Remove Immediately: More Americans Warm To Impeaching Joe Biden

Since articles of impeachment were introduced by Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene in May, the support to impeach President Joe Biden has steadily grown. The investigation into the Biden family’s international business dealings has revealed multiple pieces of evidence showing a basis for the impeachment.

The charges against Hunter Biden and the falling apart of his plea deal further support such an action. As more whistleblowers come forward, those who were reticent or questioned impeachment at this time, are now supporting the action.

On Tuesday, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) referred to the accounts of two Internal Revenue Service (IRS) whistleblowers and stated that launching an impeachment inquiry would aid Republicans in obtaining crucial documents that reveal potential misconduct by law enforcement officials favoring Hunter Biden, Conservative Brief reports.

GOP Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik of New York also supported that stance, which aligns with the approach Democrats took in 2019 during former President Donald Trump’s initial impeachment.

“I strongly support the speaker. We’re producing more evidence every day that shows this president has broken many laws, his family has broken many laws, and they won’t respond to simple questions like, ‘What did your family do to receive the millions of dollars from our enemies around the world?’ So I think that’s something I would support,” noted Oversight Committee chairman James Comer (R-Ky.), adding that Hunter Biden’s collapsed plea agreement would not alter or affect his committee’s ongoing investigations.

House Republicans who have been pushing for impeachment are reaffirming their previous demands, considering the leadership’s messaging as validation. The House had already voted strictly along party lines to send an impeachment resolution put forth by Colorado Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert to the Homeland Security and Judiciary committees earlier, the Daily Caller reported.

Greene told the Daily Caller: “The President is on record of lying. He said that he had known nothing about his son’s business deals. He knows nothing about any of this stuff, but it is now proven that he has lied to the American people that cannot be ignored, and we can’t sweep it under the rug.

“So the responsibility literally lies with the Republican conference to take up an impeachment inquiry. And I think that’s the right thing to do. I’m very happy,” she noted further.

“I’ve been calling for impeaching Joe Biden since Sen. Grassley released the FD-1023 suggesting that Joe Biden abused his power to enrich his family and assist foreign nationals. If Republicans substantiate these allegations, Joe Biden must be removed from office immediately,” Indiana Rep. Jim Banks told the outlet.

Time Magazine acknowledges that the upswing in impeachment support by formerly reticent Republicans can be attributed to the recent IRS whistleblowers in regard to Hunter Biden’s plea deal and the news of a Democratic donor who bought an expensive painting from the younger Biden and then received a “cushy posting” from the President (Hunter Biden’s paintings are alleged to be a way to conceal political donations).

Time continues that another factor is the testimony Monday of Devon Archer, who has corroborated claims that Joe Biden did participate in his son’s business dealings.

In regard to McCarthy’s changing perspective on impeachment, a senior White House staffer who is familiar with the matter told Time, “The evidence and stuff that’s come out is what is causing him to change his tune.”

Although Democrats rushed to attempt to impeach then-President Donald Trump on little or no evidence during the end of his first term, some Republicans are not on board with the impeachment initiative against Joe Biden at this time, emphasizing the importance of ongoing investigations.

U.S. Attorney from Delaware David Weiss, who reportedly was involved in agreeing to Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea bargain, is scheduled to testify before the House Judiciary Committee to address the Hunter Biden criminal probe after the August recess, Conservative Brief noted.

“The American people elected this Republican majority in part on a promise that we would provide oversight of the Biden administration, and we are doing just that from Secretary Mayorkas to Director Wray and the Biden family’s corrupt business dealings. The investigations our committees are conducting will provide the American people with the transparency they deserve,” Whip Tom Emmer, the third-ranking House Republican, told The DC.

“It’s a major response to what we see going on here. It’s not out of line at least to inquire as to the depth of what’s going on here. That doesn’t mean you necessarily just run out and do impeachment. I think impeachment’s been abused the last few years, and so it’s not something to be taken lightly,” California Rep. Doug LaMalfa told the outlet

But conservative Republicans feel the time is now. Republican Corey Mills of Florida told Time, ” he’s the most corrupt President in our nation’s history. It’s absolutely warranted”.

On Saturday, former President Trump declared at a Pennsylvania rally, “Any Republican that doesn’t act on Democratic fraud should be immediately primaried and get out.”

The post Remove Immediately: More Americans Warm To Impeaching Joe Biden appeared first on The Republic Brief.

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