 2017—met with Hunter’s associates at the Ukrainian oil company Burisma.

According to reports, Archer would testify that Hunter and Archer were in Dubai when Hunter told fellow Burisma board members they may call his father.

When Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, and Vadym Pozharskyi, a top Burisma official, gathered around the phone to speak with Hunter’s father, Hunter informed Joe that the Ukrainian businesspeople “need our support.”

Additionally, Archer is anticipated to state that during the brief call to greet the two businessmen, Joe Biden talked only hazily.

Because at that stage, Joe Biden was acting as President Barack Obama’s “point person” on Ukraine and American attempts to combat corruption, Comer and the committee are interested in the contacts.

One month prior to the speakerphone call in November 2015, Pozharskyi urged that Hunter and Archer use their power to ‘shut down’ the criminal probe against Burisma, according to The New York Post. Burisma was under investigation for corruption at the time.

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