Jim Jordan Makes Blockbuster Announcement About October 18

The Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Jim Jordan, has outlined a schedule for the testimony of David Weiss, a former U.S. attorney who has assumed the role of special counsel. Weiss recently issued an indictment against Hunter Biden, the son of the President, pertaining to a felony relating to firearms.

During a Fox News interview, Jordan announced on Sunday that Weiss is scheduled to provide testimony before the House on October 18th.

“David Weiss has committed to come in front of the committee on Oct. 18, so we can look forward to that,” Jordan said, Newsmax reported.

In addition, Jordan provided purported evidence that establishes a connection between President Joe Biden and his son, who, as stated by his legal representative George Mesires, held a position on the board of directors of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy business, from 2014 to 2019.

“You can boil this” question of Joe Biden’s alleged corruption “down to the Burisma situation,” Jordan noted further.

“Burisma, I think, captures it all. Hunter Biden gets put on the board; gets paid a lot of money. Fact No. 2: He wasn’t qualified to be on the board. Fact No. 3: The Burisma executives asked him, ‘Can you help us with the pressure we are facing?’ Fact No. 4: Joe Biden gets [Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin] fired — leverages American tax dollars to accomplish that,” he continued.

“And then what does the [Attorney General Merrick] Garland Justice Department do?” Jordan asked. “They try to sweep it under the rug, so much so that they allowed the statute of limitations to lapse for the most serious … felony tax concerns Hunter Biden had in 2014 and 2015. They let it lapse because those were the years that dealt with the Burisma income,” he noted further.

The Ohio Republican committee is making preparations for Weiss’s testimony, while House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.) has declared that the first hearing for President Biden’s initial impeachment inquiry is scheduled for September 28.

The recent developments arise in the context of the White House’s request to media supporters to intensify their examination of House Republicans, who have initiated an impeachment inquiry on the basis of alleged falsehoods.

“But, according to the New York Post’s reporting, this appears to be inaccurate,” Newsmax added. “The Post reports that an FBI whistleblower has alleged that then-Vice President Biden ‘pushed for Shokin’s ouster because he was investigating gas company Burisma.’ The whistleblower also suggested that “Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsky claimed he had ‘bribed’ the Bidens for $5 million each — partly to get Shokin fired.’”

Following his departure from the vice presidency, Biden notably acknowledged what seemed to be a “quid pro quo” before a gathering organized by the Council on Foreign Relations. Biden asserted that he had undertaken a visit to Kyiv at the directive of then-President Barack Obama, whereby he stipulated the dismissal of the prosecutor as a condition for the provision of $1 billion in aid.

NEHLS: “Joe Biden threatened the Ukrainian President and Prime Minister to fire Shokin — if that is not quid pro quo, sir, what is? — It’s bribery, and it’s impeachable. Are you gonna do something about it?”

“I bet you’re not. And that’s why you also need to be impeached” pic.twitter.com/zCtDDC22iq

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) September 20, 2023

According to a report by the New York Post, Ian Sams, a representative from the White House Counsel’s Office, recently issued a memorandum to prominent news organizations, urging them to intensify their examination of House Republicans. The purpose of this request was to shed light on the alleged falsehoods that served as the basis for the initiation of an impeachment probe.

The memorandum was distributed to prominent media organizations such as CNN, the New York Times, and Fox News. This action followed the announcement made by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) regarding the initiation of an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden. The inquiry was prompted by various committees’ assertions of discovering compelling evidence pertaining to alleged bribery and potential financial gains associated with the sale of the “Biden brand.”

“Through our investigations, we have found that President Biden did lie to the American people about his own knowledge of his family’s foreign business dealings,” McCarthy alleged earlier this week, claiming that “these allegations paint a picture of a culture of corruption.”

On Tuesday, Sam specifically directed their attention towards certain media outlets, and subsequently distributed the memo to the White House press list on the subsequent day. However, the directives provoked discontent among numerous members of the media, who voiced their concerns over the administration’s perceived interference in shaping the editorial stance on the matter of impeachment, as reported by The Post.

“They should be playing hardball, and instead, what they’re doing is bitching about the media,” a White House reporter who regularly attends briefings told the outlet.

“I don’t think the media likes being told what to do. I think it’s going to backfire,” the reporter predicted, according to The Post. “It seems to say to me that they believe the media will just do what [the White House] tells them. It’s a terrible look for the administration.”

The post Jim Jordan Makes Blockbuster Announcement About October 18 appeared first on The Republic Brief.

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