Obama Gives Enraging Anti-American Response to Hamas Attack

The response of former President Barack Obama to the Iranian-backed Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel, resulting in numerous casualties and injuries, has been characterized by his continued silence.

The Obama administration, as well as the presidential library or foundation affiliated with Democratic past Presidents, such as Bill Clinton, have refrained from issuing any official statements regarding the ongoing conflict.

In contrast, the Clinton Foundation has not issued any statements regarding the aforementioned attacks.

Nevertheless, Hillary Clinton issued a formal statement on Sunday evening, expressing her viewpoint:

“My prayers are with everyone affected by the horrific attacks by Hamas in Israel. The United States stands in strong support of our ally, today and every day.”

However, both President Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama have refrained from making public statements regarding the attacks.

To yet, the Obama Foundation and its affiliated social media accounts have not released any official statements regarding the Hamas assaults in Israel.

“Not one word from Obama, and why is that? Is he too busy? Or simply indifferent? Or could it be that, having given millions to Iran, he is privately celebrating his role in taking Israel down a notch,” Conservative author Dinesh D’Souza raised a query on X, suggesting the possibility that the individual in issue may be privately commemorating their involvement in diminishing Israel’s standing, potentially attributed to their substantial financial contributions to Iran.

Not one word from Obama, and why is that? Is he too busy? Or simply indifferent? Or could it be that, having given millions to Iran, he is privately celebrating his role in taking Israel down a notch? #IsraelUnderAttack

— Dinesh D’Souza (@DineshDSouza) October 7, 2023

Simultaneously, remarks were published by former Presidents Donald Trump and George W. Bush regarding the ongoing war.

President Trump expressed his disapproval of the attacks, characterizing them as a “disgrace.” He emphasized the need for Israel to protect itself by employing “overwhelming force.”

In a message shared on Truth Social, President Trump expressed “These Hamas attacks are a disgrace and Israel has every right to defend itself with overwhelming force.”

“Sadly, American taxpayer dollars helped fund these attacks, which many reports are saying came from the Biden Administration.”

“We brought so much peace to the Middle East through the Abraham Accords, only to see Biden whittle it away at a far more rapid pace than anyone thought possible. Here we go again,” he added.

A statement was also released by the George W. Bush Presidential Center.

“We urge the United States and our allies to stand unequivocally with Israel, its government and people, and support Israel’s right to defend itself against these threats,” the center wrote.

“Attacks on free and democratic states anywhere are attacks on all of us, whether in Israel, Ukraine, or elsewhere.”

The Carter Center issued a statement on Sunday expressing strong condemnation towards the deliberate targeting of both Israeli and Palestinian civilians. The statement further emphasizes the need for authentic engagement and worldwide concerted efforts to effectively cease hostilities in the region.

“Our hearts are heavy with sorrow for the tragic loss of innocent lives on all sides of the conflict. We urge all parties to prioritize the protection and well-being of civilians by refraining from actions that target residential areas,” the Carter Center stated.

“The Carter Center acknowledges the profound historical and religious significance this region holds for all parties involved.

The fundamental human rights of all residents of the region must be protected, land claims and security concerns addressed, and the sanctity of Muslim and Christian holy sites preserved. In addition, it is crucial to recognize the complex dynamics of this situation, including the ongoing occupation.”

The center issued a plea for active engagement by the world community in the construction of peace within the area.

“The urgency for a robust and renewed peace process has never been greater,” the center continued.

“There is not a military solution to the crisis – only a political one. We implore the international community to fulfill its responsibilities and reinvigorate a credible process that brings peace and security for both Israelis and Palestinians while safeguarding the lives of all civilians.”

On Saturday, the security cabinet of Israel made the decision to engage in armed conflict following an unanticipated assault by Hamas militants, who launched a substantial barrage of rockets into the southern region of Israel.

In a formal declaration, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emphasized that the current situation should be characterized as a state of war rather than a mere operation.

“Hamas has launched a murderous surprise attack against the State of Israel and its citizens. I ordered first of all to cleanse the settlements of the terrorists who had infiltrated and ordered a large-scale mobilization of reserves.”

The series of recent acts of terrorism in Iran resulted in the loss of life of over 600 Israeli individuals, with an additional 100 individuals being held captive.

More than 600 Israeli civilians and military personnel have experienced fatalities, while over 100 civilians, including a significant number of children and elderly individuals, have been abducted and relocated to the Gaza Strip.

The post Obama Gives Enraging Anti-American Response to Hamas Attack appeared first on The Republic Brief.

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