Kamala Just Broke Terrible 30-Year Record

Vice President Kamala Harris hasn’t had the best approval ratings. In fact, they have never been as good as those of President Joe Biden. Though, this isn’t any saving grace for Biden, though, because his ratings haven’t been pretty over the recent months. However, according to a recent survey, Kamala Harris is the least popular Vice President in modern history, breaking the record.

In the NBC News survey conducted earlier this month, barely thirty-two percent of registered voters have a positive view on the Vice President, compared to the forty-nine percent that claimed they had a negative view. This left Harris with a net negative rating of -17 points, or as NBC News reported on Monday, June 26th, “the lowest for any vice president in the poll’s history.” This comes to no surprise, as thirty-nine percent of respondents stated that they had a “very negative” view of Harris.

The outlet said that Kamala Harris’ approval rating is at an all-time low. She took the record that was first set in 1995 by Al Gore, President Bill Clinton’s Vice President. For example, Harris’s predecessor, Vice President Mike Pence was at a 34 percent positive and 38 percent negative rating in October of 2019 during his tenure. This left him with a -4 rating.

Though, throughout her tenure in the White House, however, Harris has been met with criticism from detractors that protest that she hasn’t adequately prioritized her position as the leader of Biden’s administration’s efforts for any of the tasks she has been put up to, such as the migration challenge in the U.S.- Mexican border. Biden severely needs her help, because his initiative skills aren’t up to the task, either. Though, instead, she has adopted his continuous stream of incoherent “word salads” when speaking publicly.

President Joe Biden has decided to keep Harris as his running mate when he announces his re-election campaign for 2024 this past April, in spite of her very poor approval ratings. However, according to Axios, during the time of his announcement, the White House and Biden’s campaign were continuously working to reshape Harris’s public image. They were concerned that she could be a potential issue for how impactful his ticket would turn out.

Biden is known for his diminishing mental and physical capabilities and Kamala Harris’ negative ratings together have Democrats fearful of her taking the seat as president if Biden, the oldest president in the country’s history, can no longer fulfill the role.

An example of this mounting fear was earlier this year when Democrats were piling on Harris once again, questioning her knowledge of basic politics and political skills. All the while, they were avoiding endorsing her for the presidency.

Washington Post reporter Cleve R. Wootson Jr. said that several anonymous claims have been made by concerned Democrats, unable to comprehend her potential presidency or her remaining Vice President next year, Fox News reported.

An article titled “Some Democrats are worried about Harris’s political prospects,” featured Wootson’s comments that it was based on interviews with “more than a dozen Democratic leaders in key states.” Additionally, he said that numerous prominent members of the party have expressed their concerns about Harris’ political future.

“Harris’s tenure has been underwhelming, they said, marked by struggles as a communicator and at times near-invisibility, leaving many rank-and-file Democrats unpersuaded that she has the force, charisma, and skill to mount a winning presidential campaign,” he wrote.

“People are poised to pounce on anything — any misstep, any gaffe, anything she says — and so she’s probably not getting the benefit of the doubt,” said former Cobb County Democrats Chair Jacquelyn Bettadapur, a Harris supporter. She added, “It doesn’t help that she’s not [that] adept as a communicator.”

The story followed a radio interview with Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass), who publicly praised Kamala Harris, but also said that she wouldn’t be endorsing her vice presidency in the upcoming election.

“I really want to defer to what makes Biden comfortable on his team,” Warren said. “I’ve known Kamala for a long time. I like Kamala. I knew her back when she was an attorney general and I was still teaching and we worked on the housing crisis together, so we go way back. But they need — they have to be a team, and my sense is they are — I don’t mean that by suggesting I think there are any problems. I think they are.”

However, she later retracted these comments.

The post Kamala Just Broke Terrible 30-Year Record appeared first on The Republic Brief.

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