Mystery Deepens Over Obama’s Chef’s Death After Secret Service’s Latest Discovery

Recently disclosed law enforcement documents from the Edgarton, MA, Police Department, acquired in accordance with the Massachusetts Public Records Law, reveal that the Secret Service had officially reported the disappearance of Tafari Campbell, who held the position of President Obama’s personal chef. Subsequently, his deceased body was subsequently discovered in close proximity to Martha’s Vineyard, with the aid of sonar technology.

The documents, acquired by Judicial Watch, indicate that Campbell’s attire was discovered apart from the deceased individual, and it was observed that a life vest was not being utilized. A number of more significant particulars pertaining to the drowning occurrence, transpiring on the 23rd of July in the year 2023, in Martha’s Vineyard, were withheld via redaction.

The publicly disclosed records also encompass a computer-aided dispatch (CAD) incident report that is dated July 23rd.

Secret Service Agent [redacted] adv swimmers unable to locate the party at this time. Party last scene [sic] wearing all black, on a paddle board, African American male.

Rev’vd a 911 call from the above noted RP [reporting person] who identified as a Secret Service member. RP is req [requesting] at least an ambulance response, unsure of the exact services needed.

RP advd best access is from the residence, they are deploying a rescue swimmer and a zodiac boat right now.

RP adv no lifevest was worn, they have recovered the paddle board and clothing. Still no contact with missing party. They still have a boat and rescue swimmers in the area.

According to the documents, at precisely 8:25 p.m., the Oak Bluffs Fire Department initiated the deployment of a dive team. At 8:36 p.m., an aerial response was initiated with the deployment of both a Coast Guard and a state police helicopter.

In the email containing the reports, Police Chief Bruce McNamee indicated that the Massachusetts State Police had requested the redaction of the identities of a witness including a Secret Service agent.

The establishment of the search operations’ headquarters took place at Wilson’s Landing, a frequently utilized boat launch site. The search efforts were conducted by dive and search teams hailing from Oak Bluffs, Tisbury, and West Tisbury.

The next day, Sergeant William Bishop made the following statement:

Once on location [Wilson’s Landing] we established a command post. I requested through MSP a search helicopter, and Chief Schaeffer requested a USCG helicopter as well. Search & Dive teams from Edgartown, Oak Bluffs, Tisbury, West Tisbury responded via mutual aid. An extensive search began for several hours. A last known location was established, and Trooper Shaw of MSP also assisted with operations.

I instructed Officer Guest and Officer Dacey to commence a shoreline search effort starting from the closest house and working outward. Both Officers checked every house with waterfront access in the search area. Unfortunately, the search did not yield and results.

Both air wings conducted a search until their fuel supply forced a return to base.

At or about 11PM the dive and land search was suspended. Edgartown and Oak Bluffs Fire planned to continue a grid search by boat for the remainder of the night. At first light, dive team operations will continue. During the duration of this incident the entrance to Wilson’s Landing was closed as to give responders room to work.

The next morning the dive team search continued, and a deceased Mr. Campbell was located using sonar. The investigation will now be handled by Massachusetts State Police and The Cape and Islands District Attorney’s Office. No further action.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton expressed “It is concerning that Judicial Watch had to push and push for information on this tragic death, such as the new revelation that the Obama’s Secret Service protection reported Mr. Campbell missing.”

Soon after his identification was confirmed, social media users started to make comparisons to a 2015 tragedy in which Walter Scheib, 61, a former executive chef at the White House, was found drowned after going on a hike in New Mexico’s Yerba Canyon. Scheib had previously worked for the White House of former President Bill Clinton, according to an article from USA Today at the time.

Holy sh*t. This wasn’t even the first time.

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) July 24, 2023

So Clinton AND Obama chef’s both drowned.


— Spitfire (@DogRightGirl) July 25, 2023

Tafari Campbell is a former White House chef who cooked for the Obama family.

Walter Scheib is another former chef for the White House and cooked for the Clinton family.

Both of these men drowned.

— Amiri King (@AmiriKing) July 25, 2023

After the first report described how an anonymous companion had reported the occurrence to the 911 dispatcher connected to the multimillion-dollar mansion belonging by the Obamas, suspicion surrounding the Sunday night drowning only deepened.

People Magazine provided a few more details, including that the body was found in only 8 feet of water, which isn’t deep at all:

Massachusetts State Police, who confirmed Campbell’s death to PEOPLE, said in a news release that Campbell, who was from Dumfries, Virginia, was recovered by divers from a pond on Edgartown Great Road shortly before 10 a.m. ET.

“MSP Underwater Recovery Unit divers made the recovery after the victim’s body was located by Massachusetts Environmental Police Officers deploying side-scan sonar from a boat,” the department said in the release, noting the recovery was made “approximately 100 feet from shore at a depth of about eight feet.”

The search started at 7:46 p.m. ET on Sunday when Martha’s Vineyard police and fire agencies responded to a 911 call for “a male paddle boarder who had gone into the water, appeared to briefly struggle to stay on the surface, and then submerged and did not resurface.”

A shot of the pond on Monday

After the victim’s identity was made public, a 2017 photo of him and his wife in Aruba with the caption #stillcantswim quickly went viral.

But further investigation of his Instagram page revealed that the chef “later became a proficient swimmer.”


The Obama chef who reportedly drowned later became a proficient swimmer.

More from his IG feed.

This is very weird…

— Jordan Schachtel @ (@JordanSchachtel) July 24, 2023

Obama’s chef who drowned while paddleboarding in a 8 ft deep pond by Obama’s home was a decent swimmer. This is from his IG:

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) July 25, 2023

Incident Report

The post Mystery Deepens Over Obama’s Chef’s Death After Secret Service’s Latest Discovery appeared first on The Republic Brief.

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