Marjorie Taylor Greene Makes Major Announcement Nobody Saw Coming

Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has demanded that the GOP-controlled House censure President Joe Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland. The vehement Georgia Republican suggested that Garland and Matthew Graves, the US Attorney for the District of Columbia, should both be impeached.

In a recent tweet, she criticized the AG, saying that his “refusal to prosecute Joe and Hunter Biden while persecuting President Trump and many conservatives is grounds for impeachment,” and that “it’s absolutely unacceptable to allow these criminals to maintain power.”

She mentioned in another tweet that soon after Biden took office, she moved to impeach him.

“I filed Articles of Impeachment on Joe Biden’s first full day in office,” she wrote. “We already knew many of the crimes he committed then, but now we know so much more in just 6 months of a Republican-led House thanks to the important investigative work being done on @GOPOversight.”

The House GOP leadership does not, however, seem eager to act.

“House Republicans have introduced multiple impeachment resolutions against President Joe Biden, focused largely on what they call lax enforcement of the U.S. border with Mexico. Other House impeachment efforts target Attorney General Merrick Garland and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on the border issue and over investigations, or lack thereof, regarding bad boy presidential son Hunter Biden,” the Washington Examiner reported.

“But just because a batch of high-profile House Republicans are pushing to oust Biden and members of his team from office doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. House Republican leaders have many considerations on the impeachment front. Starting, of course, with whether evidence exists to warrant a removal attempt. Then there’s the potential political blowback should the narrow House majority move ahead, considering impeachment efforts are virtually guaranteed to fail in the Senate, where there’s nowhere near a two-thirds majority willing to convict,” the outlet added.

Regarding the impeachment process, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and other members of the House leadership group have been ambivalent.

Americans are extremely worried about Biden as the 2024 election approaches because throughout the first half of 2023, his net approval rating dropped by more than four points.

According to a survey by Echelon Insights, a startling one-third of participants said they planned to vote a different candidate in the Democratic primary before the 2024 election instead of Biden.

According to the poll, 60% of respondents said they would “definitely” or “probably” support Biden in the Democratic presidential primary if it were held today. Another 33% said they would back a different Democrat, and 7% said they were undecided.

“In the same poll, Biden receives more support when the names of two Democratic primary challengers—environmental activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the nephew of President John F. Kennedy and son of Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and self-help author Marianne Williamson—are included in a question about who voters would back in a Democratic presidential primary,” Newsweek reported.

Similar results have been seen in other recent polls, showing that the performance of the Biden administration has been worrisome to the point where some Democrats are interested in an alternative candidate for 2024 as Biden deteriorates physically and psychologically.

“In April, Biden formally announced he is seeking a second term in the White House, with polling showing he is the firm frontrunner to be the Democrats’ 2024 presidential candidate, potentially setting up a rematch against Donald Trump. Thus Biden’s popularity is likely to play a key role in determining who serves as president from January 2025 onwards,” the outlet noted further.

In a different poll, Vice President Kamala Harris’ popularity rating is considerably low, and Joe Biden’s job approval is stable.

“President Biden’s disapproval rating has ticked up to include a slim majority of voters, according to a poll. In an Emerson College poll released Thursday, 51 percent of respondents said they disapprove of Biden’s performance as president, up 2 percentage points from April. Just 41 percent of voters approved of Biden’s job as president, which is consistent with the April poll,” The Hill reported.

“Biden has been fundraising for his reelection campaign in California as part of a travel blitz to raise money ahead of his first 2024 campaign finance report in July. The poll also found that 73 percent of Democratic primary voters would vote for Biden, which is much higher compared to his Democratic primary challengers. Only 15 percent of voters said they would vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and 3 percent would vote for Marianne Williamson,” the outlet added.

The president and his running mate have received similarly poor ratings in other studies of a similar nature. A majority of registered voters believe that Biden is “too old for another term” in government, according to a Yahoo News/YouGov poll conducted earlier this month. Almost seven out of ten people (68%) acknowledged that they have an issue with the president’s age of 80.

The post Marjorie Taylor Greene Makes Major Announcement Nobody Saw Coming appeared first on The Republic Brief.

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