Outrage Over How Top Fox Host Dana Perino Publicly Introduced Hillary Clinton

The recent discussion presented by Fox News-Univision was characterized by an unconventional atmosphere, as the moderators from a reputedly right-leaning news network seemed to prioritize the promotion of leftist viewpoints rather than posing inquiries pertinent to conservative individuals.

It is evident that one of the moderators present on the platform holds a particular affinity for the distinguished individual, Hillary R Clinton.

Dana Perino, a prominent figure in the media industry known for her extensive tenure as a broadcaster on Fox News, assumed the role of a debate moderator during a recent panel discussion at the Clinton Foundation’s Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) annual conference.

Notably, Perino garnered recognition for her prior service as a press secretary for former President George W. Bush.

Perino assumed the role of host and actively engaged in a session entitled, “Journalism on the Front Lines: How Supporting a Strong, Free Press Strengthens Democratic Societies Worldwide.”

The panel discussion was characterized by a lack of notable incidents and was marked by extensive criticism of Russia and the adoption of a morally superior stance.

However, the subsequent events took an unexpected turn for the political commentator affiliated with Fox News.

Subsequently, Perino proceeded to introduce Hillary Clinton, characterizing her as “the amazing Secretary Hillary Clinton,” prior to engaging in an embrace with the former Secretary of State and relinquishing the microphone.

We all know Hillary Clinton isn’t amazing. That adjective only applies to Spiderman.


Unbelievable how only a week before she hosted the Republican debate, Dana Perino hosted a fundraiser for the CLINTON GLOBAL INITIATIVE, and introduced Hillary Clinton with, “The amazing Secretary Clinton”#DanaPerinoCanOnlyBeCorruptAlso pic.twitter.com/othKvq5Rqi

— ʟᴇғᴛ ᴄᴏᴀˢᴛ ᴠᴀɢʀᴀɴᴛ (@Baklava_USA) September 29, 2023

The annual Clinton Global Initiative gathering serves as an opportunity for affluent and influential individuals to convene in New York City and publicly demonstrate their commitment to moral values and bravery, although in a performative manner.

The list of sponsors for the CGI encompassed a range of entities that have been associated with morally objectionable activities, such as Pfizer, the corporate entity that owns Moderna, an individual involved in the alleged laundering of Hunter Biden’s artwork, as well as several other entities and individuals who have not been formally charged with criminal offenses.

The roster of speakers encompassed prominent individuals such as Bill and Hillary, as well as esteemed members of the Biden Administration’s cabinet, including Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. Notable figures including Pope Francis, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, Cindy McCain, Ashley Judd, Matt Damon, and numerous other widely recognized personalities were also featured.

The Trump team has formally requested the Republican National Committee to cease organizing any additional primary debates subsequent to a second debate, which former President Donald Trump chose not to participate in.

The aforementioned statement was transmitted over electronic mail by the press office of Donald Trump shortly before the conclusion of the debate on Wednesday evening. As is characteristic of matters pertaining to Trump, the statement is simultaneously predictable and deserving of media attention.

The communication originated from Senior Advisor Chris LaCivita, who characterized the second debate as “boring and inconsequential” prior to highlighting Trump’s prominent position in primary polling. Nevertheless, it seems that he may have embellished the lead by a considerable extent.

LaCivita then advocated for the cessation of future primary debates in order to foster unity within the Republican party and consolidate their endeavors to overcome Biden. Nevertheless, he employed a peculiar analogy of “train our fire” that is bound to elicit surprise.

Official Communication from Chris LaCivita, Senior Advisor to the Trump Campaign

“Tonight’s GOP debate was as boring and inconsequential as the first debate, and nothing that was said will change the dynamics of the primary contest being dominated by President Trump. President Trump has a 40- or 50-point lead in the primary election and a 10-point lead over Joe Biden in the general election, and it’s clear that President Trump alone can defeat Biden. The RNC should immediately put an end to any further primary debates so we can train our fire on Crooked Joe Biden and quit wasting time and money that could be going to evicting Biden from the White House.”

The probability of future primary debates ceasing altogether is exceedingly low, approaching zero, partly attributed to the substantial advertising revenue and media attention generated by these events. However, the absence of the former president and probable nominee during Wednesday night’s debate rendered it practically unproductive.

Trump commented on debate participants on his Truth Social account:

“Chris Christie is talking about the job he did as Governor. He had a 9% approval rating. N.J. wanted to throw the “bum” out. Also, I built almost 500 miles of Wall (not 50, Sloppy Chris!), got Mexico to give us 28,000 soldiers (free of charge!), and had the safest and best Border in U.S. History, with record low drugs coming in!”

During a confidential discussion, Hillary Clinton advised President Joe Biden to acknowledge the potential impact of a third-party contender, given his current record-breaking disapproval ratings and his trailing position behind former President Donald Trump in some polls.

The post Outrage Over How Top Fox Host Dana Perino Publicly Introduced Hillary Clinton appeared first on The Republic Brief.

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