Peter Thiel Warming up Towards Trump’s Campaign – A Resounding Vote of Confidence

The entrepreneurial maverick from Silicon Valley, Peter Thiel, is warming up towards the campaign of Donald Trump after a period of icy relations. While he acknowledges that donating may not significantly sway the outcome in favor of Trump, he certainly seems to be opening up to the idea of supporting the Trump team once again.

Peter Thiel has been a prominent figure in Trump’s campaign, vividly seen through his pronounced support in the 2016 Republican National Convention. Following that, he went on to contribute over a million dollars to the Trump campaign, proving his solid backing.

There was a slight chill down the line in 2023 as Mr. Thiel chose not to openly back Mr. Trump’s second campaign bid. This led to a private disagreement over a phone call. Yet, as time went on, their relationship seems to have mended, especially after Trump decided to choose one of Thiel’s closest allies for his running mate.

During a recent interview, Peter Thiel expressed his increased optimism towards supporting the Republican nomination, although he stopped just shy of an overt endorsement. He also shared that he was apprehensive about making a sizeable contribution to bolster Trump’s campaign and his chosen Vice President, Senator JD Vance of Ohio.

In a candid conversation with the New York Times, Mr. Thiel admitted his wariness of getting caught up in political frenzy. Yet, he couldn’t dismiss feeling hopeful about a prospective fruitful second Trump term, even after the initial doubts and misgivings he held.

Despite his belief that the first term under Trump did not entirely fulfill its expectations, Mr. Thiel found himself ensuring his alliance with Trump in 2022 as two of his allies sought Trump’s crucial endorsement. JD Vance achieved victory, but unfortunately, Blake Masters lost to Senator Mark Kelly.

Mr. Thiel played a pivotal role in bringing Mr. Vance into closer proximity with Trump. Interestingly, the relationship between Vance and Trump has grown stronger than that between Trump and Thiel. As the selection process for the vice-presidential nominee was coming to a close, Thiel privately recommended Vance to Trump.

Mr. Thiel was evidently elated during a Friday interview that his suggestion turned out to be a successful one. He couldn’t help but express his admiration for Senator Vance, praising his intelligence, charisma, temperament, and inherent goodness. He even joked about how finding a candidate possessing all four qualities must have been truly challenging.

Despite these developments, Thiel appears somewhat weary of the political divide. After pumping $35 million into the 2022 campaign of Vance and Masters, Thiel has shown signs of wishing to limit his political interactions. Due to his previous contributions, the Trump campaign and the Republican party watch him closely and consider him a significant contributor.

Mr. Thiel’s contributions to Trump’s campaigns are more than just monetary; he provided credibility to Trump by endorsing him and serving as his Silicon Valley’s liaison. Thiel didn’t contribute financially to Trump’s second term bid in 2020. Today, he seems not overly zealous to get involved financially once more.

On being questioned about his intentions to contribute financially to the campaign, he confidently declared his faith in the Trump-Vance ticket. Peter Thiel disagrees with the notion that Trump’s campaign essentially requires his monetary assistance, therefore, leaning towards not parting with his funds.

Thiel reflected on the 2024 election and drew parallels with the 1968 race featuring Democratic administration and a third-party candidate, George Wallace. According to him, the emergence of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as a third-party candidate indicates the public dissatisfaction with the current incumbents, just like in 1968. He predicts a similar outcome in favor of Trump as was for Nixon over half a century ago.

Looking at the upcoming election, Thiel is of the view that Trump is on course for a resonating victory, much like the 1980 and 1992 campaigns won by Reagan and Clinton, respectively. According to him, Trump stands a strong chance of winning, and the Democrats are likely headed towards a loss, and hence, financial support doesn’t seem to be the defining factor in this regard.

Peter Thiel Warming up Towards Trump’s Campaign – A Resounding Vote of Confidence appeared first on Real News Now.

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