Rumors Swirl Over Plan To ‘Install’ Kamala Harris As President

According to some reports, a growing number of Democrats are supporting President Joe Biden’s reelection because they are more at ease with the idea that Vice President Kamala Harris might take over as head of state and carry out her duties.

According to a recent Suffolk University/USA Today poll, a staggering 86 percent of Democratic Biden supporters said they were either very or somewhat comfortable with the idea of Harris taking over as president if both Biden and Harris are re-elected for another four years and Biden is unable to finish his term.

The likelihood of Harris winning the presidency is thought to be a highly likely scenario, according to insiders who spoke to Fox News Digital. This outcome would surely have an impact on all Americans and might potentially cause a big political ripple across the country.

“The DNC’s strategy to ensure the Democrat establishment remains in power is to re-elect Joe Biden, no matter how old or capable he is, and then get him to resign or step aside and install Kamala Harris as president,” said former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, an Independent who ran for president in 2020 as a Democrat.

“She will be untested and unelected and ready to act as the Democrat Establishment’s puppet president. She will then have the advantage and power of incumbency to run in 2028,” she told the outlet.

“None of this is possible if Biden doesn’t run. If Kamala were to try to run for president herself, there would be heavy competition and no way she would win. This is why they are uniting around Joe Biden’s re-election – to ensure Kamala Harris is able to assume the throne unchallenged,” Gabbard noted further.

She declared that Harris “is clearly not qualified to serve as commander in chief” and that having the first female president of the nation would be “disastrous and dangerous” for the nation.

“This should be a major issue for voters, but the mainstream media will continue to try to cover for her because they don’t want the American people to know the truth: a President Kamala Harris would be disastrous and dangerous for all Americans and our country,” she said.

Doug Schoen, a Democratic pollster and the founder and partner of Schoen Cooperman Research, concurs that Harris isn’t prepared for the spotlight and cited her persistently low popularity ratings as evidence.

“Democrats may be happy with Kamala Harris taking over, but the rest of the electorate almost certainly is not,” Schoen said. “Harris has lower approval ratings than Biden, and remains very much an open question to the electorate whether she is ready and indeed able to govern.”

Fox News contributor and civil rights attorney Leo Terrell predicts that Democrats will pitch a “Biden-Harris” package to the public in 2024.

“They have no choice. Democrats would alienate their most loyal constituency, black females, if they do not sell Harris as a viable replacement for President Biden. This is the problem Democrats will face because they play identity politics. When you select a candidate based on skin color or ethnicity in lieu of competence, you end up with a Kamala Harris. Moreover, the Democratic donor base has demanded that Harris be presented as a competent replacement,” he said.

“There is no way in hell the American public believe that Kamala Harris is qualified to replace Joe Biden, or to serve a single second as president of the United States of America,” he said.

Harris’ poor polling results don’t “surprise” Marc Lotter, the chief communications officer for the America First Policy Institute and a former special assistant to President Trump.

“Make no mistake, Harris will certainly be an anchor on the Democrat ticket, given her horrible approval ratings and history of being a very poor candidate,” he told the network.

“Democrats are campaigning for Biden with the ultimate hope that Biden will continue to be healthy and last through the four years,” added Hank Sheinkopf, a former Democratic consultant for the Clinton-Gore Campaign.

The post Rumors Swirl Over Plan To ‘Install’ Kamala Harris As President appeared first on The Republic Brief.

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